Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like my post back got dropped from days ago, but we have been having wifi issues out here in the mountains for some time. (Sometimes I wonder if it's the electronic warfare training the military does out here. They fly over often.) I hope everything is okay. We recently went through cancer surgery and treatment for a close family member, too. She is doing well. And thankfully, she didn't get the vax. But I do worry for all who did. We'll just keep praying for everyone. God bless you, too!

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll learn soon enough, I guess. I think infertility has been their goal for a long time. So they can control who actually has children. These people are evil.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

In one of the short reports I saw, it mentioned some were off-duty police officers. Not sure how accurate the reporting is on this as to the number involved, but there seem to be more attacks by illegal migrants in the bigger cities on officers and citizens. I think this has already been going on, but the number in this seemed excessive. Except when we lived in Cali, it wouldn't have been unusual outside a Home Depot. We didn't have nearly as many illegals in the country back then, but they often hung out looking for day labor kind of jobs. They estimated there were around 12 million in Cali for years. But I think it was actually closer to 20 million. We never believed what TPTB said about that because of what we saw with our own eyes. And we didn't even live in a big city, but near enough. We were born and raised there, but because of the uncontrolled immigration and the cartels that came with it, the crime skyrocketed. Our little county was one of the few that voted conservative. Mostly farming and ag-related businesses. But we weren't far from Reedley, where they just found the Chinese lab. It was once beautiful and the people were mostly great. A lot of legal immigration, as well. But those people wanted to be Americans. We didn't have the kinds of assimilation problems you see now. It became more of an invasion before we left. The drugs and cartels changed everything. But perhaps this is what was needed to wake people up.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was mentioned to me by someone else, but it might be a hoax called into the police. It's odd that I couldn't find a thing on it anywhere, hoax or not. I think this is the best place to find news that gets scrubbed these days. So, I always look here first. And lately, stuff I have seen before has been scrubbed when I go to find it again.

Here's the channel where it was first spotted by the person who asked me about it. It's not a channel I am aware of in any way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj0htmyYdtw I didn't have the information of where it came from at first. Just wondered if anyone from Chicago here might have heard something?

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't see any posts for this on this site when I searched, although this seems to have happened 6 days ago. Couldn't find a link on duckduckgo or other search engines, but did finally find one on Russia's "Google," Yandex. It seems to be just one more thing that's being scrubbed, which I see is happening more often, lately. Anyone else hear of it or have any news?

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm seeing that more and more often. Sometimes, I can circumvent that by using Russia's version of Google, Yandex. They keep links on there that seem to have been scrubbed here. Even the ones that disappear from online archives.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

At one time, I had a friend in the UK that had one of JR's nephews in the US as a friend. Seemed like he lived in a state like Idaho or Iowa, or something like that. I was living in Cali at the time. (His features reminded me of Eminem, but he was better looking than the celebrity.) Sad family. But that guy had a link to this guy on fakebook. He mentioned a number of times on my friend's page in their conversations that we had no idea what his cousins had been through. I'm sure he was talking about MKUltra. Most of the time, the guy seemed pretty rational, himself. But I do remember a time he got angry over something and said they (his family) would destroy us (the common people, I guess), because there was something in the news where people were waking up and mentioned it. I figured the poor kid had been brainwashed, himself and so did my friend. Some of that guy's family looked normal. Some definitely did not. Almost inbred looking. JR went by Scooter-Dew or Scooter Dew Rothschild. I left fakebook a number of years ago because of the censorship. But before I left, I checked out JR's page out of curiosity. He was not on it very often. And it was not even private. But I found it chilling that he posted the picture of some guy who had been questioning him. I think he was an independent journalist or podcaster, or something. Nobody I recognized. Probably from the UK. But he posted the guy's picture and mentioned this guy was bothering him and told these family members on there, "You know what to do." A number answered back and said they'd take care of it. They almost seemed to worship him. I was hoping he only meant harass the guy and the post was at least a year old. It was a pretty vague message. Anyway, he didn't post often. Some of them were several years apart. So, I think it was just a way to send comms to younger, scattered family members.

Doobiedoo2 39 points ago +39 / -0

I stopped going when I refused the vax. Stopped any meds they were giving me that weren't helping much of anything, anyway. I don't trust anything to do with our medical system anymore, after all we've seen. I'm just putting my trust in God now, and I'm an old fart. I still think I'll live a lot longer by trusting God than most of these murderous CDC/WEF/NWO creeps. My gut tells me they don't have much time, themselves. But I also have hope that we are nearing an end to this insanity, and they don't really have the numbers to bully everyone into submission anymore. I refuse to comply.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been praying for a long time that anyone who comes to God and repents will be automatically healed of the damage from these shots, whether they know of it or not. I will sure be adding your Grandma Edith to my prayers by name. We chose not to get one, but a few other family members did. Although they are healthy at the moment, we still pray for them every day, that God will heal any damage that was done. I am very sorry you are going through this.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love our farmers!!! When this is done, I think we should erect statues celebrating some of these heroes, like farmers and truckers, so the next generation doesn't forget.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

They didn't usually enforce it, but I do remember when I worked at the border, there were signs on the border informing people in English and Spanish that crossing illegally could be a $5,000 fine and up to a year in jail.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The difference I saw being born and raised in Cali, is that previous legal immigrants and refugees worked hard and contributed, and they assimilated into OUR culture. Which usually happened naturally after a couple of generations, anyway. The "melting pot" actually worked. And I loved the diversity of my home state back then. Now, many are coming here to attempt to intentionally change our culture into something more like the failed one they left behind. But there were also limits on how many we would take in those days. Open borders are a death sentence and we do end up with a lot of criminals, including those sent by violent international gangs, anti-American terrorist entities and cartels. And some of those anti-American people with an agenda have now been elected to congress. Immigration only works if there is vetting first, and the numbers are controlled to a sustainable level. This is out-of-control, and our own government is engaged in human trafficking. We have traitors running the country at present. They will have to be removed for us to survive as a country and a culture. And it may take force to do it. Personally, I don't think we'll have to resort to that, because I expect that God will intervene with so many praying. I see some of it beginning to turn. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared, just in case. When your own government (or the small, traitorous group in control at the moment) is targeting its own citizens, that is the rational thing to do.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

What raises my ire the most after reading these headlines, is that I worked at the border several decades ago for 7 years. If not for all the Canadians that were treated in the winter months, our local hospital would have closed, and people would have had to drive hours at that time to access another one. We begged the Feds for YEARS for help and they turned a blind eye, because illegal aliens treated there did not pay for any treatment they received. And by law, we could not turn anyone away whether here legally or not. Many days, there were more illegals giving birth than citizens. Then, the taxpayers were on the hook to provide welfare for that new "American" citizen until they were 18. They got no help until Trump was elected. That's why I will vote for Trump for a third time. I've been voting since the 70's, and Trump is the best POTUS we have ever had.

Doobiedoo2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your post brought tears to my eyes. It took years for all of us to get here. Decades ago, people tried to warn us, but very few listened back then because we were fairly comfortable with our lives and the future didn't look so dark. We didn't understand how the media was being used to lie to us, how our government was controlled by sick, evil people. We didn't understand that there was a cabal of very evil people who had been plotting our demise for generations. People who wish to bring such a darkness to enslave the world and cull humanity. It's clearer to most people now. Don't beat yourself up over this. Your brother would not want you to feel guilty. He would want you to be prepared to LIVE. Brother, you are here for a reason, like all of us. We owe it God and to all the loved ones we've lost to be strong, brave and to stand tall and not waiver. We owe it to them to survive and build something from these ashes. We owe it to all the children, born and yet unborn. You have family here now. You are not alone. And you will be prayed for daily. Now, our loved ones are cheering us on from our real home. We may not know what our whole purpose is yet, but they do. This is God's plan to save humanity. And it's something awesome. None of those people, especially your brother, would want you to be debilitated by guilt. And you will always have brothers and sisters here to help you through that, too. Our quest to bring truth and light to combat the darkness that has filled the world at this time is a righteous one. When being kind to others, don't forget to be kind to yourself, too. God bless, brother.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I stand with the truth, whether they acknowledge it yet or not. How many times in the past few years have we been proven right? I know it eats at them. LOL! Even George Washington mentioned "the order" and "illuminati" in some of his letters. None of this is new.

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will be praying for her. Colon cancer is usually one of the more slow-growing ones. My grandmother battled it. She did eventually pass about 5 years later from old age. But she did beat that cancer. Hoping for a great outcome for your mom, too.

Doobiedoo2 1 point ago +2 / -1

LOL! I have wondered about that at times. I think Trump was more aware than most about technologies that were kept from us. He did mention several times making things available to the people.

Doobiedoo2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which is why it was so corrupt. And traitors in our own government were involved in meddling with those people. Even removing their legitimately elected officials and installing criminals who would work for them, which they have been doing for decades in many countries. We have to take back the power from these evil people and stop them. Otherwise, we are the "great satan" some have accused us of being. That is not who we really are as a people. We have to take back power from the oligarchs, using the strength of our country for their own purposes. We have to do it for our own children, and for every innocent child around the world. Otherwise, the next generation will know nothing but slavery. This is a cause worth dying for. It's time for our generation to step up and do what needs to be done.

Doobiedoo2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Project Looking Glass is nothing more than advanced quantum computing. And I think the white hats ran every scenario through that--every eventuality--while making their plans, just as those with evil intent did. But I was also listening to Kim Clement again today since some of the things he spoke of seem to be happening right now in 2024. And one of the things he mentions is that this plan is really God's plan. He mentions it is "so simple" that only God could have come up with it. You'll remember Q often spoke of praying, putting on the "whole armor" or God, etc. So, I think the main components of this happening right now are spiritual in nature. And that spiritual realm affects and guides our dimension. Remember Q saying it would be "biblical?" And "nothing can stop what is coming." I think it's because this is really God's plan. And like He said, He has good plans for us. Plans to prosper and not harm us. And I believe Him. There's no stopping what is coming. And you're seeing it happen now in real time. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MAafhAITxMw

Doobiedoo2 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I've read, she's treated him like a doormat. Including making her husband go by his middle name after they met, because she thought he looked more like a "Michael" than a "William." So, his family and friends pre-Niki still refer to him by his first name. While her crowd goes by "Michael." It made me sad that she would show so little respect for him in that. The story appears on Wikipedia, as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Haley_(soldier)

Doobiedoo2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have read that as well. I think he was involved in at least one snuff film, according to a whistleblower who claimed he talked to them about it. The guy was wicked and detestable. Perfect employee for the deep state. They employ quite a few psychopaths to do their dirty work. Like the guy who killed the MS-13 gang members that killed Seth Rich. I think many of them have gone through MKULTRA, just like some of the crazier young women we see in the entertainment industry. They tend to break down mentally and emotionally as they get older.

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