DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

This technology once accepted as the new normal, will become the biometric future of the New World Government. There will be zero small businesses, citizens would be discouraged from selling or starting a business, large businesses like Walmart, Wholefoods, and etc will have these technotronic gates at their doors, they will be large corporations that obey the WEF's orders.

If you don't submit your identity, for any purpose, you cannot eat, you cannot use public transportation or even your own car.

There was never a need for a chip, the "mark of the beast" is merely the acceptance of the beast, which marks you as accepting "of the beast" by God.

Everyone will eventually have to submit, by government, licenses, will be the thing of the past. Everywhere and everything will have palm print scanners, it will be your personal Digital ID. Your CBDC currency will be connected with your palm, your ID, social security, social credit score, birth certificate, everything connected to one palm reading.

It is a way to track you, your purchasing history, your location, everything. There will be no need for prisons, you parole officer will have access to your location at all times, with a scan of your smartphone to verify your location. etc.

Those that do not accept the new normal will be outkast, unable to buy their food.. we will create our own society, our own food and currency. Farmers, real patriots will not accept this servitude slave grid.

DemonDMT 5 points ago +5 / -0

The liberals used to be anti big corporation, they called it corporate fascism. Now they literally suck corporations dicks by defending them (companies like Pfizer) and literally support fascism by waving Ukraine flags. You can't get any more hypocritical. these were the people who claimed Trump was fascist yet have no problem waving Ukraine flags and giving their tax money to 100% Nazis in Ukraine. This is how powerful the psychological programming on TV is, they literally sit there and eat it up and spew their retardation in real life.. that is the level of ignorance they portray, if it's not on TV they don't bother to do any research on ANYTHING. This is why I don't shed a tear or care when they die suddenly.

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

sign me up, I'm sick of this illuminati cult and their support for nazism and terrorism. Face it, the U.S. will never be what the founders wished it to be; we ARE NOT free from the blue bloods, in fact, every President of the United States is related to the Merovingian blue bloodline, including Obama who is also related to Hitler.

Face it, the deepstate has won. We will be part of a New World Order controlled by the United Nations who will merge the U.S. with Canada and Mexico just like they did the European Union to create a Anglo European World Order that will turn you into cattle... chipped, with a social credit system and a way to get rid of your life through euthanization or sterilization.

DemonDMT 7 points ago +7 / -0

i wish i had a parent that was smart like yours. My dad is a total vaxtard and tried many times to convince me to take them. Sad but I'm glad you have a parent that you can actually hug and talk to, mine stays away from me at all times.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

exactly. Keep it up purebloods! you mad lads.

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

many as you know were forced to get it or lose their job.. many people with kids dont have a choice and just do it. I feel very sad for people like him, I dont have kids so it was easy for me to tell my boss to kiss my ass.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blood is on the hands of the people who poisoned you. This is just another CIA piece to reflect blame on the people who were victimized and still remain victimized for not complying with fascist orders. The dumb people will get angry of the unvaccinated, while the real criminals sit back and laugh in their ivory towers. I really wish these idiot TV watchers would just STOP.. stop watching the CIA's scientific mind manipulation and use your common sense; us unvaccinated are not your enemy. The people who forced you to take experimental MRNA vaccines are the people you should be mad at. But a steady diet of injections and drunken mirth of football games and propaganda has them thinking we're the dirty, rotten enemy. I have no remorse for these people, I do have remorse for the SMART vaccinated who realized we're not the enemy and this was all a population control setup all along.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's an artificial rise in gas prices and the CIA scientific manipulation box says that it's Russia's fault. It's an artificial price rise for profit and to destroy the people during a mini ice age (which we are in right now) and it's population control and to get people huddled into large cities. It's all a United Nations plan, they want to get rid of gasoline, butane, propane indefinitely because it's an alternative source to electrical energy. Electrical energy can be easily controlled by the PTB through the use of large city IoT smart devices.. these devices can be easily controlled using AI smart technology to turn on or off electrical energy to the homes of people who have a bad social credit score of who are using up too many of their climate credits. If we had alternative energy like propane butane gasoline, we can produce our own heat to cook food and provide us warmth during ice age cold freezes.. the PTB don't want that, they want us to rely on the big city smart grid for our energy.

The United Nations are a genocidal, sick group of people who are in control right now. They are hiking up the prices intentionally, starting wars with Russia (theater) hiking up the prices of food items like eggs and meat.

DemonDMT 14 points ago +14 / -0

its for a reason... if they would just pay off the debt our wealth would skyrocket... that would be no good for the elite.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Conclusion: In the study presented here, children from three pediatric medical practices in the United States were used as a convenience sample to compare health outcomes in fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and completely unvaccinated populations. Within the logistic regression models, higher ORs were observed within the fully and partially vaccinated groups versus the unvaccinated group for severe allergies, autism, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD), and chronic ear infections. The OR for chickenpox, our positive control, was significantly low, affirming the protective effect of vaccination. Similar results have been observed in earlier studies. Results from the analysis of relationships between vaccination and breastfeeding status showed that the lowest percentages of adverse diagnoses were observed for "unvaccinated and breastfed" children; the highest were observed for "vaccinated and not breastfed" children. Results from the analysis of relationships between vaccination and birth delivery status showed that the lowest percentages of adverse diagnoses were observed for unvaccinated children delivered vaginally and the highest were observed for vaccinated children delivered via cesarean section. These particular analyses, and results, appear to be unique in the medical literature.

The findings in this study must be weighed against the strengths and limitations of the available data and study design. Additional research utilizing a larger sample from diverse medical practices will yield greater certainty in results, essential to understanding the full scope of health effects associated with childhood vaccination.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good catch. The 3rd Reich was never defeated but quietly breeding in the Ukraine and the technology/scientists went to live in the U.S. to create NASA and the ballistic missile programs.

4th Reich is when the U.N. world takeover is complete.. yes we have Nazis ruling over us and the world. They built all satcom in space, there will be guns in space to keep us in check. The world will be a concentration camp, and they will easily murder undesirables anywhere, anytime... no need for holocaust ovens. The death switch will be in your veins ready to be flipped on at anytime (vaccines).

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I see the vaccinated carrying lynching ropes and torches is when I believe things will change... until then they'll keep doing the same bullshit.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right. Chickens also love raw meat, any type of meat.. roadkill etc. They're related to dinosaurs after all.

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

They also want to ban alternative energy: Gas.. hence the skyrocketing prices because they don't want you to have alternative energy. They want you only on the electrical grid, the grid that THEY control via IoT smart devices controlled by AI quantum computers and will restrict your electrical heaters and air conditioning if your social credit score is low or are a "restricted person" or have used too many of your climate credits.

When you need heating or cooling most in critical times such as heat waves or freeze waves (we're in a mini ice age right now and for the next several decades), they will turn it off so people will die faster. They WANT to completely ban gas, propane, and butane for this reason.. because if you can use alternative energy to keep warm, than their controlled electrical grid is meaningless, they won't be able to control or kill you.

It's also why they are pushing e-vehicles and are wanting to ban all gasoline vehicles before the 21st century. They will have full control to shut down your freedom of movement at anytime with e-vehicles, if you are a "restricted person" or have a bad social credit score, they can simply turn your car off.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberals have become what they hate... a bunch of big corporate, big pharma cock holsters.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is not a free country when you pay for your home outright, but still need to pay property taxes, and if you don't they take away your home. We need to face that American's lost the war with the queen, if we're paying 24% income taxes if you make $100,000 a year or if you're paying property taxes or any tax at all. I hope Americans will start the next Revolution, because the founding fathers either completely failed us or the founding fathers were just secret agents for the crown and fucked us over.

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DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

So your argument is "Trump saved Americans by preventing an economic collapse by giving vaccine companies billions of dollars to push poison to Americans FASTER! 33,746 Americans dead, 18,000 American having heart attacks, 26,000 American myocarditis events, 62,000 permanently disabled Americans later. Yeah thanks a lot Trump, for pushing the damage FASTER to prevent an economic collapse that will hit anyways.

DemonDMT 6 points ago +6 / -0

I saw a recent video of her, she had surgery on her left lung from cancer.. gee i wonder what brought that on????

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