Darwyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't watch TV news other than Tucker. I watch videos on the net of actual combat or real shit, the type of videos that are damn near impossible to fake. Videos of Ukrainian flags being raised in dozens of northern cities that were controlled by Russia just a week or two ago are all over the place. They can't all be fake. Hell, Russia isn't even refuting that they have lost tons of territory. If the retreat is real then all the videos of equipment and ammo being left behind are real too. All the POWs are real etc etc.

If you study the map you also realize that Russia has lost several strategic advantages that it took them months to gain. They lost tens of thousands of men, tons of equipment etc to get where they were. A full 1/4 or more of that just went poof in a week and it cost Ukraine NOTHING. Even if Russia slogged out a fight and took every inch back they would still be losing because that would just be another 30k dead, another 2k tanks/APCs blown up... on and on. Even the USA doesn't have a bench that deep. Russia can't sustain this war for much longer. There isn't any more firewood to throw on this bonfire of stupidity.

Darwyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

Reddit might be cancer but a lot of videos are posted there with good info about the war if you know what you are looking for. I suggest you turn your fucking brain on and go look at all the videos of Ukrainians raising flags in towns previously held by the Russians. What you think the dozens of videos are all fake and Putin just forgot to rebut them?

It saddens me to see how far this board has fallen when it comes to this war. I gave up on worrying about who is on what side or rooting for either side. I've been focusing on studying the facts on the ground. They are looking pretty grim for Russia right now. Wake the fuck up. Reality is still their no matter how deep you stick your head in the sand.

Darwyn -13 points ago +1 / -14

Umm I dislike the globalist as much as anyone on these boards, but you clearly haven't been paying attention over the past week. Ukraine has totally swept Russia out of the northern part of Ukraine. A huge chunk of his forces are trapped and barely holding on with pure grit and desperation in the south. I'm honestly beginning to wonder if Russia can win even with a full mobilization of their entire military. The Germans barking at Putin to just withdraw is purely about them telling him to accept his obvious eventual defeat.

The only way Russia wins this war with the way things stand right now is if they slog out a years long fight and lose ten times more lives and equipment than they've already lost. You and I both know the Russian people aren't going to tolerate that. Which means at some point he will be forced to withdraw by internal pressure. All this German globalist dip-shit is doing is pointing out the obvious. Fights over.

Putin has lost the momentum of surprise. His military's moral is at an all time low. His equipment is all worn out or blown up. Every single thing that truly matters in a war is now going against him. That's not my opinion. Its not propaganda. Its just the hard facts on the ground. You can see it in hundreds of videos and articles online from sources that have no reason to lie or twist anything. In many cases from Russian sources.

Russia continuing to fight is not going to accomplish Putin's political goals. Its not going to allow him to take and keep more territory. Its also not going to allow him to keep what he's already taken. It will be fighting purely for the sake of fighting. It will be about Putin's ego and pride.

Putin should just take the L, and walk away. If he does he can get the sanctions lifted and maybe his economy will thrive, which is what's best for Russia. It truly doesn't matter at this point why he attacked... part of Q plan, bio weapons labs, Nazi gov, getting rid of globalists, NATO influence, blah blah blah. Doesn't matter why it started... he lost the fight.

More importantly... If he continues to fight and starts losing even more battles it will get to a point where Ukraine won't even accept his withdrawal. If they start steam rolling everything they might take it all back and then some. Putin will be way worse off then because any ability/leverage he had to negotiate things like sanctions etc will evaporate. He might cost Russia everything. No, I'm not joking. We both know the globalists/bankers would love to starve Russia out and take it over.

Darwyn -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't know what sites you've been on but I see combat footage all the time. I've seen some of THE craziest shit I could have ever imagined ever in Ukraine battle footage.

There is one video from just a few days ago. In this cluster-fuck of a retreat a Russian tank with infantry on top is driving full speed down a road not realizing the HUMVEE and pickups in front of it aren't Russians they are Ukrainian special forces. If you look closely (its footage from a drone up above them) you can see Ukrainian guys on both sides of the road shooting at the mounted infantry and a bunch of them fall off.

They cut the footage to what is clearly a minute later the tank is hauling some serious ass. It goes to turn left cause the road T-bones. It does an electro slide move but cuts its short and hits a tree that is no shit 8-10 feet in diameter. The tree is almost as wide as the tank. It hits it dead center, the tree is cut clean in half like the tank is a giant axe, and it lands dead on top of the tank.

It is strait up the sort of shit you see in a movie and say to yourself that's just crap. No tank would ever do that. Well these Russian's did. And the damn Ukrainians were so surprised by this random tank if you look closely they had a crossfire from hell setup. They were so confused when they started shooting they were shooting AT EACH OTHER as the tank went between them. SMH...

IMHO the real problem is that the footage is being taken we just haven't seen it yet because both sides have banned their people from posting online. Early on footage and pics posted on the net actually got people killed. Its there. We just won't see it until after this shit-show is over. Most WW2 footage wasn't seen for years even decades because it was taken by official military people.

Hang on...

This isn't the original footage. I first saw it on a link to Reddit. It will do though. Pause it at 33 sec. See the Ukrainian guy in the driveway center screen... now look MUCH closer at the ditch on the other side of the road in those bushes. That is more Ukrainians, 4-6 of them, shooting at the mounted soldiers. The guy in the driveway either drops to the ground or gets hit and falls. If this doesn't qualify as crazy combat footage I don't know what possible could.


The one below... start at TC 1:57... at 2:01 he throws a grenade. At 2:04-5 look closely on the left. That is likely a person being blown up into the air by the grenade he threw. IMHO the Ukrainians in this video are freaking lunatics. That's why Russia is now losing. When you don't want to even be there in the first place and lunatics start rushing you throwing grenades like they are tomatoes the only sane thing to do is run away.




Darwyn 8 points ago +8 / -0

All this really proves is the problem is the exceptions. They carve out exceptions for themselves to protect them from the abuses they pile onto us. Get rid of ALL EXCEPTIONS and allow nature to take its course. That's why they won't allow a flat tax in the USA. If poor people had to ACTUALLY pay the same tax rate as middle class people do they would never vote in these big government high tax demorats.

Yet they also carve out little exceptions for themselves that mean they stay rich and a flat tax would mean they really pay their fair share which would hurt... a lot. Its hypocrisy at its finest.

Darwyn 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're probibly right about me using ad-hom wording and being combative. I probibly shouldn't do that regardless. However the fact is its in response to people on these boards being so pro-Russian that they have attacked me in far worse ways. I figured out the reason a while back. The answer is obvious... they are Russian nationals. I'm American. What are you? I rarely even speak up about the war because I know I will just get shouted down unfairly.

You spent a lot of time talking about Zelinsky and his stupid masters. Then you talk about the Nazi factions in Ukraine. I'm sure they exist but they just like any other radical group do not represent the whole of Ukraine. I know this for a FACT. My nephew spent two years in Ukraine for his Mormon mission just a few years back. You and Russia act like Azov is the entirety of the whole military. Its what 1-2 battalions... out of like hundreds.

And Zelinsky... kek he's an idiot and joke. Who cares what he does. We all know the CIA is running this war.

I tried to address your claim... that Russia is carrying out a "soft war". That's utter crap. Also, I never claimed Ukraine was innocent. I CERTAINLY never claimed Azov and crew were. Both sides have done a lot of messed up crap. However, to the people on GAW Ukraine is the bad guy in every situation. They can do no right. They even get blamed for shit Russia actually did. Everything is globalist propaganda. Real Russian propaganda is dismissed as Ukrainian. Its just sad.

There is a more important fact that I want to make quite clear so I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs. RUSSIA IS NOW LOSING! BADLY!!! Are we on the same page? That's not propaganda. Its not a globalist ploy to fool the world. Its just the hard facts on the ground backed up by dozens and dozens of amateur videos from multiple sources ON BOTH SIDES. They can't all be fake. In fact almost none of them have even been challenged as even maybe being faked.

Thus the strike on Ukraine's power infrastructure is purely a way to punish Ukraine and might even be a desperate ploy to slow down their complete rout of Russia in the north. Nothing more. Nothing less. See this post for further details.


One more thing... you said that Ukraine had an opportunity to end the war in April. What you really mean is they can capitulate to Putin and allow him to keep the territory he took by force just to stop the fighting. In other words Putin wins by default. Instead they kept fighting and they are now winning. You do realize(and I say this from the USA perspective) that what you are suggesting would be like if the USA attacked and took the entire eastern half of Canada and you said that the UK, AU, etc should all stop helping Canada so they can sue for peace and allow the USA to just keep half of Canada because... reasons.

It doesn't make a lick of sense. The territory is either part of Ukraine and they should fight for it or borders mean NOTHING. Every nation should just blast their weak neighbor and take whatever part of their territory they want for whatever reason they want. Like Canada wants the USA bread basket they should just take it. Brazil wants Venezuela's oil... just invade and take it. Total chaos. No big deal. SMH...

You are suggesting that when Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1991 that everyone should have just let him keep it. He won it fair and square. Those damn Kuwaitis had a few Nazi's in their midst anyway. Saddam had every right to de-Nazify them and sense he did he can just keep the territory. Pure madness. Its like we've regressed back to the 1500s.

If Putin is a white-hat that is part of the Q plan then HE FAILED at his task SPECTACULARLY. If he's not then he's just another thug trying to steal from his neighbor and you idiots are supporting/rooting for him. The fact that the person he's stealing from is a globalist puppet doesn't make it not stealing. Putin isn't freeing anyone. He's just a different puppet master.

Worse, now he's losing. He will end up the laughing stock of the world till the day he dies which I suspect might come very soon. His own people are going to throw him away once his failure is complete. Weak "strong men" rarely last long.

We'll see though. Battle isn't over. Maybe Russia will surprise us and somehow recover from this mess.

Darwyn 0 points ago +1 / -1


Pause this video at about 8 seconds and look VERY hard at his left shoulder.


Lieutenant colonel - Подполко́вник - Podpolkóvnik

See in the far right column the "Field uniform insignia" matches. That is a Russian Lieutenant colonel and his driver. He's in charge of an entire battalion(that's maybe 1000+ men) but he's been captured. Totally normal. Nothing to see here.

I've studied various maps throughout this whole thing and while they aren't perfect they are generally accurate(to within 24-72 hours of what's happening). There is TONS of video evidence to support that they are accurate ATM, such as the one above, and videos of Ukrainians forces on the roof of buildings showing a specific formerly Russian held towns skyline. If this shit is fake is it literally tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of edited and computer graphic video. More importantly the Russian's simply aren't talking or they give obvious false info Baghdad Bob style bullshit with zero detail.




I'll sum this up. The Russians are still holding their ground in the east and south. The north has completely collapsed. The Russian troops are running away so quickly that when a truck, tank, or BMP etc breaks down they just leave it on the side of the road. They don't even take the time to scuttle or sabotage it. They just grab everything that will fit on the other vehicles and leave it sitting there for the Ukrainians chasing them to find and repair. Its a literal cluster fuck. I've seen like 20 credible videos of abandoned vehicles.

One video was of an obvious supply area/very large barn. There were like 6 Ural trucks and 2-3 grad rocket launcher trucks with big a Z on the side. Every one the hood was opened up. Someone took 5-10 min to try and fix it then said fuck it and got in the working truck to flee the area.

This is exactly why the Russians are losing. Its so obvious, to me at least. Their equipment was all in piss poor shape to start with they just had shit-tons of it. After months of war half of it doesn't work and they don't even have parts to fix it. When you combine that with Ukraine blowing up tons of stuff that DID work... you get a VERY ugly picture. The mighty Russian machine reached its limit.

Now look at the next part of the puzzle. There had been little to no real fighting in the north for weeks on end. Ukraine was set to attack in the south. They were clearly massing troops. The Russians took their good working equipment from the north and moved a lot of it to the south in order to bolster their defenses. Ukraine (really the CIA) tricked them though. They used HIMARS to blow up those two key bridges. That trapped most of the working equipment in the south... but cut off resupply and escape. Yet in the north it left a paper thin defense line which they attacked just to see how strong it really was and it collapsed completely.

The problem is right now the Ukrainians up north are making their way east virtually unopposed. In a few days they are going to be headed back south BEHIND the current Russian lines in Donetsk. Its either that or they are going to invade Russia. When they turn south even more troops will have to decide to risk being cut off or run the fuck away. The momentum is completely on Ukraine's side.

Nothing is guaranteed, but all indications are Russia is totally fucked. The only way they can fix this is to pull troops from other places like NATO border bases which will leave that lightly/undefended. Even if they do that it might take them a week to figure out the logistics. This whole damn war might literally be over in a week at the current pace Ukraine is setting.

Understand now? Russia is fucked. That's just the facts on the ground. If they were a competent 1st world army with good equipment and disciplined professional solders they COULD recover from this. And if they do I will be impressed, but they aren't. They are a 3rd world military with degraded poorly maintained aged/ancient equipment and poor training. They will be slow and ineffective which will allow the Ukrainians to keep right on overwhelming them.

The only advantage and only reason Russian won ANY fight in this whole war was massive artillery barrages and large numbers of troops. They are now out of ammo(because the depot was either blown up by HIMARS or the bridge to get more was blown up) and half their guns are either at end of life from being used too much or they've been blown up. PLUS all their towing/grad trucks are breaking down from poor maintenance. Any one of those can be compensated for, but all of them together have made the Russian forces ineffective. Ukraine on the other hand has brand new M-777 guns and plenty of trucks/ammo. They have fewer of them BUT THEY ARE EFFECTIVE. AND they have what... a dozen or more insanely accurate HIMARS...

Russia is fucked. That's just reality.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

So all those long videos taken from drones of Sievierodonetsk as a pile of ruble were fake. We are talking Hollywood big budget movie grade computer effects that would cost millions of dollars were used to make multiple fake videos and google earth has fake satellite pics too?

I decided to check and google is using an old image from months ago that doesn't show the damage. If there was a propaganda campaign by the globalist side they would have changed that already to show the massive damage. They don't need to. Its obvious to anyone with half a brain. There are literally 100s of videos showing the damage.


Forget the subject of the video. Look at the buildings. Every one of them has been hit by artilery from both sides, but mostly Russia. You can't just put a little Spackle and paint over that. 90% of those buildings will have to be torn down and replaced.

I can't find it ATM but there is another small village that the Russians just flattened. Its like maybe 100 houses in 6-8 nice neat rows and every one is just burnt rubble.

You're like the leftist with TDS. You are so concerned about that idiot Zalensky's cross dressing you can't be bothered to pay attention to reality. He's a figurehead for the deep state. We all know it. He's not really in charge.

People on this board have lost their way. I tell them the truth and they down-vote me like I'm a heretic because I dared to disrupt their narrative.


Darwyn -8 points ago +2 / -10

I hate to burst your bubble, but the Russians are in full retreat right now. I hadn't looked at the reports in the past 12-24 hours when I wrote my post above and its even worse than it was yesterday. The Russian reinforcements were pure smoke and mirrors. Kharkiv is now in Ukraine's hands and several of the major supply lines that go to Sievierodonetsk are now cut off, both road and railway. If things keep going well for Ukraine they will retake that whole area and the Russians won't have the supplies to defend it. All the Russian gains are being undone.

All three of your examples are totally different than what is happening right now. Did the USA send the Georgians HIMARs, M-777, and lots of ammo? No. Pretty sure they didn't even send them basic stuff like AT4 much less Javelins, Stingers etc. You people need to wake up. Russia isn't a freaking supper power anymore. They aren't even a 1st world military any more. Its a little sad really. Its not a done deal but things are looking pretty bad for Russia ATM. Down-voting me just proves the truth hurts.

Darwyn -8 points ago +2 / -10

You're joking right? Russia has flattened whole cities. If Ukraine dares to fight back Russia just blast the entire city to dust with artillery, but its a soft war? You need to pull your head out of your ass. Go look at the pictures of Sievierodonetsk. Its nothing but rubble.

I've yet to pick a side in the politics of this fight because I have my doubts about Putin being a white-hat, but I track the FACTS when it comes to the actual fight. Russia is now losing. Or at least it looks like they are. It might be a cleaver trick or turn into a battle of the bulge moment where Ukraine ends up like Germany but so far Russia is just getting their ass handed to them over the past few days.

Russia is lashing out because its afraid and they want to punish Ukraine for daring to defeat them. Putin's war machine is a broken down dodge pickup truck. Ukraine... probibly with CIA help... has figured out the secret sauce to defeat them. Most importantly Russia is not adapting quickly enough or in some cases NOT AT ALL. Russian equipment barely works. Corrupt officers stole all the money to maintain them. Yeah, they have 10 times as many tanks as Ukraine... WHEN THEY WORK.

Stop listening to that stupid fuck-tard Zalinsky and stop watching fucking RT propaganda. Go look at the strategic maps and look at the real videos people post on Reddit(yeah I know cancer) that show real troops have taken real towns. It shows the whole picture pretty damn well. A fucking Russian LT COLONEL got taken captive by Ukraine. That's a person in charge of a battalion. That's anywhere from 500-2000 men. His area was overrun so badly he and his driver were captured.




This guys videos(The Enforcer) are a little long but if you look in the comments he posts a link to the google map he uses in each video. That map has markers to various videos that give a pretty clear picture of the news of the day.


Whatever. Everyone on this board needs to stop fan-girling Putin and wake up to reality. Russia might lose this fight. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing TBH but it is what it is. The truth is if Putin didn't have nukes NATO upon seeing how horribly Russia did in the first few months would have pulled a Libya on Russia and Putin would already be dead in a ditch just like Qaddafi.

As things stand right now Ukraine might just decide to take territory from Russia because they can. What is Putin going to do lob a nuke at them and start WW fucking three? No he will sue for peace and Ukraine can dictate the terms... the border goes back to pre-Crimea invasion. Fuck off you just got tens of thousands killed for nothing. And owe we want reparations. Putin would be the laughing stock or the world till the day he dies. We aren't there yet, but that has become a REAL possibility. All the Putin fans need to brace themselves. Reality is a bitch.

Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0


H🤡NK H🌎NK‼️‼️‼️

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not even saying RT is bad. I'm just saying its every bit the propaganda machine MSNBC and CNN is. We just like it because much of it is anti-globalist propaganda.

Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Galileo is flip flopping in his grave like a freaking mad man. I'm waiting for them to start literal witch trails because the Wiccans start recommending herbal remedies that might work etc etc. These people have totally lost it.

Darwyn 5 points ago +6 / -1

He was doing a good job of being controlled opposition. That's on RT. Trust me they all know climate change is a globalist ploy to create wealth redistribution scams. Its just propaganda to counter the globalist propaganda. Or rather they are telling everyone the truth. Problem is coming from RT it does little good. Its too easily dismissed as Russian disinformation.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I saw more about this shortly after I posted this. I thought Bannon was just talking out his ass. How in the hell could he possibly know an exact number like 35? Clearly he guessed. I thought he guessed high/exaggerated. It would appear he low-balled it. The deep state must really be in all out panic mode to try a stunt like this.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

So what you're saying is we can expect Red October to start on the 8th?

Darwyn 0 points ago +2 / -2

I doubt that 35 number is accurate. I bet it was only 10 or 15, but his point is still true they are spinning up a raid everyone to intimidate them campaign. Its also possible they aren't done yet. There are only so many agents that will participate in this sort of non-sense and I bet a lot of the ones on the fence have fallen on the MAGA side after the Trump raid in FL. So maybe it is accurate inside info but only a dozen have actually taken place.

You're right though. Someone needs to track down every raid that's happened in the last week or two and see who all the names are. I wonder if they've placed them under gag orders in an attempt to keep it quiet that they have gone full Soviet?

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Threatening a public official? SMH... that won't end well.

Darwyn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, but let's be real... that was a super classy way of whipping on a giant pecker and smacking those reporters in the face with it. She has bigger balls than 90% of the men on the left including most of those reporters.

When I think about it I bet she terrifies the left, almost as much as Trump does.

If we just had 30-40 or more governors like her and Desantis it wouldn't really matter who was in the Whitehouse.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

THIS! He only stepped aside to allow the jackboot thugs to take control.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It figures that people in California are the ones moving down there. They've been living in Mexico for decades but still paying high rent etc. Its only logical to just move and live cheaper. The neighbors are the same.

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