Well shit, there's finally a reason to be vegetarian
How do you tell if Musk is a white hat? Easy, all the NPCs have been programmed to hate him now
we know what it takes to prevent and essentially take outbreaks off the table as a threat to society,
Is it internment camps? I bet it's gonna be internment camps
Can confirm, I drank a lot of tap water growing up
All this talk about power companies cutting off electricity over the summer... If something like that happens in the next week I'd be mighty interested.
Personally I believe that the victims of these mass shootings are real children and families and calling them crisis actors is counterproductive.
The federal government would have absolutely no qualms about killing American kids to push their agenda
More importantly, when the fuck did KFC start making burgers?
Not just federal agents, specifically Border Patrol. Why? Because they're probably the only federal law enforcement that isn't rotten to the core
When you hit them with an "ACAB" it really blows their little minds
I just got around to watching Spider-Man Far From Home recently. You know, the one where the villain uses holograms to spread fear and make people turn to him. They sure do love to hide their plans in movies...
Damn it's like that time they announced the third tower early
I think it's the other way around. If Russia proves that COVID is a US bioweapon, than infection in NK would be casus belli for a missile attack
So she's getting rewarded for sharing info, I would hope
If I put all this work into ducking the jab mandates just to get fucked over by shedding Imma be pissed
Did he ever promote that book on Twitter? My fellow Americans...
Alec Baldwin has killed people with guns? I thought the lady he shot was unarmed
he no longer has what it takes
Would that be adrenochrome, by any chance?
100% taxpayer dollars as well, most likely
Their superiors told them to show something going up
Bean Sheeparo
All of those names sound made up
What if Musk buys Twitter and some angy employee just deletes all the code? A clean, efficient, and organic solution.
They put the truth in the tabloids so they can dismiss anyone who tries to spread it.
Thank you u/uncontrollablequeef, that's a good point
Ironically, lesbians should have no reason to care about the court decision