I agree with her statement from last week. We are getting the result we wanted. This is deliberate. They want a hostage situation. Why? That I haven't figured out but having a Manchurian President opens up the options on how to answer that.
He doesn't like Dr. Frank but his argument wasn't all that compelling. He stole Bobby Piton's work - no evidence presented. He stabbed Lindell in the back? No evidence presented.
I think Pulitzer let his personal distaste for Frank infect him here. His argument would also be more persuasive if his podcast wasn't loaded with self-promotion ads about his name and family history. I have been concerned with his grandstanding and inclination to promote himself, but I have been convinced he is pursuing truth with respect to the audits. But I don't think he did himself or the cause any good with this.
I saw the story but not on this forum. Thought maybe it wasn't for real
Audit news will be big-footed by Biden resignation. Prediction.
“Do I believe Joe Biden won the election fair and square?” Elder went on. “Give me a mulligan on that one Jen and Grant. No, I don’t.”
Well, I expected he would weasel word but he basically owned up to it. Interesting. I would vote for him if I was in CA. I am leery that he will cave on some key issue but he will be gold most of the time and I think that is far better than average.
She is one to watch - straddles the RINO/MAGA line. I have great respect for her at this point but cautiously optimistic.
And if we have to, once we fix our shit, we will fix theirs. But I think they can do it - would have been better if they didn't turn in all their guns in the 90s.
This isn't the company that does the Maricopa contract. Forget their name off hand.
So criminal charges are not happening so, a la OJ Simpson, they are pursuing civil liability.
Why is it not common knowledge that the capitol breech happened before Trump finished speaking? And before he said the oft recited words 'fight like hell'?
I am ok defunding these POS
Absolutely. You think those in Afghanistan trying to get out wouldn't pay 10 times that or more? So why would Prince, if he was doing this for money, not charge them that much more?
I have seen him on War Room. This is one serious dude and he doesn't F around.
When Graham goes there, that is big news.
Harris needs to go public otherwise, she goes down with him.
This is an interesting move - hit them in their pocket books. Criminal investigations are still an option too, but what do you think will happen to the BoS phone/email when all of those folks who would be getting that 700m find out they are being cut off? What county can afford to have their funding slashed by 25%? This will cause a lot of internal fighting in Maricopa politics that we may never hear about.
Ooh, * must have messed with the Clinton revenue stream
Xi: Joe, you need to fold on Afghan
Joe: What?
Xi: Joe, remember we have all the tapes of you selling out America for a few bucks.
Joe: Cmon. Shit. Tell me what you want me to do.
This is a positive development. The Trump haters won a suit to force Cyber Ninjas to release records (such as donor lists). This just says they have more time to do so and do not need to meet the 8/31 deadline previously set.
Yes, this very much has the ring of Bill Gates to it.
No, it was to distract from the Ron Brown head wound which was getting traction at that time. The information forced Janet Reno just days before Lewinski broke to declare that there was no evidence to warrant an investigation. But the Congressional Black Caucus wasn't buying it and Jesse Jackson was preparing for war. THAT is when Lewinsky broke.
(not that the Mena stuff didn't happen too, it just was not an issue at the time of Lewinsky).
By the way, Larry Elder is in the news now for Governor of CA. He hosted the Chris Matthews show on 12/31/97 and it was all about Ron Brown. He had Cyril Wecht and others talking about all the evidence pointing to a bullet hole in Ron Brown's head. Elder was all over this but then went silent. When someone finally pressed him he responded 'nobody cared'. I listened to Larry quite a bit in the past. I am curious to see how he will perform as Governor if he makes it, but he has disappointed on a few occasions (like saying Biden won).
How about we start rubbing some complicit RINO noses in it - start w/ Pence
They want a hostage crises. The question is why? What purpose does it serve?
I shudder as to what more they gave away. This is the problem when an administration is more focused on optics then being America First. Oh, and that they are completely illegitimate criminals too.
This is remarkable in who is reporting it - former RNC chair. His being Trump's CoS was, to me, a part of the deal Trump would make with the eGOP. So for Preibus to be out pushing these 'conspiracy theories' is very symbolic.
Ego, IMO. The case he makes against Frank is weak.