It's funny enough knowing it's Tiger "Huckleberry" Woods and the other is none other than Golf's 1%, John Daly
Jeez, try some bleach to LIGHTEN YO' ASS UP!!! It was a song by M.O.D. some 30 years ago. Look into them and put the pieces together.
A comment on the vid talks of the scaffolding around Big Ben. There's none there now. Old news.
US Military was running on 1 flavor of fuel. Premium. I run premium. I don't care if it's recommended or not. I run conventional oil. Synthetic is just a money-grabbing, sticky, nasty time bomb. 40 years fixing 1000's of cars and I know what I see in the service bays...
Haha! These dumb MF's gotta pay to join for support? Let's just start 10 more of these and MILK THEM DRY!!! And using that as a register for the truly brainwashed fodder that will never recover.
Not really. It's all a crap shoot anymore. I started a year ago after watching ebay for months. Saw an clean old 80's sears cb with side band, complete with mic, cheesy antenna, and a cig lighter power cord. From a seller claiming to know nothing, liquidating an estate sale. Don't buy anything from supposed "knowledgeable" ones. Make local contacts and buy/barter with them to find the good stuff.
Get older stuff and ignore the capacitor myth. They're cheap enough to just stock up on a few. A variable power supply to wake it up slowly increases your chances of having a good functioning old, harder-to-smoke radio.
Jamming them, imho, is far too difficult to fully implement on a metro or state scale. What they "want" is the ability to just "smoke 'em" right quick; hence, the FCC disclaimer on ALL radio devices for at least the last 25 years. "THIS DEVICE MUST RECEIVE INTERFERENCE, INCLUDING THAT WHICH MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION" Can they send it up in smoke? YOU BET!!! Can they take over your smart phone? READ THAT STATEMENT AGAIN...
Rodg-O. Already set up a couple of stations to work the chicken band, complete with world-wide transmission power and all the "funnies". THEY CAN'T STOP US ALL!!!
HaHa! So we don't have any place to put them? Bullets and 6' holes are cheaper, anyway...
Here's my economics after 40 years of wrenching: $1,800 a year, or $150 a month to keep it on the road plus gas and liability insurance IS STILL cheaper than a new car. You just need a FAIR and HONEST mechanic. We're still out here. Oh, and 10 year financing... What you got after it's paid for? An old clunker.
Auto parts. Since "cash for clunkers", availability is good, but not by application of those deemed "clunkers". Chevy used the same power steering pump for xx years and they're all over the place but the counter guy says it's not available for THAT one. Brands have changed or gone extinct since the covid hoax. Prices have doubled or even tripled.
And yet, a splinter of wood can penetrate a motorcycle gas tank in a tornado :/
10 watts and a wire can talk around the world...
Makes sense. Prolly just "collecting" some of that "wasted" and "free" power. We ALL know that "Their Democracy" can't allow any of that waste or freedom. YOU VIL EAT ZE BUGS!!!
Lol! Don't I know. CB channel 5 is the "Fiesta Bowl". Almost like I could capture a couple of KWh and store in a battery. But honestly, us Americans aren't any better...
You know, night time is half of all the time. Let him figure that one out.
Solar charging overnight? What's next, a cordless extension cord? Or, better yet, wind-powered shipping? Roflmmfao!
That's a gut shot :)
Hell no! I ain't wasting any of my tax money on sheltering a crazy cat lady. She can mumble her way along with her old shopping cart chucking cats at everyone.
Her followers are unfit for emergence from mom's basement. They're the ones we are to be worried about (sorry) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
And what's the worst that can happen? People start figuring out how to NOT get shot at?
If It's All The Same To You, I'll Drive That Tanker.