Just remember Epstein clients list hasn’t leaked and no one has been named or prosecuted. Pure fucking comedy. Go after this dumb bitch who watches TV and saw this slogan and yelled at a dumb insurance agent on the phone. Again pure comedy, sheep’s will sheep forever. It’s easy to go after her, did she do wrong yup, but go get the leaders fucking and eating children. Guess you can’t expect them to go after themselves.
This reeks of a repackaged North American union and is nothing but FM globalist bullshit.
Both Barry and George like getting their shit pushed in. Facts. Both are married to men. Facts.
Because it’s fucking money laundering!
Which part are you having trouble with narrative buster? His dick was flopping around on live tv yet you have an issue with believing a girl who claims to be traffic by this man. Oh you need a Washington post source to confirm it? Go away
Someone I know is in the club. Told me Clooney was gay in the 90s. Told me Jenn Aniston was a man. David Bowe wife “I man” Clooney wife “A mal” I think there is a lot more
Wakie wakie
Two questions:
provide the exact list of every country, NGO, organization receiving money.
how much do they receive yearly.
Too hard to answer.
It’s an honest question. Your comment missed the point, a pic is all you’ll get to inform you if the first gay president has aids. He looks like a stereotypical gay man with aids, sorry. Let’s review just some of the evidence: He is a homosexual married to a male who don’t has been flopping on tv for the world to see for 20 years, several men came out about how they did drugs with him and had gay sex with him, some aren’t breathing today. He was a member of Chicago gay bath houses. He wrote letters to his gf in college about wanting a man inside him. The gay community has the highest rate of AIDS carriers compared to any other group.
I could go on you but I’ll stop here, not sure if shill or low energy individual.
It’s just ignorant elite folks who inherently think they are better and hence the poors who they don’t give two shits about have to live this broken, awful life. Communism is a mindset and to break free from its lies takes self awareness. Its sad.
Communist pedos posing as everything to get you give up your rights your ancestors bled For that inherent to your soul. Don’t be a fag
Dumb ass inbred communist ideas.
The ol gay citizen white knight. Trust me im a communist masquerading as a gentle queer. Im here to lead to you safety.
Imagine the brainwash you have to have to then vote for this person. Regardless of ramifications, it’s an instant fuck you. Some ppl have tiny little balls.
All you need to understand is that communist lie.
They think it’s okay to be complete phony garbage to lord over you.
Say it together “communism”. It comes in many many forms shrouded as meek as sheep. Don’t be fooled.
Or they showed his dong and balls flapping around in his pants on live tv in everyone’s face.
It’s the emperor wears no clothes.
It’s is what communist do: destroy, lie, control.
Latch on to anything to gain control.
You must understand your enemy will do or say anything to gain control.
“Inflation reduction”
It’s a lie and a way to fund the destruction with your own blood sweat and tears. They think we don’t know.
“His” because it’s a man. Sorry stop the nonsense, it’s a pedo homo like they all are.
So Joe Biden “what flavor of ice cream do you have today?”
It’s so in your face based it seems the a farce, it’s not even trying to be partial.
And the pedo faggot fuck with his literal cock out in front of children. These ppl are pussies too, go dress like Mohammad with your pedo dick out, they will come and cut your fucking head off. It’s deemed ok by these pedo fuck elites. I’m not even Christian and I’m disgusted.
Oh you mean like :
Crook Bernie Madoff
“Heterosexual” actor George Clooney “female” wife A mal
Or another “straight” singer David Bowes “female” wife I man
Just to name a few
Helen Keller is Santa clause fyi. A myth
Are you looking for self help to jump start your life, move to a new stage, progress?
Simple you need a skill or talent that’s in demand. Go get training, go be likable and work hard.
We know anybody in the club who fucked and ate kids at all the islands aren’t.