So, they were able to "fix the glitch" and allowed her to vote anyway.
This is b.s. What was the point of writing this article? The DA was not harmed in any way, two votes eventually were registered.
The question that needs to be asked is did all the others who came to the polls to vote and were told that they had already voted get their "glitches" fixed as well??
Dangle the carrot of a jubilee (old testament) celebration in front of the masses.
People willingly go further into debt slavery in anticipation.
Separation of church and state reminder goes out rendering jubilee fantasy null and void.
Debts need to be paid.
Rothschild-types win.
You did it to yourself.
She is holding Trump accountable based on the information SHE knew surrounding the vaxx. She states she would take a bullet to the head before rolling out a vaxx that would harm millions of people.
All of this makes sense and she's right to hold him accountable.
HOWEVER, Trump needs to be held accountable based on what HE knew. I think that what he was facing was much more complex than how she presents it. I think he was facing a situation where implementing the vaxx was a terrible best option available.
Anything else does mean that he was actively part of the depop OR is incompetent.
I don't think he is either.
I'm reserving my judgment of him until more information is presented. Right now, it is just speculation on both sides.
Just curious, why didn't you skip the clinic altogether and just start him on ivermectin? Or were you looking for the confirmation of a covid test?
My trust in the medical industry is practically nonexistent, so I am always looking for the point at which a doctor is needed versus just being your own doctor. Thanks.
I am constantly impressed at how fathers leave such an enduring legacy to their children.
I was about the same age as you were in 1975/76 when my father opened my eyes. He had served in the US military. My second grade social studies book set him off. He was enraged they were lying about the Gulf of Tonkin to his children. Government, schools, and press were not to be trusted.
Gulf of Tonkin.
I was in second grade. I was home with the chicken pox. My dad took a look at my social studies book to see what was written about Vietnam. Keep in mind, this is for second graders, so it would have been just the highlights.
He exploded!
He vehemently asked how can they do this? They are lying to my children! This is a lie, I was there, it didn't happen like this.
I began to realize that our government, the schools, and the press were not to be trusted. It scared me. I would not be fully awake until much later, but I was predisposed from that point on to not fully trust these entities.
Change your perspective.
This time is like weight training. When you go to the gym to lift weights, you don't think how can I solve this. Instead, you do the workout reps and lift the weights.
Scrolling thru the responses, most of us are in an isolated or near isolated situation. We are being hardened and tested to stand on our own and not with a crowd of "friends".
It takes courage and fortitude to stand alone. The only way these characteristics are forged is by having to actually stand alone.
This forum connects us with like-minded individuals from all over the place. It serves as a community to ground us and let us know that while we may be physically alone, there are many of us being hardened and tested at the same time.
Most of my friends have been stripped away for a variety of reasons (moving, falling out, superficial connection, etc.) I find it very freeing. I can now find new friends if I want, but I am now very comfortable being by myself as well. So I am pretty picky. ๐
This is how I look at how things have changed. Hope this helps.
Amen! Anyone working in IT during the years leading up to Y2K was well aware of the seriousness of the situation - especially in financial and insurance sectors which are heavily date based.
At the same time, fear mongers got involved. Stories of planes potentially falling out of the sky and the need to build and stock bunkers filled the airwaves. It was predicted to be TEOTWAWKI.
I get what you are saying here.
Realize that credit cards are an option.
What happened to paying by cash, or check, or simply doing without?
If you found out that all the loan sharks around were cannibalizing each other, would you react the same way or would you take action (even if it is incredibly hard and unpopular) to not need the loan shark in the first place?
Credit card companies count on us being lazy and undisciplined. We enjoy the convenience. Frankly, I enjoy this, too. Now I am looking at how I can cut credit cards out of my life.
I notice basically two camps.
The first camp would be very comfortable on this site. Maybe would not be up to speed on everything, but would ask "what's X" and then would catch up quickly. They are predisposed to knowing/believing we are in the middle of a shitstorm and that things have not been right for a very long time.
The second camp...well they think that things are fine - yeah, we got inflation, but it is same with every president. This one might have more gaffes, but the media picks on him. They react as if you are off your rocker mentioning any of the stuff on this site. When you start talking about it, they get very, very still. Their response is either a polite exit or an outright scoff.
I have not noticed the second camp moving to the first.
Not only understanding those that hold opposing view points, but also being able to defend the opposite view points.
Example. Holding a debate between those that believe in a God-created universe vs those that believe in an evolution created universe, but each must take on the other's position in the debate.
It is a VERY instructive exercise. It forces one to really understand the opposition at a deep level.
This cannot be accomplished if one only can express surface level hostilities such as, "orange man bad".
They are dumbing us down. We are being made ineffective.
I thought that Putin gently handed Tucker's butt to him.
It was refreshing to hear a competent, intelligent leader speak it a way that was not idiotic sound bites.
Throughout the interview, I thought Putin really needed to move more slowly so that Tucker could keep up.
Note to self, I need to study and learn more Russian history.
There are several things going on here.
First, it's a heart issue with you daughter. If she is stating/pretending there are 7 objects instead of the actual six. She feels free to lie and deceive your wife to get her way. This needs to be addressed with discipline.
Second, boredom. Sounds like she is able to blow thru the assignments quickly. What do you/your wife do when bored? Do you or your wife whine about being bored? Where is she learning the word "bored"?
At our house, the word was struck from our vocabulary as it was expressing the mark of a weak mind. Imaginative play would often consist of a cardboard box and duct tape at this age (time machines, shields, swords, star trek transportors, etc were the normal)
What is your daughter interested in? Make a list. If she's curious about something - figure out how to feed the curiosity. If she's just pretending to be bored, again, it's a heart issue.
Third, I'd check on curriculum. I think there might be a mismatch between your wife's teaching style and your daughter's learning ststyle.
Your daughter runs your wife.
Cathy Duffy works through this (101 Home school curriculum picks). Just because a curriculum is highly rated, doesn't mean it's a fit for your kid. Example, for us, anything abeka was usually a no-go, so I would look for patriotic Christian books elsewhere.
Caution. A change in curriculum will not address the underlying heart issue.
I stream what and when I want so my TV usage is very curtailed.
However, a few years back, I was doing hospice care on the weekends for my mom. She only had network TV. This cartoon accurately depicted what occurred. My mom was hooked on the TV, so turning it off was not permitted by her. So, I found my self arguing with the TV so the programming would be interrupted.
It was really bad. I am not surprised people were brainwashed. The people who watched the network news were inundated every 5-10 seconds (I was counting) with a lie - either outright or something based on a faulty premise.
If this happened to you or me we'd be sol.