Yeah I'm in I.T. so I'm familiar with how DHCP distribute IP addresses and setting static IPs.
The thing is, when I set up the static IP for my PiHole, the LAN IP changed to a number up above the former one, i.e. got changed to I didn't change that, the router changed it by itself.
I followed this guy's explanation on how to set PiHole but I know he's using a Ubiquity router so I managed to get all what I needed to set up per his instructions but at the end, the PiHole is listening and scanning but because my router and the Pi-Hole are on two different networks ( for PiHole and for my router) so nothing is coming through the PiHole and I lost internet connectivity on my router.
Had to reset router because I couldn't even get into the router's interface (don't know what it got changed to because I can see it by its IP address but whenever I try to get in the web interface via its IP address, it keeps giving me an error). Did some changing and all, but it took up pretty much all night for me and my child had to be in school (remote learning) and I had to have the router back in working order so my child can attend class via zoom.
Since then, I've been busy but yeah I'll try to look around and read some more on PiHole to see what I did wrong.
I'll look at eBay again. Last time I went hunting on eBay was when I was trying to find a working Cisco 2950 router so I can set up a home lab but there weren't any at the time or they were selling at a crazy price, like $1,000 for one when I saw it going for around $50 but got quickly sold.
Thanks for the info!
Gotcha! Thanks!
OK thanks!
Gotcha, thanks!
Thought I just read somewhere else she's stepping down this Sunday the 22nd?
Yeah I just like to have some stuff now rather than waiting later but when I upgraded to 35, I saw what a lot of people were complaining about instability. Decided to finally upgrade to 37 and it's now mostly stable.
Haven't really used Debian but I've used Ubuntu so I got a good idea of how Debian can do and I'm sure it's lots better than Ubuntu. But I like Red Hat/Fedora because I used it first when I was in college, majoring in I.T. and loved it since.
True, that's a good point. Didn't factor that one in. Totally forgot all about my friend who used this program to remove a lot of stupid junk from Windows so they can just "vanilla" install Windows on our test bench.
Yeah you're good. I believe Kali is a fork of Tails but with pentesting capabilities like Metasploit, Splunk and many more.
Tails comes with the TOR browser (TOR = The Onion Router) and have a lot of tips telling you how to remain anonymous i.e. do not maximize your browser, do not copy and paste, do not transfer files between Tails and your personal computer, etc. All of that can trail back to your real identity, even if it's very minimal. Tails is also lightweight.
Well my mother in law has Windows 10 installed on her laptop and I had to apply an hotfix. Took about 6 hours for it to go through. Her laptop is HP and it's using OEM OS.
I had Windows 7 installed on my computer and it was the last Windows OS I used before switching over to Linux fully. I had like three or four updates to apply. Took literally all night to have them go through. That was the final straw for me so I switched over to Linux and haven't looked back. I was even using a SSD for it with 16 GB of RAM. At that time, my PC was an enthusiast PC that I built myself, and it was LAGGING with Windows.
Not only that but I had to service computers for about 5 years and I had to apply hotfixes, updates and all that. Half of the time, I had to leave them sitting on the workbench overnight for the updates to go through. Oftentimes I would think the computer had some more issues than just software but it was actually Microsoft that made the OS worse version after version. Not even going to use Windows 11.
Convinced my father to get off Windows and use a chromebook with Android stack on it and he's happier with it than he was with Windows. He kept saying, "I swear I'll sling this laptop into the sky and shoot that piece of shit!" when referring to his Windows laptop.
Another good one:
Haven't used any of the Linux distros other than Ubuntu that people have suggested on here but I've used Mint like 8 or so years ago.
Right now I'm on Fedora and it's good so far. Yeah sometimes unstable but that's what I get for using an OS that's constantly updating all the time. Fedora 37 seems to have fixed most of the issues I was having in Fedora 35 and I'm a late adopter -- I don't always upgrade to the latest version, but for this one I had to because I was actually having stability issues with 35.
I have yet to install PiHole because my router keeps changing the IP addresses every time I set PiHole up so maybe I'm doing it wrong but then again, I'm using a shitty router, despite it being "top of the line" back then. It's not even compatible with OpenWRT... :(
Antivirus is one of the many reasons why I switched over to Linux because it's bloatware and slows your computer down due to it constantly scanning for everything you do online as well as offline.
Yeah Ubiquity looks nice and all but very expensive. I was also looking into using pfSense but I don't have what this video recommended getting.
It looks like I may have to drop ~$800 to get everything what I need to use pfSense to manage my network...?
As for VPNs, I still haven't found one as I'm not sure which one is the best one out there and reasonable priced as well. Not sure about ExpressVPN, MullVad, BearShare or something like that. Just saw some people recommend SurfShark (At first I thought they were talking about WireShark lol). Anyways, I'd like to use a VPN service sometimes soon but it's hard to decide on which one, like you said, as they all have trade-offs.
For me, I avoid all password managers. Don't 100% trust them completely and I have complicated passwords anyways.
Anyways good info here. Thanks for sharing!
Honestly Kali is more for pentesting but if you really want to be fully incognito online, use Tails on an USB stick.
Or just install Windows in a virtual machine and use it for 180 days (that's the limit you can use until Windows starts complaining that you need to activate it) then delete and install.
No need to install a bootleg version.
Or just don't activate. Yes you won't be able to use some of the services and drivers but if you are just doing some simple stuff then I doubt drivers/services may be needed for whatever you're doing.
I've noticed that most people usually don't allow Windows to finish setting up. They would just start using Windows as soon as Windows boots up, interrupting the setup process.
That's one of the common issues that was brought into the shop I worked at and I had to do a system recovery or a clean install of Windows then just let it do its work until I see the "New Account" screen.
But the main reason why I stopped using WIndows about 10 years ago is because I got tired of waiting half a day for Windows to finish installing a single update.
Well the mod, Brownie-1234's flair says she's a "Over-educated woman with cats", so you're not wrong.
By looking at the name, I thought it was Cliff Lee. Regardless, RIP Lee Tinsley...
I was just supplementing OP's comment because he said:
Clocks are typically set at 10:10 in professional photos.
Wasn't even making a Q reference or explaining what Q was trying to convey.
Another reason for the 10:10 is because the company's logo is usually on top between 10:10 so they put the hour and minute on the sides to showcase the company's name.
Peyton Hillis, another NFL player (a former one) in intensive care after rescuing family members from a swimming accident. Now having kidney and lung problems "but is improving", per ESPN.
Not sure how bad or what kind the accident was but he rescued his kids from drowning in the ocean...
He was basically doing the job of a lifeguard then got kidney and lung issues??? hmmm...
I get where you are coming from. I'm also on government assistance and yes I should be working, but the problem with that is we get a good chunk from the gov't that last a month for us.
The reason why my wife and I are on gov't assistance is because we're deaf and also because we have a hard time finding a job due to discrimination. I went to college and graduated with Bachelor's in I.T. but unfortunately none of the employers want to hire me. I've applied to over 700 jobs and went on maybe 3 interviews so far.
Right now I'm probably considered too old and probably too white to work at a D.E.I. company and I have yet to start my career since graduating from college.
I've had a job but the problem with that job I was working at (at a retail store fixing computers) is that the pay wasn't great and I've had ONE single pay increase in 5 years. I even applied to become an assistant manager, but home office said because I'm deaf, that is impossible for me to be one due to my inability to speak verbally with the customers.
After 5 years, I had to quit because we were expecting our child and given our financial situation, it was impossible for us to live off my income. We were even struggling to live off on my income before the baby came. While my wife is deaf, she also can't work due to some other physical issues so I'm the only one capable of working.
Because of that, that would mean I have to get two, maybe three jobs to be able to support my family. The gov't assistance we get monthly, pays off everything we need to pay per month plus food and at the end of the month, we would be almost broke but at least we're not broke after the 1st week or two, if we had to rely on my income from my previous job. I would estimate the amount we get per month from assistance equals two jobs, maybe three "blue collar" jobs? It's a real sad state we are in right now.
Right now I would love to work as I've always envisioned myself working for a corporate, servicing and maintaining their infrastructure and all but like I said, I applied to over 700 jobs and none of them want to hire me, despite my co-workers from my recent job saying I will have no problems landing a job because I'm too good at what I do. I even got awards commending my performance (4 years in a row) and apparently that isn't enough to prove my worth with the companies I've applied to.
Discrimination is real and it's a long story for me to get into. I can PM you if you're still interested in learning more about this but it really pisses me off that I can't work in my dream career field because I grew up with computers (since 7 years old and I'm in my 40's now).
Even I'm not the only deaf professional struggling to find a job in the corporate world, a lot of my friends from the college I attended, are deaf and they also are struggling to find jobs due to discrimination. This is why I see "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" as a bullshit gimmick to show that they're woke. Sure, they can hire people in wheelchairs but they won't hire deaf people and blind people because it would be too much for them to handle.
I know you said you understand those who are physically incapable of working but for me, I CAN work. The problem is the $$$. I've been told I should be working but when I explained our financial situation with $$$, they understood why I wasn't looking for a job because it's not financially sound.
This is why I voted and support President Trump because he's the one who can fix this shitty economy we're in, on top of everything.
Yes you do have an excellent point on people being too lazy and live off welfare while they should be working because they're disrupting the balance of the economy. I've seen some people posting on social media, showing their receipt where they bought a lot of food (about a thousand dollars worth) and still have $2,000 leftover for the month. We do not even get food stamps so how tf are they getting food stamps?! Illegal aliens and uh... people of the darker complexion comes to mind on the reason behind this.
Yeah I don't think he meant with what was/is going on, is great in the same sense as everything's fine and we should be happy, like that dog in Hell, surrounded by fire and he's saying, "This is fine" meme.
I believe he meant, it's great as everything's going according to plan and we're on the right track to actually making America great in the long process. Obviously everything has gone to shit but like many people, myself included, on here have been saying for a long time, Trump et al. have to do this to show the people what's actually going on so they will understand the process at the end.
2024 being a "Monster" could mean we're finally done with the plan and everything's reverted to its former glory or better than it's former glory, provided we're still on track and on time.
So make another burner account with a fake email account. I'm on like my 17th Twitter burner account lol
Panda for me!
Yeah just updated it to be postponed. I submitted my comment when they announced the game is being temporarily suspended.
Hate to say this but I think he died. :( Ofc the NFL don't want to make the announcement right on the spot. They would have to say something like he died at the hospital, rather than at the stadium.
A lot of players were bawling their eyes out so obviously this was far serious than just a concussion.
Last night, I was with my wife and a couple of friends. They shared with us that one of our friends' co-worker recently passed away "suddenly" of a heart attack. He was in his early 50's. First thing that came into my mind was that he took the vax. Same goes for my wife.
We would have asked if he was vaxxed but we didn't because our friends, while they're sweet and caring, are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box. Think of it like this:
"So let's say if you didn't have breakfast yesterday, how would you feel?"
"But I did have breakfast yesterday...?"
"Yes but let's pretend you didn't have breakfast yesterday, how would you feel all day?"
"But I don't understand, I did have breakfast yesterday and I felt fine!"
and on and on and they'd never understand what they're supposed to say. So to explain something like the correlation between the vax and the sudden death would fall on deaf ears, or rather blind eyes as our friends are also deaf.
So we left it alone and just said we're sorry to hear that.
Additionally, I found out that someone was found dead in the river and I was a bit shocked to hear that because in this town, it's like Mayberry with drugs and moderate crime. I believe this is a first for this town to have someone found floating in the river...
Also no one knows who this person is so we don't know if this person is a local or from out of town... How he ended up in the river is a mystery but who knows if they had the vax, seized up and fell into the river, or the mafia got to him?
Creepy and scary to think that this "died suddenly" thing is becoming more local now. A few months ago, a good friend of my friends, suddenly died in the bathroom and she was supposedly healthy. More and more of my friends' relatives are dropping dead from "unknown causes" as well as "short battle with cancer".