the key bridge most likely yes, but the others....imo no , i believe something happened that wiped out populations and most of the cities were repopulated(orphan trains etc) ,but that is just my opinion. photo manipulation has been around since the dawn of photography. all the old photos always have vanilla skys and cropped images . i call b.s. on those construction pictures and also civil war narrative. after covid ive come to the conclusion our entire reality is a fabricated lie.
They know the people won't willingly move into cbdc. So they shall "controled collapse it and I'm gonna assume they try and jazz up the cbdc make it double purchasing power for bills etc to entice people to change . Then they rug the usd.
im all for this as long as they have 100% evidence of the crime that proves without a doubt, but im also for death sentence of them if they have the same evidence or remove the genitals and let them bleed out or if they get lucky scab up and infection grows slowly killing them
for most of the us. kindve like how the Mormons built up their city when they went out to utah in 20 years with horse and buggy. bricks stone and other raw materials used ,mined and not buying what they are selling as our history