DontAsk 3 points ago +3 / -0

In order to turn public opinion towards Trump it has to be something that exposes the Dems and RINOs once and for all. Or we are taken to the precipice of nuclear war and the idiots in charge can't seem to stop it but Trump rides in and prevents the attack.
Generally in times of crisis people don't like a change of batter so something disastrous would actually benefit the current administration.

DontAsk 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you scroll down in the original post you'll see the many of the parents who made videos about that day about their sons and daughters. It's heartbreaking:

DontAsk 11 points ago +11 / -0

Huntington Beach is conservative so it's not surprising

DontAsk 1 point ago +1 / -0

What was he doing downtown? I grew up in SF and my friends who remained there say they don't go downtown any more.

DontAsk 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Netherlands shows a positive growth of 0.1%
You can enjoy some weed with your tulips :)

DontAsk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see he's doing the Krassenstein type of poll (and look how those all turn out!)

DontAsk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly! You don't claim an award or promotion until the ink is dry on the orders! Everyone knows being put in for an award does not make it so. And I say this as a former G-1 person who processed the awards for the Command (the CG and his pen had the final say)

DontAsk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm reading The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. The premise is that the US turned its back against God so we will be destroyed like ancient Israel. 9/11 was the first warning from God to turn back to Him. I haven't finished the book so I can't say if there are second and third warnings. But I look around and see how many former TDS sufferers have started turning away from the progressives and will be voting with conservatives. Perhaps that is the beginning of the heeding of a warning?
The progressives are losing their grip on their base - even their rabid base has devolved into two warring factions. Maybe that is the beginning of the fall of progressivism? Then if enough people turn towards God perhaps He will spare us the fate of ancient Israel?

DontAsk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yep, just like how they refer to them as "migrants" so there is no difference between those here legally vs illegally.
They may not know what a "woman" is but they sure know how to manipulate language!

DontAsk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw other comments on Laura Loomer's post where people were saying the soldiers didn't seem to be US soldiers. Which gives a whole different meaning about them being there for the "migrants".

DontAsk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mike Glover who was a Tomb Guard early in his career says the whole thing is indeed political. Here's his take on it:

DontAsk 20 points ago +20 / -0

That's a nope from me. It would be nice to have it covered like any medical procedure that is medically necessary (so co-pays apply). And in the case of IVF it should be the inability to conceive after trying for 2-3 years during fertile years. And there should only be a few attempts covered (so no endless "let's just keep trying")

I paid a lot of money to fertility specialists and ended up adopting. So I am sympathetic but tax dollars shouldn't be used like that.

DontAsk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes! Even the support units need to have the warrior's ethos!!
As Chief used to say "During times of war, we are all infantry!"
(This was during Desert Shield/Desert Storm and we were in G-1 and had a weenie soldier who cried about possibly being deployed)

DontAsk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good officers, no matter how they get their commissions, will defer to the Warrant Officers and the Senior NCOs until they get the lay of the land. They will also practice "management by walking around" to learn what their unit actually does. That's called leadership. Unfortunately, concern for pronouns and "you go girl!" seems to have replaced true leadership.

DontAsk 20 points ago +20 / -0

I don't think enough enlisted want to become officers.
I don't see the problem as being one that ROTC is turning out officers. I think the issue is top down. When coming up through the officer ranks, one keeps an eye on what senior leadership wants/expects and adjusts his attitude accordingly. Everything is about getting the next promotion.
God needs to become a part of the military again. Religion used to be important to warriors. And the military used to be warriors instead of the current social experiment.
And that is the crux of the problem: the military is no longer our country's warriors.
Stop the focus on pronouns and feelings.
Return the focus to the tools and training needed to fight, fight, fight!

DontAsk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's one reply:
"Dude, I'm an atheist, pro-choice, pro-immigration, 13 year California defense attorney and I'm voting Trump. The democrats have gone absolutely batshit crazy, and no one view of mine is worth allowing the Stalinist level bullshit the democrats are engaged in."

DontAsk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully that will sink her campaign!
I only know one person who voted for her. Unfortunately my friend is so brainwashed that she believes Rosen's commercials. 😕

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