Username checks out. 😎
He was character hillaried for many years, that's my guess anyways.
Explain like I am deaf.
I want stretched necks though. 🥺
Ropes for every last one of them.
These sons of bitches need to be killed.
The waters are muddy for sure.
Also: 98% of DMV workers belong in federal prison. 🤡
Hang them by the neck. Call it a glitch.
Google did not react to the judgment but has previously said that courts in Russia “have been weaponised to support Russia’s...
The lol's keep coming.
Treason. Demolish the station and put every one of those CIA plants in a fucking alligator enclosure. Nekkid.
They would have killed Rogan on that flight.
Nigerian eating squab.
Chatgpt is such a bkowhard.
If only our side was communist. Those people would be fun to put against a wall!
I love the way National Counsel of State Wide Interoperability Co-ordinators rolls off the tongue.
Canada should deport all the (foreigner) leeches and join the Greater Alaska Project.
HRC: Hemp Rope Cure!
Whoaa, Hey now, that's exactly what should happen.
Hey Mike, cut your dick off about it.
Clothes, retard.