Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ash, I always appreciate what you post. I may not always have time to read/listen, but I know it will be good.

This one was especially poignant since I teach American History for homeschool high schoolers. For the first semester, we have been focused on our founding and the ensuing struggle to live up to the words "all men are created equal" and the immortal words penned in our Declaration of Independence culminating in our memorization of the Gettysburg Address.

Now we are up to the McKinley administration - the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines, our oversight of Cuba - and our overall behavior begins to become more troubling. It was before with our treatment of the Indians, but now it really ramps up. Are these the actions of a nation founded upon all men are created equal?

And I know, that come post WWII, it will even become a bigger issue - Iran in 1953, Suez Canal, Latin America, proxy wars during the Cold War, the Gulf of Tonkin. None of these sit well.

We are not the good guys. We are the world's bully! When did this happen?!?

Fortunately my text book is pretty based - one that even states that 'we now know McCarthy was right - there were communist spies in our state department'!! I stick very close to the book. The book only states what can be proved, but, if you know your history on what is suspected, you can see how carefully things are worded. Keep in mind that this is for high school.

I often straddle the line between principle and practice. I use Calvin Coolidge's speech on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence to see me through. It reminds me of why America is worth fighting for and that we need to take this county back.

Anyway, keep doing what you are doing, Ash. I am a fan of yours!!

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Get a Ukraine one. Put a swastika on it.

State "Go Azov Battalion!"

Red Pill at the same time.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Extradite him and his cronies to Russia.

Here are the perpetrators of the pipe bombing.

Neither the American people nor our Congress sanctioned these actions. The perpetrators should be executed as traitors. You get first crack.

Good hunting.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I grew up in and now live in an all white area.

We always lock our doors (house and vehicles).

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conspiracy theorist! Fear monger!

Veterinarians are "baffled". They do not know why these chickens have "died suddenly."

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. It is pretty ridiculous art really. I would laugh it off except it is probably depicting or giving instructions on actual mutilation that have or are continually call demonic entities into this world.

Return of the gods by Jonathan Khan. This falls right in line with Astoreth worship. She was the god of homosexuality and transformation. Gay pride and LGBT with the depictions of her using the rainbow as her reigning destruction.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It looks like the one man pretending to be a bunny is cutting the bunny ear off of the stuffed animal.

The other man pretending to be a bunny is checking out the stuffed animal's genitalia.

So, two grown men, pretending to be bunnies, a.k.a. "furries", are mutilating a stuffed animal and are into it's genitalia.

A child's mask is lying nearby and I don't know what the other papers are.

Is this stating that the stuffed animal is just something to be experimented upon and that it is not a child, hence the child's mask?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

For real, that's a tv show?

My mind is reeling like when my nephew told me there was a show called, "Uncle Grandpa".

by panamax
Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fetterman neck. Looks like it might be catching.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

Orphan here.

My mom died Christmas 2021. Non-vaxx cancer. Christ follower.

She was on hospice. I did not have to decide anything. She chose to stop chemo. We just allowed nature to take over. When she passed, she was delivered into the arms of Jesus.

She is safe.

There is a comfort knowing this. She will not have to face what lies ahead. I think that it will get pretty rough before we get to the other side of this.

Your father is safe as well. Take comfort and rejoice in this. Jesus has him safely in his embrace.

Take care, fren. You are not alone. πŸ’œ

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ty. It's not like you are in the path of a hurricane or tsunami. Winter storms usually have you shelter in place.

This is indeed freaky. Nuclear may be what they are prepping for. EMP not so much given the dependence on electronics.

Of course, this could just be b.s. noise in the fog of war.

Stay safe, fren.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am sorry for your situation. πŸ’œ

It's why I stated "drastically reduced" instead of eliminated. There are legitimate reasons, of course.

Annual physicals are not needed. Think about this for a second. I feel fine, but I need to go to the doctor so he/she can tell me that I am fine. I need to have blood drawn and checked against some numbers that will PROVE I am fine.

Strep throat WILL clear on its own. This I got from a pediatrician. In rare cases it turns into something involving a person's heart, yet the fear porn surrounding it is that left untreated it WILL affect your heart.

Can't treat a really bad cold, but hey, here's a shot that can "cure" this really bad cold we call COVID. Of course, it's EAU, because there are NO other viable treatments - don't look at Uttar Pradesh who got their cases down to zero with ivermectin OR the fact that case/deaths mean MOST have a 98% chance of survival.

Vaccines are not needed for health. Well-baby care. What a crock. Here are the 30 shots your baby needs to survive on earth. Proper hygiene and clean drinking water have nothing what so ever to do with it.

My overall point is that we, in general, are quite resilient. We have been duped into thinking that our medical establishment is more necessary than it really is.

Reclaim as much of your life as you possibly can. Be your own doctor.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Be your own doctor.

Between food as medicine, supplements, homeopathy, oversees pharmacies, acupuncture treatment, chiropractic adjustments, Bach flowers, frequency healing, and light therapy, doctor visits should be drastically reduced.

Western medicine is great when it comes to trauma care. Beyond that, imho, it's a crap shoot.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. So, it's dealing with the ensuing chaos.

In both cases, normie and GAW, there is chaos.

Normies, once they awake/see, think it's all real, right now. Their world just cracked apart. PANIC!

GAW, know some of it may be real, while a lot of it isn't. Either way, there is a larger plan in play.

Stated another way, GAW, the chaos must happen. Be calm and look for the larger play.

The calm should look similar between sleeping normies and GAW, but are vastly different states of being.

Did I capture it correctly?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!

This is getting detailed.

This summer I heard a replay of a "what to do in a nuclear strike" radio ad that had been played in NYC. That was the closest to this ad.

May I ask where you are located? I'm in MN and havent heard this, but then I stream most everything and skip the ads.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Serious question.

How does this differ from the stance of the normies?

TBH, they just kinda float through life. Hey, did you see that funny cat video?

What am I missing?

BTW, I appreciate what you wrote because it is grounding, so updoot.

But, the niggling thought that it's close to normies being asleep, remains.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have recently read Return of the Gods.

It is about Baal, Astoreth, and Molech.

I always thought of these as statue gods. Basically, a statue being worshipped. No more powerful than a rock or dead branch.

The book delves into the spirit (think demonic entity) behind the statue.

This I have to admit, blew me away. It should not have, but it did.

When ever Jesus exorcised a person who was demon possessed, it was clear that a demon was being cast out and that the demon was not Satan, but one of his minions.

Why couldn't the worship of Baal, Astoreth, Moloch be one of Satan's higher up minions? A graven image of the minion, demonic entity, spirit was used to represent the entity.

I had not thought along these lines before.

According to the book's author, these demonic entities have returned in full force just with a different outward face/form.

Astoreth is a god that can be both female and male. Sometimes having relations with the opposite sex, some times the same sex. Astoreth would be depicted in ancient manuscripts using a rainbow in the sky as part of vengeful destruction about to happen. LGBT Agenda?

Moloch is the god that grants blessings to those that offer their children to him as a sacrifice. Abortion?

Baal is all about materialism and is often depicted as a bull. Ever wonder why it's referred to as a bull market?

The author posits that these demonic entities have returned (or come out of the shadows) with a vengeance to wreak havoc. The author cites Biblical sources as well as a number of ancient manuscripts.

It was a fascinating read. Using this lens, it depicts what and why we are seeing the rise of demonic activity in the world.

Dee68 2 points ago +3 / -1

OTOH, I can see how this is a quick way to communicate. Similar to the Caring Bridge that will be set up when someone is in the hospital for surgery.

Given the mom's previous posts, I can see your take. The mom seems to make it all about herself.


Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

We did.

You told us you trusted the science.

Nice try, but your blood is on your own hands.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

I know.

Hubby and I lost our last living parent - my mom - to non-vaxx related cancer Christmas 2021.

Being thankful that our parents are not around to see this is a refrain that is brought up regularly.

Mom was based and somewhat red-pilled, but was still shocked when I told her 9/11 was an inside job and she became disgusted with having had trusted Bush.

What a farce this whole thing is.

Sad is right.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0


This is 4th grade math!

# of deaths/# of cases

MOST will NOT die from this.

There is no need for the shot. Just say no.

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