PoTaTo came back too
I don't remember when I typed this but turns out Scavino felt the same way at approximately the same time. Maybe he watches GC here kek
That was my first thought when I seen this, however:
He became a citizen in 2002 and Article I, Section II, Clause 5, of the U.S. Constitution, concerning the choosing of a speaker, does not explicitly state House membership as a requirement.
I think he may actually be eligible.
I get feels like this is a distraction, but I think I would support it.
I've made and posted memes/graphics here and had them end up on major accounts. I even had one years back end up on the msm nightly news talking points as disinfo.
I don't care. If the info is getting out, we are doing what we are supposed to.
2329 - ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS. We are grateful.
What a time to be alive. Pay attention frens. This shit is gonna be in history books. Accountability, The Great Awakening. It's in front of us right now. What an amazing progression over the last couple of years. God bless each of you.
Republicans are reportedly having a hard time getting votes for the 1,500 page spending bill because of Elon Musk's crusade against it, per PunchBowl News.
Image of the declaration
Seems like a description of the US - Fed gov and State gov
Within a world federalist National model, different regions or blocs States could have their own legislative bodies and governance structures, while certain key issues like global National security or environmental protection would be handled by a central world the Federal government.