Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. My mom had cancer (not vaxx), she lived alone at her home. My brother would take her to the chemo appointments. The tumors were shrinking, but it was too much for her 80 year old body. She wanted to discontinue treatment.

She was put on hospice (2021). My brother, sister, and I did her care by taking shifts so some one was with her 24x7. She was at her home. A nurse came in once a week to check vitals and an aide came in 2-3 times during the week to help with showers, etc. Pallative care only.

We did 3 months at her home like this. After that, my sister took her into her home full time. Nurse visits increased to 2 then 3 times per week.

Mom passed about 2.5 months later.

The entire time was considered "hospice". If she would have gotten strong enough to be fully on her own again, she would have lost the hospice status (hospital bed, commode, wheel chair, provided for home use; nurse visits at home, etc.) Evaluation for this status is every 6-12 months.

Many times if the person does not have someone avaiable or willing to care for them, hospice is done at a nursing home or care facility.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent interview. Bring the troops home. End the proxy wars. Secure the border. Test the 72 childhood vaccines. Second ammendment is part of the constitution - investigate school shootings and the role of SSRIs have played within each. Generally does not like snitch laws.

There is alot to like here.

Medical freedom. Sounds like a woman's right to choose until there is a viable fetus (3 months). Note: Three months was his statement.

EDIT: clarification, there are not 72 separate vaccines, but there are that many shots given as part of a child being vaccinated. RFKJ is calling for this all to be rigorously tested.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I weep for my son and nieces and nephews (late teens and early 20s).

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's like putting an NRA sticker on your car window or front door window. It signals that there are not soft targets inside and you may be met with deadly force.

To a would be attacker, just move on to a target rich environment instead, it's safer.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. He should not do this. What's to stop Biden from doing an EO against those who affiliate with Q and Anons? Q/Anons are living in an alternate reality and a danger to society.

Do you see where this is misguided thinking?

And another thing, can someone please point to EO in the constitution? What gives the Executive branch the authority to Legislate?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good advice! Know your store, if it looks unkempt, I either pass or buy only hard goods. Similar to rummage sales.

I am a big thrift store shopper. 30+ years. I have never had a problem. Of course, I always wash or wipe down the clothing, toys, books, games, kitchen wares, towels, etc before I use them.

I even bought my artifical Christmas tree there last year. That I couldn't really wipe down, however. 🙂

Am fortunate that I live in a more affluent area. Not super rich by any stretch, but affluent enough that people are getting rid of items after several years of use and they now want new. Saved a ton of money when my son was growing up.

Also, watch the rummage sales in the rich areas/subdivisions. These can be a fantastic source as these families are the ones who get rid of items after a year or less of use. I do not live this way, but in the mom's group I used to be in, the moms would actively plan their summer around these city-wide sales (Twin Cities have some very rich areas).

Soft furniture and stuffed animals I usually steer clear of because you might be bring something home - though again, I have never had a problem.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh, thank goodness! I have been missing you and your work!! You are very much appreciated. 💜

Dee68 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ty for posting this. I was wondering the same thing.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Second hand stores for clothing (and other goods) work as well. We have a network of about 10 stores that are in nearby towns in my area. A portion of the profits go back into the communities they serve (foodshelves, teen centers, etc.)

Be careful though, Goodwill will ask you to round up your check out total for needy people. When you dig into exactly where the donations go however, it is LGBTQ affiliated organizations.

by jb12458
Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are dying? Really?

Your car does not work and you don't have any cash. You are complaining because mom and dad have a different opinion than yours. They are letting you live at home. And still, you are complaining that they are not giving you an allowance and fixing your car for you.

You think your only option is to be homeless.

Sounds like you need to grow up.

The military will help you do that. Find a recruiter and join today!!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0


Here's my first hand knowlege.

COVID deaths - 3. The first one was a woman who TBH probably would not have made it through flu season. The second and third ones were vented (admitted into hospital w/COVID and then put on remdesiver and a ventilator) so, murdered.

Vaxx injuries - 4. One guy took the shot. Developed myocarditis, but says he's now cured. One woman took the shot and is having neural issues that I noticed get a lot worse as she thinks about it. One developed leg clots after taking it, but also is predisposed to this due to family history of blood clots. One guy is vaxxed and fully boosted - always getting sick with every thing that comes along, kind of a germ freak, too. To be honest, I suspect that there is a powerful psychological component magnifying these effects at work here also.

Vaxx deaths - zero.

If it is really as bad as reported on this site and alternate news, I should see people I know dropping left and right. Many family members and friends across multiple states should be adversely affected from the vaxx and are not. In fact, there are a few smug and sanctimonious individuls who took the shot right away, and according to Dr. Tenpenny's predictions should have died already. Nope, they are still virtue signaling the vaxx.

I don't know what to make of Ed Dowd's work Cause Unknown. Stat based.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. Make sure you tell the new drivers, kids/grandkids, the gory truth about this.

I had this conversation with my son before he got his license. When the organ donation box is checked and you get in an accident, the hospital has zero reason to keep you alive. Many of your organs can be harvested out to many patients. Oh, and BTW, I've heard they do the harvesting while you are conscious but powerless/intubated to stop them.

EDIT: From Anne Heche's accident thread. https://a.pomf.cat/uagito.jpeg

EDIT2: Anne Heche's suicided thread https://greatawakening.win/p/15JAh4xl1r/anne-heche-suicided-thred/

And...if you had organ donor checked previously, make sure it gets removed while you are at the DMV. Story several months back about a guy wanted it removed, dmv worker tried 3 times being very careful along the way. It looked correct, but the system kept switching back to organ donation. Finally had to get a supervisor involved to do a low level switch/override in the system to get it to go through.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the kit I got. Ignore the picture, totally ridiculous.

Hydroponics Growing System Indoor Garden: Herb Garden Kit Indoor with LED Grow Light Quiet Smart Water Pump Automatic Timer Healthy Fresh Herbs Vegetables - Hydroponic Planter

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

The kit I have has 7-8 cones/sponges. This is the growing medium that is held in the water.

I had about 3 seeds per sponge.

Think leaves, not heads. When it really got growing, I would harvest some of the leaves for a salad. Then more leaves would grow out of the same cone/sponge/plant.

If I had too many leaves at one time, I would harvest and keep in the refrigerator like bagged lettuce you get in the store. We planted in January and once grown (about 3 weeks) were harvesting leaves like this until about mid-april. By then, it was clear to start a new batch - new sponges and seeds.

If you have ever planted a flower box on your deck railing with say spinach or romaine, the harvesting was more like this.

The one box was good for us to start. We live in mn, so in the dead of winter, warming up with a bowl of chili vs a salad is the go to 🙂. So, a bit of retraining our palates is also needed along the way. Even without hydroponics, we don't eat mass amounts of salad in the winter. No one is really talking about making a big ol' bowl of salad on the weekend in mn winters.🙂

We did not stager the planting, but did stager the harvesting by harvesting of a couple of cones at a time. Then, while those cones are growing again, you can harvest of some of the other cones, then rotate back.

Also, when I state harvest, it is really more of a thinning out. Bottom leaves are oldest and largest so they get harvested first. Leave the top ones alone so they continue to grow. Eventually these will become the bottom ones.

I put the fertilizer on amazon subscribe and save am playing around with the frequency. For what we did with the first box we had enough, but by the time we wanted to start the second box, we needed more. Have not looking into cheaper alternative here, yet.

I would say start now with one box. Learn while there is an abundance of garden produce. By the time fall rolls around, you will have a good idea of how much you will get from a box in the wintertime. If you need more boxes, you can always order then.

Good luck!!

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think about hydroponics.

I picked up a kit for the family for Christmas just to try. I chalked the cost of the system up to being about the price of a community ed course - $50-75. It's the price of education.

We grew lettuce in the winter indoors. Totally worked! Tasted great.

Bought a few more hydroponic systems as part of a prepping system for food. Used these kits as tomato starters for our garden - it worked great! Totatoes are now planted in the garden.

Kale, rosemary, and lavender starting from seed now in the hydroponic system.

Still doing lettuce while waiting for garden to come in. (I'm in growing zone 3 if this seems late to be starting gardening. 🙂)

This winter I plan to continue lettuce and then do herbs. Basil, peppermint, and cilantro for cooking. Unless of course SHTF and I need to grow more substantial food. 🙂

I got the kit off Amazon. Box, grow light, fertilizer, cones/sponges are all included. I purchased seeds separately.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. I can see where the confusion came in.

We do not have a DIY store that is mom and pop owned.

We used to about 20-25 years back and we would shop there - until they had to close due to mismanagement/embezzlement issues.

Now I look at Menards and Home Depot in my town and realize that they employ my neighbors from the community.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I garden, yes. I shop for groceries at a mom and pop grocery store 2 miles from my home. And yes, they butcher meat there, too.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are using the term "local" differently.

We have Menards and Home Depot in my town. Both are less than 5 miles from my house - they are local.

The closest Lowes is about 20-25 miles away.

You are correct in saying that all three are big box stores. Wasn't trying to imply the these are mom and pop stores.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

BIL's wife is that way. Was depressed when she found out she was having a girl. When the baby was born and growing up, she was not given girl toys (dolls, barbies, playhouse, pretend kitchen set, etc). She was only given gender neutral toys.

If extended family would give her a doll or a toy dishes set, it would soon go missing or accidentally break and be thrown out.

BIL's wife doesn't even refer to her by name, she is known simply as "kid" - even in Christmas cards.

BIL's wife thought it was cute if she ignored the "kid" if the kid did not call her "mommy". (Mommie Dearest, anyone?)

The girl has grown up to produce art that would fit right in with the podesta collection.

I am waiting for the LGBTQ announcement.

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