DarkKnightPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Might wanna fix the spelling of 'Finances' before sharing the meme outside this forum....just saying.First impressions are everything

DarkKnightPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

(rolling eyes) Terrific meme, lousy grammar. To whom should I thank for this oversight? Who created this meme?

We will never break through the malleable minds of the self appointed elite of the Left unless we create political messages that are grammatically sound. As soon as they see the errors,it's IMMEDIATELY dismissed as something created by a moron

DarkKnightPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Too bad about the extremely poor grammar and spelling. This meme is powerful and would be useful in 'waking people up'. I don't give a shit if your 'autistic' creativity makes this a gloss over non point but when you're dealing with super morons who thinks they are progressive intellectuals, you can't give them anything to point at. Make your art, be creative, but goddammit, get your grammar and punctuation right.

DarkKnightPatriot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Admirably? Seriously retarded description of the Left and their fucking pathetic, chaotic, dismal presidential run. WTF? Valiant? What kind of drugs were you on from May to October? It wasn't valiant or admirable. Here's hoping you are being sarcastic. Democrats are fucking pathetic Marxist assholes and are getting the kind of comeuppance they totally deserve.

DarkKnightPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your long winded diatribes might work on those lacking strength and vitality to stand up and fight their own battles, but not me or those like me. Your analysis is great, but it seems likely the script of this so called movie was written to lull us into hopeful abandonment of our natural ability to fight off evil, and push back on tyranny. Being constantly told to 'trust plans, fight with memes and information" is great but eventually, when the enemy tires of being made to look foolish and stupid, they go kinetic. There are already groups in place and ready and they will not be bringing stinging gotchas, jokes, or memes to fight the enemy. They will fight to protect fellow Americans, our land, our way of life. You always seem to go beserk when anyone mentions being 'tired of the bullshit, wanting to fight the enemy, or rolls their eyes when everyone wants to pray away danger and evil". I say there is something very fishy about that. Let me correct your over abundant imagination. First there will be no civil war. A win win kinetic strike against the enemy are direct strategic strikes against leadership, munitions, logistics, etc. They do NOT involve fighting neighbors, friends etc. How absolutely stupid. Do not mansplain enemy analysis or tactical anything to me big guy. You obviously are bright, well written, etc, but you seem to be a lumper and think that any physical kinetic conflict is automatically civil war and that is simply untrue. Guerilla warfare exists and so do other strategic tactics that are designed to hurt the enemy and slow the enemy. They do not involve your 'muh civil war'. These kinds of strikes are happening now, and yes, civilian groups working with white hats are assisting. However, men across the Patriot nation need to be prepared to rise up and fight off the enemy- always. This is a war, like you like to 'explain' over and over. There is no one coming to save us. That savior is US.

DarkKnightPatriot 4 points ago +6 / -2

Yeah....the whole bit about waking up normies is bullshit and a tired cliche. Just stop. Your analysis, like X22 is like a deeply woven story, intricate and woven well to show intelligence obviously, but what it does not do is to honestly take into consideration the actual pain, death, misery and tribulation that many of our Patriots are going through, all for "muh awakening'.Fuck the liberal brainwashed normies and their feelings. Its time to hit these fuckers back and take back our country. I am tired of hearing about prayers, God Wins, etc. I am tired of hearing about Trump coming back etc. None of this happens unless we as a country rise up and physically push back on these monsters and state unequivocally- NO MORE.....what follows that depends on our willingness to fight like Men did in 1776, or fight like bureaucrats in the 21st century.....I chose kinetic power followed by bureaucratic takedowns.

DarkKnightPatriot 1 point ago +3 / -2

Dont you just hate Christians who think 'God' is the creators name? Give these uninformed people enough tread and they think they are biblical scholars. Thanks for NOT capitalizing. The god of Western religions has different names and at many points acknowledges that other gods exist, but that he reigned supreme. The supreme creator of the universe is just that, Source of Life, the Creator, etc. Using the term God to refer to him is insulting as he is much more than just a god. He is above all the deities, gods etc. He may be the Christians god, but truly, the Creator is much more than a 'god'.

DarkKnightPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you please try and write more clearer? I am sure what you are saying is interesting, but that last sentence makes no sense. Modeled what? 1300?

DarkKnightPatriot 4 points ago +5 / -1

This dem6nic guy quotes Q likes its some kind of holy book that tops all arguments...Sorry, but the pithy illusions to 'its a small word' is gay and thankfully over. Its time for war against the fucking heathens, foreigners, and nonconformists (Antifa etc).

DarkKnightPatriot 6 points ago +7 / -1

The foreigners that were forced into the country currently raping, murdering and destroying lives are those that responsible for the pain that Europeans are feeling, so they are absolutely the target and they need to be driven back into the sea. They can go after the corrupt 'cotrollers' next, but you have to clean house and get the filth out first.

DarkKnightPatriot 5 points ago +6 / -1

Dem6nic sounds like a fucking libtard pushing peace and love. Fuck off. Its time for war. Those foreigners do not belong in the UK. Bottomline. None of the immigration was natural or organic- it was forced upon Europe to destroy its culture, people and way of life. Finally, the people are revolting at the 11th hour and this needs to be maintained and increased to the point where real damage can be felt by those in 'control' of the government. They need to hurt and feel the anger of the people.

DarkKnightPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you have these prophecy fulfillments documented some how? Would be interesting to learn more about this!

DarkKnightPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lets see how this comment ages....

DarkKnightPatriot 1 point ago +2 / -1

The shooters most often used/fingered/blamed by the Deep State are MKUltra Progeny 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation, and the parents of the kids used are OFTEN counselors, psychologists etc. In Thomas Cookes case, his parents were both counselors and thus, its fitting the pattern.

Actual Forensics do not match up with the corpse and Cooke kid. But they do match up with the Antifa guy Yearick.

What happens to Cooke, if he is now supposedly being ID'd as the shooter, even though its CLEARLY Yearick? Is he given new ID?

DarkKnightPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

That sorta looks like a poor photoshopped effort. Those are not even the same font style as the other numbers.

DarkKnightPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

This will never happen. There will be a breakup of the country and civil war before these Marxist fascists ever put one person into a re-education camp.

DarkKnightPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder how this will play out this fall, when Cartel activity elevates in response to the election in the USA.

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