Either way, she would still have a penis.
It's for people who eat horse meat.
This is the kind of thing in which to plant audit seeds.
That typo though.
Duck dinners for both of them.
Agreed. This meme reads like cointelpro. We have more folks than ever awake and trying to effect change at the local level. Never stop trying to wake people up; just make sure to spend your time effectively.
This faggot is partly responsible for the unfolding clusterfuck by certifying a fraudulent election.
I wish the gubment would give me a free optic. My fund concentration has been on necessities rather than accessories.
That's a really long way for him to admit that he's retarded.
Any state representative in attendance should be monitored for changes in voting practice or behavior; or just wait to see if any of their loved ones die "accidentally" like that kid in Georgia. Morbid take I know, but these are the times.
She's always been a stupid cow.
Is that OG Roof Korean at 0:19???
Didn't Asheville also vote to give reparations?
I wonder what the legalities of creating a website like "doesthelincolnprojectharborpedophiles.com" with just the word "YES" printed in big bold letters would be.
Here comes the full steal. Oh Canada.
If only we were so lucky.
Here's some sex guidelines for the Australian government. It can go fuck itself.
GEOTUS was right again.
Gonna break with the group and say.....file his taxes.
The time to stand and fight draws near.
My wife got fear-mongered/work-coerced into the jab back in Feb/March against my un-jabbed protests. Mid-June we were lucky enough to conceive and we're coming up to our first ultrasound appointment next week. Hoping for the best, and sorry for the loss of your niece or nephew.
SE VA pede here. Over the years, there's been a few jet crashes into houses in VA Beach WITHOUT this frankenstein injection.
I've been able to access graphic stuff without a login. Just had to toggle the NSFW button at the top. Livegore gave me ad cancer.