Every US company that processes EU citizen data has to follow strict guidelines and/or get certified to be able to process private info outside of Europe. It's been this way for years and Facebook got decertified because of all their violations and then threw a tantrum threatening to pull out, thinking they had weight.
gencon can go f--k themselves. It's been taken over by slacktivists who invaded a haven for nerds and kicked / bullied all the nerds out.
Just look at how they are treating Gary Gygax'es son and the new TSR. (gary gygax was one of the founders of DnD and gencon)
Let the SJWs rot. we don't need a stupid con anymore now that the internet exists and even if it was good nothing is worth getting the mark of the beast for. Nothing
while kiyosaki recommends gold, for the short term I would recommend non perishable food, because large amounts of gold are both very hard to eat and/or transport especially for people like me living near large urban areas
Since many structures in China are tofu dreg buildings (ie cheaply and shoddily built by cutting massive corners) it is probably cheaper to wreck them on the ground. look up tofu dreg on YT to see just how widespread building fraud is over there.
Considering our woke liberals take any opportunity to self-flagellate themselves in order to appear good ( because they all have a void in their heart from lack of Christian values + Happiness of making a family) it's no surprise that the Chinese or any other commie is using identity politics as weapons.
For 8 years Obummer was shielded by a media that used the Black People they claim to protect as shields to all critics.
China is following suit by repeatedly telling the world that Chinese people and the CCP are one which is a lie.
The biggest oppressor of the Chinese is the CCP.
It's funny how hard the Media is going after a bunch of god-fearing anti-pedo internet pedes just because they can't screech at Trump for the moment.
Considering Trump took it for nearly half a decade it's ok he gets some rest while we get bombarded with harmless internet words from the satanists for a lil bit
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Churchill
At this point, the dis-info on both sides is becoming so great it's impossible to determine what happens, until it has already happened.
I don't think Moloch is complaining