Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or gains a lot of weight. She hides within the protection of fat because no man would want to touch a fat chick.

Fat becomes a solution rather than the problem in these cases.

This is not to state that all fat chicks have been abused, but some have been.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are just the themes I see in his work. Why do you think I am trying to hang him for his politics? That's really shallow and I appreciate the check and it's not what I am doing.

You ask is it possible he or someone close to him was abused.


Given the amount of his work I've read, I am totally comfortable hanging him out to dry based on his subject choices and the ever present demonic entities in his work. Something is broken within him. [This goes for Martin, too, btw (not the demonic, just the pedo).]

Over what has been learned the past few years (you may have known how deep this crap goes for a while - I did not) do you really think surface level is as deep as it gets?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appreciate it. Please consider.

I have read a large portion of King's body of work. There are several themes that run throughout:

--Sexual encounters with young kids - both with adults as well as kids with each other

--Struggles with smoking and or drinking

--Death of a sibling. Usually a brother.

--Demonic elements

These themes repete themselves throughout his work. It is clear to me these things prey on his mind A LOT.

For example, George R.R. Martin's characters in the Games of Thrones books are barely teenagers - Danerys is 13, Sansa hasn't menustrated yet, Theon and Rob are 14. Why so interested in their sex lives? Why do they need to be so young? Pedo action, George?

Andrew Vachhs is another lawyer/author that I suspect brings to justice the crimnals or an amalgamation of those he failed to convict IRL. Many of these consist of crimes against children.

In both cases, Martin and Vachhs, I have no idea of their political affiliations. Yet, I see the themes in what they write.

An author's psyche is on display through their work, and becomes increasingly apparent as one reads a large body of their work.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

King has always been a Democrat cheerleader. I remember a short story in the late 80s where he actually had a president Gary Hart.

He uses his stories as a platform to push the democrat agenda or rant about Republicans - especially increasing in his later books.

Given his track record, it's totally in line with his views. I would find it more surprising if he didn't bash Trump with or without the child pedophilia.

Child pedophilia is one of the reoccurring themes in his books.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0


Fathers sexually abusing daughters is a theme that reoccurs in several of his books - Dolores Claiborne, Gerald's Game, IT, 'Salems Lot.

Additionally, in 'Salems Lot, the evil and richest guy in 'Salem, Hubie Marston and his wife Bertie, are rumored to have hosted sexually fueled and demonic worshipping parties with some of the town's teenaged girls.

Hubie also contacts a couple (two men) in Europe and invites them to his town. One of the men is a vampire/demon and the other is the demon's protector. The protector procures a young boy(s) for the vampire to consume.

I always thought of 'Salems Lot as just a vampire story, but after what I've learned over the past few years, clearly there is more going on in this one.

No wonder King is afraid.

Dee68 14 points ago +14 / -0

You left out the part where the orgy took place in a "sewer" tunnel that connected the killer clown lair to the outside world.

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

I missed most of this propaganda as well. Even on non-cable channels, it was relentless.

Just watching this compilation, I can understand why many normies chose the modern day equivalent of harikari or seppuku.

It is sad. They were told it was being honorable.

A thinking person running the numbers of #ofcoviddeaths/#ofcovidcases would immediately realize that the "emergency" was being manipulated.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nefarious is worth the watch. It came out in April.

Guy on death row claims he is a demon. On the day of his execution, a psychiatrist is evaluating him.

It is mostly conversation between these two. Very reminiscent of Lewis' Screwtape Letters.

The psychiatrist is socially left leaning. The demon lays bare the lies. Very thought provoking. I found myself rooting for the demon.

No faces turning green, projectile vomiting, or heads doing 360s. 🙂

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Other than the news reporting on this, I have not noticed any difference with the strike. It is just not obvious in my viewing habits which have greatly diminished over the past few years.

In the limited time I do allow for viewing enjoyment, I find that there are plenty of old movies to watch and old series to rewatch.

Dee68 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are being baited.

The bj was not wrong or illegal. The subsequent lying under oath was illegal. That was the issue and why Clinton deserved impeachment.

Clinton showed his weak moral character with his receiving a bj from someone he was not married to. He broke the law when he lied about it under oath.

Cocaine is an illegal substance. The allegation that "everyone is doing it" does not matter. It is still illegal.

The DOJ or whoever is looking into this cocaine issue does not really want to know whose illegal substance it is.

The owner of the coke broke the law.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Her ignorance is astounding.

In April we (U.S.) had a government employee present testimony to congress about how we (U.S.) were trafficking children across the border for sex, slave labor, and organ harvesting. 85,000 children have crossed into America and we don't know where they are!

Bollywood has even done a movie about child sex trafficking.

There have been books written about it, one using the tsunami in 2004 of the coast of India as a backdrop.

Human Trafficking (Donald Sutherland), Taken, and several other movies created centered in El Paso and other border towns have covered Human sex trafficking.

Where the heck has she been? She comes across as if this is being made up.

My advice to her is to get her head out of her master's arse and start looking around in the real world.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, a lot can happen in a year.

I would be more concerned about what he is learning at home. He's being taught to live in fear from someone.

When covid first came out, my 13 y.o. was afraid he would kill grandma by not wearing a mask. Did not want to be the asshole and killed her. I told him it was all propaganda. We did some math - # of deaths/# of cases. Asked him where the hype was coming from because this is NOT the emergency it's being made out to be.

He had no answer.

Made sure he saw me bucking the system when we went out.

He hated this and hated me for doing so.

But..now he's starting to see and call out the government hypocrisy surrounding him. Wrote an economics paper on the dangers of CBDC. I saw it after the fact. Challenges teachers (sometimes publicly, sometimes privately). Plans to vote Trump, but is keeping his eye on RFKJ who is dropping redpills as well.

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. Usually though in the unfunny/bad memes I can kind of discern what they were trying to do (however badly).

This one however, I got nothing.

Heck, it would have been funnier it the guy had gotten out his crayons, poorly drew a stick figure using the orange crayon and then wrote "Orange Man Bad" as the caption.

You are so right, the left can't meme.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. I watched when it came out. They played a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode how it was just coincidental to current events.

The show is based on a BBC show - same name. That one had masonic symbolism throughout.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are correct. The photo looks forced. There is some crucial piece missing. Where is the joy and delight? Mike does not give off this vibe at all.

My mom was usually the one taking the pictures. But in those rare instances that she Is in the photo with one of her kids, her joy and pleasure is very evident.

In this picture, Mike does not look like he is bursting with love and joy for his child.

Let's say it was just a bad picture. It happens. It still does not explain why Mike would choose it for today's birthday message of feeling "lucky".

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Joy, I've heard "Bless her heart" is a common way of sarcastically but politely stating "F you" (or some variation) to someone.

It is used mainly in the southern United States from what I understand. I'm from the north so I don't really get it other than to know to be on guard and know the words aren't always meant to be kind and loving, but rather a put-down.

It's what I thought you were originally stating with your "Bless her heart" until I saw the rest of the exchanges with Mary.

FYI. I did not downvote you. 🙂

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't know why this got down voted. When you apply for insurance a credit check is done to figure out the premium you will pay. This is part of the underwriting process where the company looks at how many accidents you have been in, moving violations, etc.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isaac Mizrahi is a fashion designer. Used to have a line at Target about 15-20 years ago.

The line was not too bad then. No longer with Target and his line is lack luster now.

So, not really cutting edge.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's beer that does not taste very good. No hate needed.

Your "lesbian friends that can drink us under the table" should do so by buying bud light. No one - absolutely no one - is stopping them.

And hey, the mail-in rebate on a case of bud light makes it free! So, you and your lesbian friends can get cracking on reviving the brand. Cheers!

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not a campaign for gun control. It is consistent with his stated position in other interviews.

He does not believe there is anything govt can do within 2A to meaningfully to curb gun ownership.

From The Hill:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deviated from much of the Democratic Party during a town hall with NewsNation on Wednesday, saying there is nothing policymakers can “meaningfully” do through gun control to reduce the gun violence epidemic in America.

Kennedy, who is rivaling President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, was asked by an audience member how he would use federal resources to slow gun violence.

“I do not believe that there is, within that second amendment, that there’s anything we can meaningfully do to reduce the trade in the ownership of guns,” he said, “and I’m not going to take people’s guns away.”

“Anybody who tells you that they’re going to be able to reduce gun violence through gun control at this point I don’t think is being realistic,” Kennedy added.

His emphasis on refusing to infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights echoes a common Republican position on the limitations of responding to gun violence through gun control.


The Democratic presidential candidate did, however, express a position that is more in lockstep with the party whose nomination he’s seeking. 

Kennedy said that he would get behind a bipartisan assault weapons ban, which the overwhelming majority of Democrats support, but has little chance of getting through Capitol Hill given widespread GOP opposition.

“If we can get a consensus on it, if Republicans and Democrats agree to it and it passes Congress, I would sign it,” he said.

We have gotten so king happy in this country with presidents legislating by executive order that we've conveniently ignored that there is an actual legislative branch that needs to come together.

In this case, a snowball's chance in hell of them reaching consensus on this.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even the blind lady knows Biden is tipping the scales of justice.

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