The other candidates need Trump in the debates because they need any opportunity to go after the top dawg and theoretically improve their stock. Trump's stock however will be unaffected by him not participating in the debate. So the RNC can go piss up a rope
Most humans are self centered so naturally any bad thing that happens in the environment we instinctively go "omg is this because of ME is this MY FAULT?!?! I PROMISE I WILL USE LESS TOILET PAPER NEXT TIME PLEASE PUNISH MEEEE"
The problem is that people do think they have researched things....because all the giant corporate news outlets and hip tech companies have annointed themselves as the unquestionable source of truth and they all back each other up. So they will quote the elite outlets like how dare anyone believe any information that didn't come from something high tech and shiny.
Funny how liberals pick and choose when to invoke the logic of "if something is misused with murderous intent it must be banned." They apply it to guns, but when socialist governments murders endless amounts of people they still want socialism to get infinite do-overs.
No offense to Hannity but every time Hannity interrupted him to be like "let's stay focused, let's go to topic A, etc etc" I was just thinking DUDE JUST LET HIM SAY WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS. Just let Trump talk as long as he wants about whatever the hell he wants and don't cut him off and just keep the camera rolling.
OK so I looked it up and he really did tweet this, and the only reason I point this out is because I don't understand why so many of these Twitter screenshots look like they were taken using a windows 95 computer, it makes me immediately skeptical every time. but this is indeed a real tweet if anyone was curious.
Upvoted. There is no perfect system of government you can design where you can just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep in your daily life without needing to make sure the government doesn't get filled up by the corrupt, selfish, incompetent, and insane. If we had a monarchy and the king or queen was always a kind wise benevolent ruler then you'd have a tough time finding support to replace a monarchy with a republic. One of the whole reasons I left the Left is because they keep everyone chasing that "perfect system" and ignore the questions about what if this "perfect system" falls into the wrong hands.
media coverage will be like "Today President Trump presented a bunch of bogus crap. And now on to sports and weather"