Dysnomia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could you please post one of those nitter links? I don’t have Twitter and can’t read the context.

Dysnomia 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s a font favored by Antifa. I know I’ve seen it in used in previous posters anons linked online. They also like the black and red color theme.

Dysnomia 2 points ago +2 / -0

FWIW I was joking, but it’s not like the Tay Tay groupies are inclined to pay close attention to politics, anyway. They are, in general, dumb as a box of rocks and will roll in sync with their idol.

Dysnomia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welp, there goes the teeny-bopper-wannabe-diva vote, along with their 40ish but-still-fancy-themselves-teenagers moms.

Dysnomia 5 points ago +5 / -0

An aside regarding Somalians: It appears Amazon is hiring them as drivers. Was walking our neighbor’s dog as a favor when an Amazon truck turned down the lane. Yes, lane, we’re somewhat rural. I had to step aside to let the van pass by and in a brief few seconds I caught the driver’s eyes and they were soulless. Seriously gave me the creeps. I swear he was an exact match for the Somalian pirate who says, “Look at me, I am the captain now” in the movie, “Captain Phillips.” The dog I was walking weighs about 120 pounds, a big ole herding mix breed. He apparently caught the vibe, too, because he lunged off leash and barked the truck down the lane. (Thattaboy!) Came back soon enough, no biggie, but in that brief encounter it occurred to me what better way to scope out comfy residences for potential future break-ins, (or worse) than to be an Amazon driver? Me—I built a large delivery box and put it at the end of my long driveway next to the cattle gate. “Please leave delivery packages here.” In bold letters. Come up my driveway and let’s see what happens.

Dysnomia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Top bunk my preference because I’m claustrophobic. 😉

Dysnomia 9 points ago +10 / -1

I got dibs top bunk in the gulag.

Dysnomia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rumble has been acting wonky for me the last few days. Anyone else?

Dysnomia 8 points ago +8 / -0

Link to the resource page, please? Sorry, I don’t do Twitter.

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