Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate this comment.

My immediate reaction was, "Revelation! Holy crap! They are not even hiding what they have planned!"

My second reaction was, "Hey, that's kind of cool from a technical standpoint, I wonder how they did that?"

I agree, the horse seemingly galloping on the water was beautiful, but the symbolism was frightening.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very doubtful.

He is awake and thinking. She can't see beyond identity. With him doing all the talking and thinking - she tunes out.

She needs to be brought into the painful spot of having to elaborate Harris' record.

She has to answer: What has Harris done for blacks? The border? What are Harris' policy positions?

She needs to speak and elaborate. The pain of not being able to might wake her up.

Only then can she be brought to the point of realizing Harris is empty and not a good choice. Otherwise, he is just a teacher's voice in the charlie brown cartoons to her. Kamala is still a non-white woman and should be supported.

And quite honestly, I have my doubts about the humiliation being enough to break her out of her programming. She may still think Harris is a good choice.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

My hubby climbed a ladder and screwed the Trump sign into a tree in our yard - back in 2020!!

We left it up all this time. It's become a permanent feature of the neighborhood.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got this from Bardsfm a while back.

Our population total count is exaggerated. Scott Kesterson did not cite a source for this assertion. However, I have heard this theory from time to time that world population numbers are exaggerated and over-population of the world is really not true. There is no problem with over-population. It is a mechanism for control. Really, how would we know the truth? Governments lie.

Anyway, when the new census is taken for the U.S., the numbers are more in line with the numbers forecasted on Deagle.

This sounds like a plausible explanation as well.


Vaxx die off

Turbo cancers

All have a piece of the population number reduction.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's into subverting governments and elections. It is this witch's profession.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, if Biden resigns, dies, or is disabled, the VP, Harris, would finish out the term. Then the November elections happen. The DNC would need to figure out who to run in November.

In this scenario, Harris, would NOT necessarily be the presumptive nominee for running in November.

If Biden is being replaced as the nominee, I think that stepping aside before the DNC convention would be less chaotic.

The clock is ticking. There is a ground swell of support for Trump that a new DNC candidate would need to surmount. Whoever the DNC runs would need to be nationally recognized (Hillary, Harris, M. Obama) or this becomes another factor that needs to be surmounted. Newsome, Whitmar have regional name recognition. They are nationally recognized among political hacks like us, but regular folks, not so much. The DNC is quickly running out of runway to enact changes.

I remember the MN senate race between Coleman and Wellstone. Wellstone's plane goes down a week or two before the election. Wellstone was killed. They had to drag Walter Mondale out of mothballs to run because they needed the instant name recognition. They were out of time.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

My guess is that information revealing that the CIA orchestrated the assassination of JFK is what he found too horrible to disclose.

It's one thing to speculate that the CIA was involved. It becomes something terrible to know that those who are to protect our country actively are subverting our country. I also suspect that the assassination set us on to a way of life that is based on falsehoods upon falsehoods.

I was born a few years after JFK was assassinated. Personally, my biggest question now is, was anything that I was taught from then until now true? I wasn't quite to that point during Trump's first term.

The betrayals we seen since (medicine, government, pharma) have primed us in a sense for another betrayal-reveal.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. This clip is going to be included in my us history lecture for high school homeschool!!

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

One slept around and is now a heartbeat away from being president.

The other slept with her employer, marries him, and will end up still being a babysitter.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Proving once again that they are not interested in healing or in health. Being very callous, she doesn't get any $$$ if you change your diet, but she probably gets a kickback for every vaccine you take!

In February 2020, I went in for a check up, (pap and to get the referrals for a colonoscopy and mammogram.) I was also due for a tetanus shot. I agreed to the tetanus (last shot, I'm now antivaxxx everything) and the doc started bullying me into getting a flu shot.

I was sitting on the exam table with nothing on except that crappy paper cloth they give us to cover our nakedness when he started his bullying tactics. Three times I needed to state NO. I had to get louder each time I said "no". By the third time, I was in tears, and I am sure I could be heard in the other exam rooms as I stated "I do NOT want a flu shot!" He finally relented.

Got the referrals and have not gone back.

Now with ivermectin and fenbendzole, I do not see the need unless I break a bone or need stitches.

Have made peace with the fact that if this trajectory shortens my life, it will just mean that I am going home early to be with Jesus.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good for you, Mary. Stand your ground! Each of us needs to be responsible for our own health decisions. Enough of checking our brain at the door when we step into the Dr's office!! Congrats to you! 🙂

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am coming to the same conclusion with respect to organized religion being a system of control.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why? Because the home occupant was probably white and the robber was probably a person of color.

To actually state the truth of the matter is wrong and racist, and we don't want to be shamed by being called racist.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are seeing the true face of the Vatican organization.

Dee68 14 points ago +14 / -0

Oh no, not excommunicated!!!

Proving once again that it's just a system of control. Members are threatened with hell via being excommunicated if members do not behave and get in line.

Forget Matthew 18. Forget Jesus Christ.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know. No good choices.

I console myself with the fact that she will not launch nuclear codes with out knowing she is doing so.

Plus, I think she can act and somewhat debate if prepped and does not need to be drugged.

It's a low bar I know.

With biden in charge - attack the US now. The CIC is mentally impaired.

With Harris in charge, as a leader, at best she's an unknown, at worst she's incompetent. Just enough to hold of our enemies from attacking.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is a national security disaster.

Forget the debate. Biden needs to be removed ASAP.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given that we are so late in the game, I think it will need to be someone with instant name recognition among NORMIES. Ask your normie friends (or a typical 7th grader if they recognize the name).

  1. Big Mike
  2. Hillary
  3. Harris
  4. Pelosi
  5. Sanders

Newsome is regionally and among political groupies well known, but I do not believe has a strong national presence among normies. I think he will be in a strong position for 2028. Running in 2024 will only sully his name.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sorry for your loss.

And as a side note, knowing a number of assisted living residents that died of covid is not really out of the ordinary.

Decades ago my mom worked in a nursing home as a nurses aide. Cold and flu season was callously referred to as 'spring cleaning'.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cervical cancer. That was the cover story. Gardisil was supposed to protect girls against this. It sounded reasonable, until a person dug into it and realized the STD caused that type of cervical cancer. 😦

Then I got a letter from my son's clinic wanting to inject him when he came in for his sports physical. This was 6 years ago.

I went apoplectic.

I got so worked up that my husband had to take him in for the physical and no vaccine. I was screeching at both of them that he (son) doesn't have a cervix!!!! I went total cra-cra! 🤬😂

What you found makes sense. I didn't look further since it had to do with stds, we teach abstinence, and boys don't have a cervix. Thanks for sharing.

Now, since I'm awake, I am anti-vax.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Australia was the test case on population control to see how much governments could get away with and enforce. Just my take, but whenever there was some really brutal, over the top, enforcement, it seemed to happen in Australia.

I appreciate your comments about being spared all the horrors. My mom (80) was diagnosed with cancer before the vaxx was out. We knew she would not last the year. A few of her friends were commenting even then to her that she would be spared from what is to come.

These friends were all very ignorant normies. My mom was based, but when she tried to talk to them about bill gates, none of her friends even knew who he was! Which, given that they were all 75+ kinda makes sense, but still, very ignorant.

Despite this, they could tell something was coming.

It's this sense of impending doom/dread that can almost be felt/perceived, but is not tied a specific news story or occurrence.

At this point, I feel almost relief (joy?) when someone dies because - they got away, they're safe.

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