Despitetospite 5 points ago +5 / -0

covid cult

1: Fauci

2: supporting banning doctors from social media who say the cure cannot be worse than the disease

3: Anyone who says "maybe this is going on a little too long" is called a grandma killer

4: Self-explanatory

5: "grandma killer Trump supporter idiot stupid evil science denier". Also, I believe 90% of "long covid" is cognitive dissonance when this world-ending disease is to you a mild cold. Leftist white woman(the most often demographic who "experiences long covid": "We didn't shut down the world for this mild infection, I CANT WALK!" (the vaccine heals it too apparently...)

6: "no way Fauci and China and every world leader colluded to destroy personal freedom and transfer wealth to Amazon and Walmart, and even if that did happen, so what"

7: Cant smile at people to show you agree you agree how evil it is

8: "I'm smart educated and caring"

9: Who benefits; the 1% of big businesses and China.

10: vaccine obsession

Despitetospite 9 points ago +9 / -0

Alex Jones predicted the response...

Despitetospite 29 points ago +29 / -0


Given Biden's performance, I wonder how NPCs are going to be able to defend him again.

Given Trump being proven right, I wonder how NPCs are going to reconcile the building cognitive dissonance they have (subconsciously)

Given their hatred of waving flags, I wonder what would cause them to wave a flag of a country they hate.

False flag(s)

This movie isn't for Trump supporters. This movie is not for people who are capable of questioning the narrative. This movie is to reveal the full truth to those who would struggle to believe the full truth.

Despitetospite 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still believe the audit is a red herring.

This movie isn't for us, it's for NPCs.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +5 / -1

I saw an article that said “there will be 1/6 level violence from Netanyahu being ousted”.

Despitetospite 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump rarely if ever defended himself against the fake media. I believe that having a certain amount of the population NPCs with TDS is part of the plan. I also notice that Trump’s actions in March 2020 got NPCs to be dedicated to defending the COVID cult. After Trump lost, TDS no longer works since to them, “the dictator obsessed with individual “freedumb” was voted out”. However they are still miserable, so they are blaming the people who voted for Trump and “grandma killers” who are against the covid cult.

Despitetospite 11 points ago +11 / -0

“Trump called nazis fine people”

“No, he said he wasn’t talking about the Nazis, and then condemned them totally”

“No he didn’t! and if he did, it was a day later”

“I’ll show the clip”

“I’m not talking about the Neo Nazis and White supremacists, because they should be condemned totally”


Despitetospite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am not even 100% sure if the vaccines are the main goal and this big bad.

I do believe that if they were bad, they would make you (or your kids) stupider, so you consoom consoom and believe propaganda.

I DO know that the same people who are going hard on unhealthy “incentives” took everyone’s (especially kids) lives away for a psyop, and lied for over 4 years transparently.

I’m more in the “Wall-e” camp than the “I am legend” camp for what the original end game of all this was.

All technology advances (Amazon Google Facebook Netflix etc. funded and/or invented by CIA/other elite?) were all going to the “stay home, no genuine socializing, consoom consoom” dystopian merger of government and corporation that we got a small taste of this last year. (almost like the plan included a small dose to “not tell, show”, like a NWO VACCINE??)

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like they did tell Lin Wood “there is a plan, all these people are guilty or something, accuse them of anything you want it doesn’t matter”. Anyone who is 100% innocent would go after him, and he’s a defamation lawyer and knows that.

I feel like Pillow guy has more of a role. Specifically regarding exposing fraud in the 2020 election.

I do feel like exposing fraud is a big red herring, since leftists won’t believe it. I also believe the covid lab being fully exposed (global collusion) is too small of a story compared to the magnitude of what will be revealed.

Remember, this movie is not for us, it’s for the NPCs.

Despitetospite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kamala is a shapeshifter.

She’s probably Indian right now since Hunter said the N word.

She puts on a Black accent that sounds less authentic than hot sauce Hillary’s

Despitetospite 6 points ago +6 / -0

That DARE advice program wasn’t really accurate or helpful for stopping street drug use.

But it is 100% good advice for the post vax “new normal”

Don’t listen to peer pressure!

Don’t accept free drugs!

“All your friends are doing it”

Just say no!

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary /s. However, I do see leftists say stuff like “I watch movies from before 2020 and think to myself for a second “why aren’t they social distancing, it’s dangerous no one is wearing a mask”.

They then call us a cult and wonder why the “cult” of asking questions grow exponentially during the “new normal”.

Despitetospite 17 points ago +17 / -0

I first got to Q when I heard them ask Trump to condemn it for the first time (after a few years of hearing about it). He said “is that a bad thing” (that I’m President to stop elite pedos). I noticed how they could have answered “yes, FALSE accusations are a bad thing”, but they didn’t. They couldn’t even lie like with Russia, since Epstein was a thing. I thought “the accusations matter more than the source of the accusations”. I only got more into q proofs after the election.

Covid+the election are redpilling people to the fact we know nothing other than the elites are untrustworthy, and Trump’s presidency was more about redpilling than action. This ONLY makes sense if NCSWIC.

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

“They want you divided by political affiliation”

Do not be mad at NPCs for believing the media+the heads of government can’t possibly be in bad faith.

“How could everyone be lying to me?”

NPCs are Misled not malicious

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

The put “covid 19 in a lab” on the right one.

The left one is what everyone will believe once the plan is done.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

1: declas of the full complex and nuanced truth

2: any execution done to punish all the evil is done via gas chambers publicly so the people all see how it works and the effects are all documented

“You can’t just tell them, you must show them”

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why the Biden administration is continuing to build the wall

(I know it’s a movie and this battle wasn’t really about immigration, but it’s just a joke)

by BQnita
Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine if the 30,000 guards arrested everyone on 1/19?

What would the media claim? What would the WHOLE WORLD do in response?

I’m sure you know the answer (constantly banned OP)…

Revealing the “very specific reason not mentioned” is part of the declas I believe.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Biden did a “mask mandates” on White House property 1/21, yet was photographed not wearing one after. Psaki’s response was “he was celebrating”.

“I’m celebrating” “I haven’t gone to Europe” and “what difference does it make?”

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's been worse around here XD

This post I made to a troll who asked "Let me guess, storm in two weeks" got downvoted since they didn't get the sarcasm or see the "/s":

"No, that’s when Trump will finally stop getting away with everything and be arrested for some crime /s"

Despitetospite 3 points ago +3 / -0

99% of people's politics are "leave me tf alone"

This is why (at least I hope) the plan included letting them get away with the "new normal", since "you must show them".

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I know. This is a joke for the patriots.win framework

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