Dee68 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you werent afraid of the flu enough to take the first mystery shot, maybe you will be afraid of cancer enough to take their second mystery shot.

The first mystery shot gave you cancer, the second mystery shot will cure it. Promise.

Under no circumstances should you take animal medicine for either the flu or cancer.

The logic surrounding this is absurd. Big pharma is doubling down!

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Over the past few years, I learned about and been sickened by the rampant depravity in Hollywood.

So, my rule now is that anyone from Hollywood is a pedophile and/or an MK ULTRA sex slave unless I have reason to believe otherwise.

I have found that it saves on the disappointment later. Plus, I end up looking for something else to do instead feeding at the Hollywood slop trough.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0


I think that the coop teaches Civics using abeka for the younger grades. Not sure what the high school uses - it might be teacher developed.

For the US History classes I teach, I incorporate a special unit for high school using the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. I also have them watch the RFKJ video from Dec 2020 where he speaks about the violations against the bill of rights; and they read a letter from one one the J6 prisoners and how their rights were trampled upon.

I want them to realize that we need to be ever vigilant against tyranny and that our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are always being challenged.

BTW, inherent in the Declaration of Independence is the right to revolt. It is often overlooked.

Kris Anne Hall (Liberty University) is an excellent resource and I echo her in my classroom.

Justice Scalia has spoken about how the separation of powers is the one element that really sets our country apart (not so much the bill of rights as other countries have these) and I work this into wherever I can in my lectures.

I attempt to teach my students that we have seen the encroachment of tyranny throughout our history starting with the xyz affair and to watch for this especially when there is a crisis.

The Federalist Papers are on my reading list. I know about certain arguments and dip in these when the situation presents itself, but I really want to study these on a deep level.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. It happened to me. I got something that made my underlying autoimmune issues go haywire. I skipped most meals and did not get out of bed unless I absolutely had to do so. This lasted for 7 weeks. I lost 25 lbs. Extreme fatigue, getting up to use the bathroom would wipe me out energywise.

Very similar to CFS.

I am unvaxxed.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was not taught this as a separate class in public school. US History classes might have touched on it depending on the teacher.

Mom and others modeled civic duty, so it was "caught" way more than "taught."

Home school classes where I teach has a separate class in multiple grades called civics.

My US History classes cover separation of powers and God given rights as well. My students all know that I will go ballistic and they will be in for a lengthy lecture repeat if they answer that their God given rights come from the government. 🙂

Founding fathers. Yes, I believe most were taught at home. I cannot recall if any were sent back to England for a "proper" education.

Dee68 9 points ago +9 / -0

Stop the abdication of parental responsibility.

Most of this should be taught at home.

My mom taught me and my siblings all of this (except for coding and self-defense). This was in the 70s and 80s.

We went to public school.

We complain about the horrendous job public schools do and then we want to give them MORE responsibility!?!?!

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is upsetting! What's next? Are we going to find out that Pelosi and Schumer are sending out an announcement stating that they aren't going to endorse him either?!?!?!

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keith Olbermann loses his shit, again.

It's his natural state of being. I don't believe that I've ever seen him NOT lose his shit.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hang in there, fren. You are the one there, not any of us. Only you can judge what is best for your dog. Do right by her - whatever that may be - it is not for us to say or judge. 💜

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, they were able to "fix the glitch" and allowed her to vote anyway.

This is b.s. What was the point of writing this article? The DA was not harmed in any way, two votes eventually were registered.

The question that needs to be asked is did all the others who came to the polls to vote and were told that they had already voted get their "glitches" fixed as well??

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was aware of Cathy O'brien's story from a few years ago. I just started reading Trance Formation. So much to learn.

Thank you for this post.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0


Dangle the carrot of a jubilee (old testament) celebration in front of the masses.

People willingly go further into debt slavery in anticipation.

Separation of church and state reminder goes out rendering jubilee fantasy null and void.

Debts need to be paid.

Rothschild-types win.

You did it to yourself.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

She is holding Trump accountable based on the information SHE knew surrounding the vaxx. She states she would take a bullet to the head before rolling out a vaxx that would harm millions of people.

All of this makes sense and she's right to hold him accountable.

HOWEVER, Trump needs to be held accountable based on what HE knew. I think that what he was facing was much more complex than how she presents it. I think he was facing a situation where implementing the vaxx was a terrible best option available.

Anything else does mean that he was actively part of the depop OR is incompetent.

I don't think he is either.

I'm reserving my judgment of him until more information is presented. Right now, it is just speculation on both sides.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes sense. Thank you for responding. Glad everything is turning out OK. 🙂

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just curious, why didn't you skip the clinic altogether and just start him on ivermectin? Or were you looking for the confirmation of a covid test?

My trust in the medical industry is practically nonexistent, so I am always looking for the point at which a doctor is needed versus just being your own doctor. Thanks.

Dee68 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am constantly impressed at how fathers leave such an enduring legacy to their children.

I was about the same age as you were in 1975/76 when my father opened my eyes. He had served in the US military. My second grade social studies book set him off. He was enraged they were lying about the Gulf of Tonkin to his children. Government, schools, and press were not to be trusted.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

Gulf of Tonkin.

I was in second grade. I was home with the chicken pox. My dad took a look at my social studies book to see what was written about Vietnam. Keep in mind, this is for second graders, so it would have been just the highlights.

He exploded!

He vehemently asked how can they do this? They are lying to my children! This is a lie, I was there, it didn't happen like this.

I began to realize that our government, the schools, and the press were not to be trusted. It scared me. I would not be fully awake until much later, but I was predisposed from that point on to not fully trust these entities.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Change your perspective.

This time is like weight training. When you go to the gym to lift weights, you don't think how can I solve this. Instead, you do the workout reps and lift the weights.

Scrolling thru the responses, most of us are in an isolated or near isolated situation. We are being hardened and tested to stand on our own and not with a crowd of "friends".

It takes courage and fortitude to stand alone. The only way these characteristics are forged is by having to actually stand alone.

This forum connects us with like-minded individuals from all over the place. It serves as a community to ground us and let us know that while we may be physically alone, there are many of us being hardened and tested at the same time.

Most of my friends have been stripped away for a variety of reasons (moving, falling out, superficial connection, etc.) I find it very freeing. I can now find new friends if I want, but I am now very comfortable being by myself as well. So I am pretty picky. 🙂

This is how I look at how things have changed. Hope this helps.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen! Anyone working in IT during the years leading up to Y2K was well aware of the seriousness of the situation - especially in financial and insurance sectors which are heavily date based.

At the same time, fear mongers got involved. Stories of planes potentially falling out of the sky and the need to build and stock bunkers filled the airwaves. It was predicted to be TEOTWAWKI.

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