It wouldn't be that difficult for people supporting Elon Musk and D.O.G.E. to show up on a different day at the same Tesla stores with signs saying how much they love the product, support Elon, support D.O.G.E. and think the Democrats are wack-a-doodles.
No he didn't but I can't blame him. That's a ridiculous amount of money for just a few minutes of broadcast time.
The only thing I learned was football is a very boring sport. So SLOW compared to hockey or basketball.where the score can change dramatically in minutes making it exciting. This just dragged on and on.
Then some rapper did rap for the half time show. I hate rap -- but I'm a boomer and reached adulthood when music was music. There was melody and you could dance to things. This was some guy mumbling rap.while people rolled on the floor or stomped around. Not much talent as far as I could see --.oh how I wish.they'd have dug up some old school classic rock band to play for the event.
They say it had.meaning -- maybe it did. But there was no talent evident. And I didn't find it entertaining.
I don't know that "meaning" is all that "meaningful" if 99% of the people don't understand it anyway.
Well my husband was rooting for the team that won so I guess from his perspective it wasn't a total loss.
I'll take basketball, hockey, or baseball over football any day of the week. I was so bored.
No. Not yet. I think it was probably a rumor to get people to watch this stuff. It's boring. Football is so SLOW. I prefer something that moves faster like hockey or basketball. I also find baseball more interesting. This just drags and drags.
I stopped it to eat dinner so I'm a little behind...why do they always have to have rap? That stuff is truly awful.
I wasn't expecting something the quality of a Busby Berkley musical extravaganza -- but this isn't very good. There are plenty of entertaining lesser known individuals with actual talent. These people so far seem mediocre at best. If the white hats planned this they should have booked those girls who sing patriotic songs. This is just weird.
Personally, I wish he wasn't attending. That venue is too huge and I can't imagine how proper security can be maintained. I wish he would watch the game at home on a big screen TV and be safe. I do not trust the deep state.
I wish he and Elon both stayed home. A football game isn't worth the risk. But I guess women have a different opinion on the importance football should have in the scheme of things.
Such delusion is sad to witness!
Nobody "leads" solely by virtue of their genitalia or skin pigmentation. Their initial premise is faulty.
Standing on a street corner singing badly composed lyrics are not going to convince anyone that you have any intelligence whatsoever.
Neither of these two women can carry a tune in a basket. Clearly, these two ladies have spent time in karaoke bars and have convinced themselves they can sing. They can not.
Odd.that she is acquainted with so many "trans" people. Either these young people are following a fad like lemmings, or there is some questionable "parenting" (and I use the term loosely) going on. Call me unenlightened, but I do not believe gay people should be allowed to endoctrinate children into their lifestyle.
i don't care if they have their coupled unions as long as there aren't children involved.
I, myself, never use the F word because I consider it unladylike.
HOWEVER, an anecdotal tale seems apt here:
When I was a junior in high school, my English teacher called me aside to discuss a paper I'd written. He noted that I had written several eloquent paragraphs expressing my opinion in regard to an issue. Then he commented that although he was impressed with my command of language, what he felt I really wanted to say was, "it's full of shit." He then commented, "there are situations when only street language is appropriate."
I sincerely believe in this instance one can dispense with conventions regarding "ladylike" behavior. This woman has every right to be outraged and I believe is expressing herself in a manner appropriate to the situation.
Clearly, we desire to put the individuals who misappropriated these funds in GITMO. Why be concerned about offending them with expletives?
"John Does" die every day of natural causes in hospitals all over the country. It would not be impossible to claim one of these unfortunate souls and substitute him for the "body of Epstein". There wouldn't have to be anything as lurid as murdering someone in his place!
I don't know if the fellow is dead or not. But it would not be that difficult for the government to procure a dead body if they really decided to pull off a switch.
Say what? Why would a.children' need to study black gay sex? One would think their focus would be on childhood on diseases. There's a rise in autism and they're worried about black gay sex? They need to have their medical liscenses pulled.
They obviously did it for power and money. You can't do anything about the power they seized but the family fortunes of these people can be seized. If their progeny is enjoying the fruits of ill-gotten gains resulting from the coup -- then all of it should be taken into the US treasury as compensation for the loss of a duly elected president.
Inherited money that is blood money should not be allowed to be kept.