Listen, I may have been harsh mate, and for that I do apologize. I definitely included some emotion in the argument for which you rightly called me out.
But, Mr rocket man (pun intended) I fear you are not seeing the simplest of all solutions. While it’s difficult to get the data you seek, we actually have the data and much more data for statistical analysis. The lying main stream media does not give us all the facts, and nor does The Who or cdc.
It seems to me, a simple solution is to look at the states in the US that are having extremely low death rates, aren’t they all states with higher vaccinations? My point is I believe the vaccine works and it was approved under EUA for the purpose of profits- time will tell whether it is more or less efficacious than conventional cheaper drugs.
Is this a perfect medicine, hell no. I’m actually starting to be very impressed with the now over 60 studies done on ivermectin.
But in my view, the vaccine is a major cog in a machinery of solutions. In the end the benefit was greater than risk... the US approaching 700K deaths, that would easily be 1-2 Million people without the vaccines. Kill rate is higher for elderly and obese but it still kills adults
Time will tell if long term affects of vaccines are harmful but I think it is not a population culling device, I refuse to believe that- simply because it’s inefficient and wouldn’t poison or nuclear weapons be better... or maybe energy directed weaponry. I dunno. I think Trump was in a bind w chinas release of the bioweapon. This attack was their contingency plan should globalists be challenged in any form (the outsider- Trump).
Evil exists and so does greed, but we must not mirror the tyrannical fools that try to rule over us. We should be kind to those that are vaccinated and not wish them harm, and unvaccinated alike, regardless of the libtards and authoritarian idiots who have censored HCQ and ivermectin, have done much harm in our political divide - those that have hidden the truth about medications- for profit- just because they act a evil doesn’t mean we patriots must do the same and fight one another.
Your solution is GME? laughable. Obv you have skin in the game, but nice preamble.
Crypto can be manipulated like every single investment you mentioned, but I think it is the big F U to the cabal bankers.
When the serfs can create currency (aka essentially what crypto has done)- you now have a challenge to the authority.
The US and China cabal moving against crypto is a BUY signal. They will only amplify the already volatile market, they cannot stop it and they’re worried.
The US banking system is backed by the military.
If Q is real, there is a faction going on, meaning crypto cannot really be challenged in the way a cabal would want to take it down. Crypto ruins everything for them. Unfortunately it also erodes some financial markets where we may have investments ( retirement, etc).
My advice is have DIVERSE investments. Real estate, crypto, 401K, stock, IRA- etc
Stay away from single stock fantasies - aka game stop. And stay away from those highly manipulative and stupid Reddit sites that have egotistical and maniacal wall streeters trying to game the system for their personal gain.
By the way I have never said this but a typo is why I have a “Y” at the end of my name. Good day patriots and God bless America.
No one can really time the market! I invested speculatively in crypto earlier this year and am down about 30%.
Some key crypto are down and may be an opportunity (not advice ) are Dogecoin, Shib, Feg , XCH, Rune, Nano, Trx, Vet, VTHo, Cardano, etc.
My opinion, to make real money you have to either A) get really lucky B) buy and hold various crypto for several years or C) learn all the ins and outs, probably master using some type of crypto trading Software. (This is probably the best, but also difficult to i dratand and not a guarantee)
We need more info please. Are they Chinese Americans or actual CCP?... link/source.. this would be good to do across the spectrum of American industry- not just political and media arenas- pharmaceutical, legal, regulatory and logistics.
Was this post’s data cross-referencing some sort of list of CCP operatives? I imagine all of the diversity and inclusion garbage is being done in order to get “their guys” in positions of power. This is the EASIEST way. Claim “racism”, anti-“Asian crimes are rising”, “white supremacism” and “lack of diversity” and viola- you now can easily have 50,000 new Asian executives hypothetically reporting to the CCP.
Doesn’t harm to research CCP threats. Please do more patriots. Like this post so more eyes see this, the cause is important. TY
Misleading. Your title should read “People who got vaccine from 7/2020-12/2020 twice as likely to have break thru infection vs those vaccinated betw 12/20-3/2021
This indicates the vaccine wanes over time.
First off, I said better link, not better article. If you were paying attention to the article, you’d see the graph was embedded in the article.
***The point was the trend is clear that unvaccinated are ending up in the ICU at much higher rates.
***This is happening EVERYWHERE.
***Did you just ask me to prove the mRNA vaccine works? Hilarious. The burden to prove it worked has been accomplished, now we also have empirical evidence on top of clinical data. This just shows me how amateur you are, placing the burden to prove the vaccine works while actually ignoring data that exists. The burden lies on you who denies that it works, not me or anyone else.
So while you float the idea of rejecting garbage data, after asking to see more data (which in itself is a conundrum) I’d like to point out that bad data is when people parrot factoids that vaccinated severe hospital cases are up 1100%. Because you see, when I inspect that data, it’s always LOW numbers. For example 2 severe vax people have Covid in March, now let’s say for example that number is 22 cases. That’s 1100%. Ring the fire alarm the vax is killing people! Right? That’s your logic, am I right? Of course let’s ignore the VOLUME of severe cases of unvaccinated, right? If a child needs an ICU bed, and it has been occupied by someone unvaccinated - while there is room today, in 4 months how should we solve that moral dilemma if there is no room? Should we treat you instead of another, simply because you refused facts?
I think that should be in the hospital’s rights if it gets to that point, as I also simultaneously believe that it’s our rights to choose a vaccine, I don’t believe in passports or tyranny. I walked into a sushi/ramen place and was refused service for not wearing a mask. I was angry about that, even though I’m fully vaccinated. I do believe we should see things start to go back to normal as the numbers go down. But unfortunately, they are trending the wrong way. 2 people I know in my ext ended family were hospitalized w Covid, I didn’t ask if they were vaccinated) but if i were a betting man...
That data is everywhere. Even in red states w conservative doctors, people will say but they’re all “bought by big pharma”, right? Did you know polio vaccine virtually helped eliminate child leukemia. Do you know that not everything is a lie?
Let’s obfuscate the fact that the vaccine has kept millions upon millions of people with comorbidities and other conditions either symptom free or at least out of the hospital. This is not debatable.
And while I respect your desire to be a maverick, and obfuscate all facts that don’t fit your narrative, I am also entitled to my professional opinion.
Secondly, Ask conservative medical doctors what they think. End point.
I am vaccinated. I haven’t died nor do I suspect I will.
The mRNA vaccine was developed over 20 years. Their are people who refuse and oppose it, I’m fine w that. But for you to sit there and pontificate your points and call the vaccine a poison and try to shame us patriots that took it is WRONG.
Patriots who took the vaccine exist. I’m not going to sit here and divide us like you are doing.
This is the problem w journalism and the left. They are a like a battered person in a relationship. They are in complete denial of reality and sadly locked into that relationship without the ability to escape. When they finally do en masse, and see the world as it is, we call it the “great awakening”.
The pretzel twisting on Reddit to simply comprehend what Rolling stone recently did is sad and entertaining all at once.
They cannot see the simple explanation. Ivermectin was being trashed because any solution to coronavirus must come from leftists czars!! Those 63 studies on, mostly positive - let’s ingnore them!- says the media. Leftists won’t even flinch. If it wasn’t printed in the WaPo it’s not a source to them.
Hence, the media, to uphold such a disillusioned narrative ala Russia Hoax style, in particular the fake news, utilize confirmation bias, misinfo, disinfo, and lies by omission. Their confirmation biases are more like a confirmation hunts. Except they’re hunting unicorns, which don’t exist, so they NEED to make up the story in its entirety.
When they get called out, like the sham idiots they are, the sheeple subscribers try to understand it with white gloves rather than instantly understand the obvious affliction.
They think to themselves , “it’s ok it’s ok, these are ‘good’ people who made a mistake”.. while others (likely paid professionals) throw in “good news” sources like the NYT wouldn’t do this, btw a complete garbage mill. Then they also conflate Fox News as somehow being to blame for its fakeness as an excuse for RS. These people are sick.
“■ Unvaccinated eight times more likely to experience severe COVID
■ Israel's 20% unvaccinated account for half of serious cases”
From haaretz article
better link; read the article and then comment
What is your take on take on this?
Stick to the subject- the claim is the “death rate” is going up. The final year in this hypothetical unscientific chart is 2099. That’s a whopping 69 years away. If the number of people on this planet doubles every couple of decades give or take, that would mean we’d be at 80 B people in 2099. There’s never going to be an accurate model, because assumptions have to be made about population growth and we’ve never been this high in known human history.
Therefore if the population is even 50-80 B in 2099, having a hundred million deaths is relatively small and actually a low death rate. Simple math. We need to also understand context. The stupidity of the graph claim was that the plandemic was supposed to kill more people- what idiots would launch a bio attack that ends in fucking 2099? Simple analysis would have shown that there are too many people with hysteria on our side. I am here to root out and call out the stupidity, otherwise our movement looks DUMB. And it is far from that.
We freed the slaves, we are the writers of history and we are the winners of wars. We are God’s beloved children. Sorry for being harsh my brothers, but I also am combatting the shill 3 letter agencies disinformation as well. In the end we will Win, but that doesn’t mean we don’t question or blindly follow one another. Remember to “research for yourself”- think critically.
Stay blessed.
We don’t have to agree with one another on every single topic to be part of the same family. We are the great awakening- part of that process is learning and growing together- for unity and peace (<- the prize). Not one of us is perfect so let’s respectful with one another when disagreeing.
Interesting assessment. So if 232 vaccinated died in Israel, that means the vaccine doesn’t work? This is the problem with stupidity, it may be even more contagious than the delta variant. Show me a study showing something has 100% efficacy. I’ll wait.
What you meant to say is the delta variant, which reduces vaccine efficacy is responsible for deaths, not the vaccine that saves tens of thousands of lives, of which were mild or non-symptoms, but they don’t count because those thousands of people aren’t applicable to your narrative.
If you are a disagree with me and want to reply, stick to the subject. The claim was that the vaccine doesn’t work. This is irresponsible. It’s as irresponsible as burying efficacy info on ivermectin and HCQ/zinc/azithro... if we’re going to be open and honest, let’s not spread lies. Thank you
Idea of “Freedom” INCLUDES innocent’s in the womb.
“Women’s rights” INCLUDES the female in the womb.
Conservatives view abortion as “ending a life”, not some watered down language: “choice”?!.
For example, does this sentence make sense to a liberal? Paul Wilkes Booth had a right to CHOICE when he CHOICED President Lincoln.
Use the correct terms, not gimmicks. This isn’t “freedom, women’s health or choice”, abortion is simply ripping a child limb from limb, vacuuming their brain, a violent death they simply did not choose and cannot defend against. It is murder.
All the arguments for it are societal hypotheticals, like what would happen to that woman’s career and woke white liberals will be the first to say “you want crack babies being born everywhere?” Pure racism hidden by a perverted agenda, b/c we know who abortion disproportionately affects.
We have Gab and other platforms. Let the shills come to us. Also, let’s demonetize the bastards who have repeatedly added insult to injury by showing ruthless bias and propaganda. Esp when it comes to election fraud. Q may have said fight the battle on all digital fronts, but that was before the fraudulent election. Now I say abandon Twitter as we have abandoned the fake news media.
F Twitter- abandoned them long ago. I was tired of being censored by them, as well as put in Twitter jail for innocuous comments. They are part of the “enemy of the people.”
Cases? Why not discuss deaths and ICU capacity and compare? Who cares if 10K have it if non-symptomatic
Video removed for violating terms of service ?
And I spoke clearly. What’s your counter point? I spent my life in medical field not sure if I could be more clear. Death rate occurs in both vax and unvax but way higher if we remain unvax. And if this shit mutates then you will be running for a cure. Do you honestly think the thousands of people it takes to make the vax are doing it for harm ? 5,000+ People are all in on it?
Wendy Rogers is a politician, and I am a huge fan when it comes to her election fraud battle.
However, I speak to conservative Trump-voting doctors and not a single one agrees with the mindset I have seen on here related to vaccines.
Can someone definitely explain how we have arrived here? Just because the coocoo, psychopath, antifa & BLM, crime ridden rotten dem party supports Vaccines, that makes it a no-go for conservatives ?
Personally. And I’m going to be mean here. I believe nearly every damn thing on here, but haven’t bought into the hype about vaccines. Sorry but not sorry. Is it profitable, hell yeah, did China release it (likely or accidentally from a lab )? I’m on Board. But where I draw the line is the conspiracy that vaccines cause mutations or hurt us more than if we are not vaccinated.
Anyone who knows viruses know that they mutate in environments where they replicate a lot. Where do they replicate a lot? Unvaccinated. Period. The delta variant, which is more proliferative is causing unvaccinated to get it at way higher rates and they end up taking ICU beds, at a rate higher, somewhere in the 90%+ of severe cases. very few vaccinated end up in ICU. If that was your kid who needed a bed and some hillbilly was there taking his spot, because of this mentality, I’m sorry but it’s ashame. Are there doctors who support these theories? Sure you can always dig them up, but why not go ahead and ask your conservative medical doctor friends personally. What do they say overwhelmingly? This is their field of expertise not yours. Period.
Trump said they were safe, he has smart advisors as well what in the hell is going on here. I’ll tell you what I think. I think we have dumb dumbs on our side, but more frightening I think we have bad players (perhaps some liberals) infiltrating these sites in the hopes that we won’t get vaccinated so they can continue this pandemic bullshit.
They prey on the weak. Don’t believe me? Ask your conservative Trump supporting docs. Don’t ask 1 and look for the confirmation bias. Go ahead and take a sample size of 10. Do I think you’re gonna die because of Covid ? Unlikely, very unlikely... but now if you ask me will the pandemic go away if a large swath of people remain unvaxxed and science (facts not feelings! as the adage goes, and btw that we use to shame liberals) science supports this- the answer is no. If a large group of people remain unvaxxed, we can expect more of this bullshit. I get it, side effects are scary, but my prediction is this will either play out mediocre at best, or worse case we get some freak and deadlier mutation in people that haven’t gotten vaccinated, and then we will all be fighting for those scarce vaccines.
This is NOT fear Porn. I believe CNN and msnbc to be garbage sites that produce fear and propaganda. I repeat I am a conservative asking other conservatives because I SINCERELY believe what I say to be true. Don’t take my word. Use critical thinking. Call up your uncle, cousin and friend that are Medical doctors...ask 10 of them if they believe in the Covid vaccines. Thank you, god bless you and may we all come out better and healthier in the near future.
If this is true, it is sad, and yes, much like the Biden government staged the Jan 6 “insurrection”. They can’t arrest and silence us all. Those that rule with an iron fist, have a short-lived rein. Those that stage fake news and create political unrest for personal gain (DS), may last a little bit longer than blatant dictators, but they too will meet their demise. Why? Because even the 3 letter agencies have good guys. White hats. We are everywhere, patiently waiting. We too have judges that are good. We outweigh them. They follow a different set of rules (none), which makes it more difficult for us to strike fast. But think of this “movie” as more of a series... there is no end in sight, just continuation of good vs evil...until God comes back to smack us into reality.
So what will you do in this long running series? We need digital soldiers brave enough to speak the truth. My only issue is their are shills and misinformation placed in our camp constantly to discredit us. Remember, we are never violent, we simply expose [them]. Bypass the media and get the alternate news channels OAN, Newsmax and theepochtimes, thegatewayoundit out there. Discredit any fake news and make sure you tell people to TELL YOU THEIR SOURCE OF INFO. When they say CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, ETC, tell them you don’t trust fake news. Although they produce truth 10% of the time, they are propaganda. If asked for evidence simply bring up the Russia Russia Russia hoax. Trump hasn’t been arrested and nothing found.
If they say republicans are for the rich, bring up Jeff Bezos, Gates, Elon(?), Dorsey and ask them why the filthiest rich are all liberals? (Hollywood?).
They don’t have a leg to stand on. You want to shorten the series? Drop truth bombs, make it uncomfortable! Good luck patriots!
NJ patriots are based as hell.
I took all of the Q info on GameStop (as I recall reading every single Q post created since inception) as people waking up to the financial manipulation and taking action ala grab the big banks by the balls. It was poetic in that it was synonymous with the idea of good vs evil; evil (big tech/banksters) being discovered (great awakening/ white hats) and people taking action ( patriots forcing a squeeze).
It doesn’t mean Q wants the system to collapse and people to starve world wide as a result. But a migration to crypto is inevitable- i think it was mentioned that we have to suffer (maybe a shift in markets)- but it’s not the intent- if we can root out the corruption without crashing the market- that would be the pie in the sky. Just my interpretation,of course I’m simplifying.