This feels like the other side of r/QAnonCasualties. On that pathetic subreddit, a lot of people are sharing stories of their "Qanon (parent/friend/brother/sister/co-worker)" being inflicted by "Qanon conspiracy theories", which made them a worse person now, and the "affected" miss their parent/friend/brother/etc and they are looking for advice on what to do/how to solve this.
It's quite possible that your son's friends are influencing him as well as him going online to social media sites, especially Reddit since it's a liberal bot cesspool.
I'd say try to talk to him some more, try to reason with him and find out what prompted this change and all. I agree with kicking him out but I think that should be used as your last resort if you can't get the ball rolling in this.
Good luck and I hope you both come to a resolution soon.
Thanks for this. I spent like 4 hours trying to get wget to work with different options and searching online for which options to use because I kept getting a 404 on accessing the ../2025/0318/ subdirectory for some reason.
I didn't think to use curl cuz I thought if wget couldn't work, curl probably won't work.
I've been trying to download everything with the wget command but I kept getting an error (404). Tried many different options but nothing, other than the fact that I was able to download the entire website. Had to terminate that before my HDD gets full cuz I'm sure it would have resulted in me downloading about 50 TB of files due to wget trying to download from other subdirectories.
Since I'm on Linux, I guess I'll try curl.
But thank you for this, this would be great for others who are not familiar with wget/curl but I'm a bit miffed that I couldn't get wget to work or maybe I successfully did it but is blocking wget commands?
All they could have done was wait for the battery to blow up from overcharging, but yeah guess they wanted to hasten the process.
You can check out reddit for that. There's that sub, r/50501, where they organize protests all over America (and maybe internationally?) and I've seen a lot of Tesla protests planned.
Also check out your state's subreddit, if there's one or maybe the city that's close to you for any protests. I've been monitoring the state's sub that I currently live in and there are like 5 Tesla protests planned in the upcoming weeks in several cities in this state.
It doesn't really show on the PDF. When you see "Mr. Biden", it says exactly that, but when you search for "Eiden", "Biden" gets highlighted.
If you copied that sentence into a notepad or a note app, it will show up as "Mr. Eiden" instead of "Mr. Biden".
And to answer your question, it's pretty much on every page in the document.
Here is one example: -- Look at the top part, where I typed in "Eiden" in the search box and there are two "Biden" highlighted. This is on "page 3" (PDF page 3, not the document page), or rather, the title page of the document. -- Here, you can see the same highlighted names are now "Eiden" in notepad, instead of "Biden".
Hope this helps!
It's most likely they corrected the documents by overlapping the errors.
You can see here from this site explaining how to fix errors using tags:
What happens when your tagged text doesn’t match visual text?
Even though the text in your PDF looks correct, there may be typos or extra spacing behind the scenes that causes screen readers to announce the content incorrectly.
Tagged text must be free from line breaks and split words. The Adobe Accessibility Checker does not alert you to these issues.
So can anyone turn on their screen reader and see if it says, "Mr. Eiden" instead of "Mr. Biden"? That would confirm that they only overlapped the errors, but not entirely removing/replacing the error with the correct word/name.
When you search for "Biden", there are many instances of Biden in the document, but when you search for "Eiden", you don't really see it, because "Biden" is still being highlighted.
It's similar to when you make an error on a paper with a pen, so you white-out the error, then write over the white-out part, but sometimes you can still see the error under the white-out.
It's like that with this PDF.
I think it's because Hur et al, found "typographical errors" and fixed it so they "copied and pasted"/"find and replace" over the errors, similar to whiting out but you can still see the error under the white-out.
Hur stated this on page 2 in the document.
I'm guessing Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
I grew up with a lot of deaf peers in school and some of them had deaf parents who signed ASL their whole lives. They are basically OG ASL users and it's a huge difference between today's ASL and the old days of ASL.
Today's ASL is probably better recognized as Pidgin Sign Language (mixture of ASL and SEE, but more on the ASL side), while the old days ASL is PURE ASL.
Normally, you don't sign "go(ing)" in ASL, you just say, "go" and that's it.
For SEE, you sign "go" normally, then for the "-ing" part, you make the letter "I" and hold that position while moving your hand in the opposite direction (away from your body in a horizontal direction).
You can fingerspell the "-ing" part out but typically, you just do the "I" motion I mentioned above.
Same for "-ed", when you sign something like, "talked", you sign "talk" then you open your hand, palm side up and facing you, then bring your arm to your shoulder, holding your hand into that palm-side-up/facing-you position.
Don't worry about being out of practice! I'm sure you will pick it up quite quickly as soon as you meet a deaf person who uses ASL! If you are ever curious to meet some deaf people in your area, check to see if there's a deaf club in your area or mostly in the city, or "Deaf Night Out" (DNO). They usually hold an event once a month, sometimes twice. Just something to think about.
It's interesting because the more you share about Milburn and breaking up a sign into "sound" signs, it reminds me so much of Cued Speech.
Was this something similar to the Milburn version?
And yeah I can visualize those kids being in a bubble as that was the "norm" back then with many communities across America. Right now it's more of ASL vs SEE with ASL being the dominant language, despite SEE not being a language. I'm glad your deaf family were able to teach those kids ASL as it's the best language to teach a deaf child as well as adults when they lose their hearing.
Just wanted to send you a message saying I haven't forgotten about your comment. It's just that I need to find the time to analyze that document you sent me.
I read it but didn't really digest it well enough to understand what's going on, but from what I understand so far, Milburn is just a woman who invented a new form of sign language.
I'm also trying to understand what you mean by it takes 5 signs to say "happy" and I've been trying to do it myself, but I can't, unless you are fingerspelling each letter out, which equates to one sign per letter?
In that document, it said it takes 4 signs to sign "motorcycle" and usually the sign for "motorcycle" is just the same way one would do with a motorcycle -- grabbing the imaginary handlebars and with the right hand, you "rev" the engine. That's how it has been done but I also read that it takes two signs to sign "motor".
I signed out "motor" and yes I used two hands to sign it out and I'm guessing according to the document, that means one hand equates to 1 sign and if I'm using both hands, that's two signs? Honestly, it's a weird way of describing that when it's actually just one sign to sign "motor" and again, one sign to sign "motorcycle".
When I find the time to analyze that document further, I will report with more.
Additionally, I apologize if I came off as condescending as that is not my intention to do that. I was just making a point.
You mentioned that your deaf family met some foreigners and they were able to communicate just fine. There are some "universal" signs or signs that makes sense that is almost similar between the two.
Korean Sign Language is different, even the fingerspelling of letters so I wouldn't understand what a deaf Korean would be saying to me (I somehow lost the KSL book my friend gave me before he moved away so I forgot most of the signs :( )
British sign language is also different so either your deaf family just happened to know some foreign signs or the foreigners know ASL already? Without me being there, I can't tell you what went on during the conversations.
I went through three systems -- cued speech, Signed Exact English then finally ASL. They were trying out cued, which failed, then SEE, which also failed and ASL, which was a resounding success. They thought SEE would help us understand English better since it includes signs for "and", "it", "-ed", "-ing" and more. Turns out ASL had a huge impact on our learning experience. I don't know if that's what your deaf family was trying to convey to the schools.
ASL don't have signs for the aforementioned words/prefixes/suffixes, so when you say, "strong", you sign "strong", then if you wanted to say, "stronger", you still sign "strong" but your expression will show the intensity of "stronger". Same is true for "strongest" but your expression would emphasize the intensity of "strongest" and maybe some expressive signs to elaborate the strength of "strongest" like "(WOW) STRONG!"
Anyways, I'll come back with more info after I've digested that document completely.
For your sense of smell, try taking antihistamine like Benadryl for a week or two. Back when I lost my sense of smell, I took Benadryl for 2 weeks and I got my sense of smell back.
If that doesn't work then try either (or both) Ivermectin or HCQ. Wouldn't hurt to try Iodine as well, as Iodine provides essential minerals our bodies need. I've tried Iodine and it really does work.
Even @amuse reposted Anna Massoglia's (@annalecta) tweet from 2020, reflecting what Pam Bondi did back then with Qatar.
I've never heard of Milborn but I've heard of cued speech. I was one of the first deaf kids to use cued speech then it failed and we switched over to Signed Exact English then again, that failed so we switched over to American Sign Language and have stuck to it since.
but for those unaware ASL is international
ASL is not international, otherwise it would be ISL (International Sign Language), wouldn't it? There are Japanese Sign Language, Korean Sign Language, Russian Sign Language, British Sign Language and many more. They may share similar signs but are totally different from each other.
The sign for "swim(ming)" in ASL is totally different from Korean Sign Language. I had a deaf Korean friend and he taught me KSL.
hearing people with no clue about the deaf community invented a language and educated deaf children but didn’t teach them ASL also they isolated them. A few school districts did this going so far as to force the ASL kids to learn their new language or not get an education. Law suits shut that down there were about 500 plus kids who only learned that system ( hearing parents) in that time.
Sounds like Signed Exact English, which is not a language in itself, but an "add-on" to the English language. American Sign Language is a true language.
Additionally, it could be said the same for Oral language, where a deaf person relies on speaking and reading lips and signing is not allowed. If you used sign language, expect to get slapped in the hand or get shackled up (Thanks Alexander Graham Bell and fuck you!). Oral language often isolate the deaf person from interacting with other deaf people, out of fear that they will eventually learn sign language, ASL especially.
Also when you said there are people who make up signs, we call that "home signs", which is typically signs that is made up by the parents to help communicate with their deaf kids and it is not universally acknowledged by the deaf community.
What she is doing isn't exactly gibberish, but it's not normal sign language, it's not ASL for sure
She's actually using ASL, albeit being "sloppy" with it. I've met a deaf person with far worse ASL skills than hers. I literally can't understand anything he was saying but with her, I understood everything she said.
See u/seasonedcastiron's comment,
I am 100% Deaf and nonverbal. My lack of signing fluency does not make me any less Deaf. It is a result of a language impairment related to my autism called expressive dysphasia, which affects my ability to construct language fluently in real-time. This impacts my signing, speaking, and even writing, though writing allows me more time to correct mistakes. My interpreter and I spend hours refining my talking points to ensure she conveys what I mean, not just what I say.
posted on DataRepublican's account.
This makes more sense on why her signing is "sloppy" as I've met deaf people in the past who struggled with sign language and expressing themselves.
But yes, she's actually using ASL.
That would make sense as I've met deaf people in the past who have struggled with expressing in sign language and had "stutters" while signing.
And I've given presentations in front of hearing people in the past, and I would often meet with an interpreter who would be interpreting what I'm saying to the hearing audience. We would go over my presentation to make sure we both understand each other, so when it's time for me to give the presentation, there wouldn't be any issues as the interpreter already know ahead of time on the signs I'm using.
Sorry it took me a while to reply but yeah I watched the video.
It's really hard to determine whether she's deaf or hearing, or a deaf person still in the process of learning ASL.
I had a deaf friend who grew up without knowing sign language at all as he relied on oral until he was transferred to my high school cuz my school had a deaf program intertwined with the hearing classes. It took him the whole summer to learn sign language and he really learned fast but it was a bit sloppy. My friends and I helped correct his signs over time.
The "deaf" lady in video actually used real signs as opposed to the Obama interpreter who wasn't even using sign language at all. Obama interpreter was just moving his hands around wildly to mimic sign language "gestures".
But yes, I do agree that it's a bit hard to follow her but when I watched her sign alongside the subtitles, it seems to match up.
Per u/seasonedcastiron's comment about her being autistic and how it impacts her sign language skills, it does make sense as there are deaf people who have "stutters" in their sign language and often have a hard time expressing themselves as they have to pause to think before talking. I attended a college that had a deaf program where a lot of deaf people came in from all over America as well as internationally and I met a couple of deaf people who struggled with their sign language. She reminded me of those people I've met in the past.
Also not sure if she's American or foreign born as her style is somewhat similar to Asian deaf people I've met. It's hard to explain but you know how hearing people can pick up accents based on how they talk? It's like that with their style of signing as it doesn't feel natural. Deaf Asian people often learn their native language like Korean Sign Language then they would learn American Sign Language after, and their style of signing from their native language would "bleed" over into ASL. Hope that makes sense?
So without knowing 100% whether she's hearing pretending to be deaf (like the Saturn woman) or a genuine deaf person but with "sloppy, unnatural signing style", she's actually using real signs and yes it's a bit hard to follow but I understood her fine. As for her interpreter, she seems to be a bit "awkward" as if she used to learn Signed Exact English (SEE) then switched over to ASL and she's right in the middle of overriding SEE with ASL, which is similar to again, a foreign born person speaking Spanish but in the process of learning English so they would be using broken English.
Maybe the interpreter is her personal interpreter as they are used to each other's signing style. It's normal to have a preferred interpreter for ease of communication and clarity.
Hope I've answered/addressed everything here!
Well from what I've read and heard, IVM treats certain kinds of parasites while Fenben/Meben treats different kind of parasites.
That's why Florida Sharkman said to alternate between IVM and Fenben(and I would say Meben too) because this method will take care of most, if not all, parasites in your body.
If you haven't seen these yet, give them a read: (Parasite Pill 1.0) (Parasite Pill 2.0)
I don't know what device you are using, but they will either open in a new tab/new window and you can download them, they're PDFs, or they will bring up a prompt, asking you where to save the files.
The reason why I was wondering about trying Fourth_Horseman's "protocol" is cuz I wanted to see if it will be something simple as taking one pill per day along with vitamin supplements and I'd be cleansed. But now that the account has been deleted, which makes it a bit suspicious. I just hope it was cuz he didn't want this to track back to him.
I have both Fenben and Meben here in capsule form, and Fenben is 222 mg while Meben is 100 mg.
OP said he is ~280 lbs and took one 222 mg capsule per day for 90 days. I'm also around 280 lbs.
If I decide to do Meben, I guess one capsule a day should do it for me. OP mentioned that the reason why he went with Fenben instead of Meben was because Meben was expensive here in America to acquire and this was before I told him about alldaychemist. Not only that but he also said that Meben is stronger than Fenben and he was afraid it would create a conflict with his medications he was currently on, so Fenben was considered "tamer" than Meben.
OP also said he was taking Fenben for 90 days so I'm thinking maybe it will be about 45 days for me if I do Meben, since it is supposedly stronger than Fenben?
Like I said, I need to do some more research on this and yeah it's hard to find something consistent with Meben info.
Is the powder for you to put in "0" or "00" capsules to be swallowed or is it going to be mixed into water or something? I'm not familiar with the powdered version as this is my first time hearing there's a powder version of it.
I don't know how I didn't see this message but yeah I'd like to know more on how to take mebendazole instead of Fenben.
I was researching this and came across this forum.
Sharkman (not sure if this is the same Florida Sharkman who gave his protocol on taking IVM, Fenben and Doxycyline) said:
Fenbendazole is easily available from local farm and feed stores or online , chemical makeup is almost identical . Fenbendazole is C15H13N3O2S. Mebendazole is C16H13N3O3. Fenbendazole was the replacement for mebendazole in animal medicine . Mebendazole was taken off market in USA . If you live in the USA your doctor should have known this .
Yes mebendazole can be used as the substitute for fenben, here in the states we have to use the animal version of fenben instead of mebendazole as its substitute , USA citizens can no longer obtain this excellent product of mebendazole . You have no reason to use fenben if mebendazole is easily available .same dosage and same 5 day course once or twice a month depending on your infection.
And on that forum, a lot of people are saying Meben is available as an OTC medicine in other countries but not in America, just like IVM!
So I would imagine we would, and should, be able to take Meben just the same way we would be taking Fenben.
I'm still researching this and I think I will be doing this soon as I have Meben that I got from alldaychemist.
Sorry for the very late reply but hope this helps!
Yeah I came back to this thread cuz I was thinking of doing his "protocol" but I forgot what vitamins he said he took alongside Fenben but then I see his account has been deleted... Weird...
Anyways, another way of ordering Fenben, where I got mine, is from Sanare Labs.
It's pricey but if you are interested in doing Mebendazole instead, you can go to alldaychemist for that.
and they have mebendazole (90 counts) for $24.50.
In this town I live in, which is somewhat small, had an electronic billboard up and it was switching between ads. I just saw an ad that I haven't heard about in a long time. It was on HIV and they had a hotline number where you can call and ask how to live with HIV and how to manage it.
When I saw that, I immediately thought it had something to do with the clotshots Bidet forced everyone to take due to fearmongering. (for those who don't want to visit the site, but want to watch the video)