EliFarquar2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems suspect, are they planning another assassination attempt?

EliFarquar2 13 points ago +13 / -0

Thank you, well said. My husband is a chiro and has been for 30 years. He has helped thousands of patients, kept so many people off of addictive pain meds and so many have avoided back surgeries that fail 80% if the time. That's just a portion of what he does.

EliFarquar2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree because the undecided voter may not bother to fact check. They don't know what we do and presentation is everything.

EliFarquar2 4 points ago +8 / -4

I agree Trump's ego got in the way and he did not focus and press her on key issues like ok, how are you going to pay for all of these things in your plan. He needed to have fresh talking points but he just beat the same thing over and over and allowed her to bait him. I don't think he did anything to sway undecided voters.

EliFarquar2 2 points ago +2 / -0

What they are not counting is those of us who refuse to participate in polls because we don't want them to know how hard to cheat.

EliFarquar2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, I had the same thought. Whatever they do will be worse then they made J6 out to be. This will wake more ppl up.

EliFarquar2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look how far apart they are seated because they couldn't fill the seats. Ha

EliFarquar2 9 points ago +9 / -0

They are trying to make a drug out of what you can already buy over the counter, Resveratrol. They also want to regulate NMN which is the precursor to NAD+ which increases surtuin activity. Sirtuins repair telomeres which essentially are the end of your DNA strand. According to David Sinclair,.the author or "Lifespan, Why We age and Why We Don't Have To" our DNA is being damaged so fast because of all the shit in our environment that the sirtuins basically can't keep up, get lost from putting out fire after fire and we essentially need to make more. The book is a plethora of info that will make your head spin and I don't agree with some of his comments but overall this information is worth reading it for. I have been taking NMN and Resveratrol for a year and a half and have had several NAD+ IVs. I immediately noticed a difference in my ability to recover from my CrossFit workouts. I also gave NMN to my high functioning autistic, ADHD son for several months and there was an obvious change. After years of needing to be in a self contained classroom (aka special Ed), struggling with focus, behavioral issues, clothing/shoe sensitivities and so much more, this year he has moved into the Gen Ed class and is doing great. I think the FDA now wants to regulate NMN and NAD+ because these drug companies want to profit from this science.

EliFarquar2 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are saying the other boxer is a female, born female, female passport and has been competing in women's boxing for years????

EliFarquar2 3 points ago +3 / -0

My thoughts are that he needed to pick someone that can relate to the American people. If you read his book you'll be amazed at his life story. I don't know about the stupid things he has said about Trump but a lot of people have changed their minds after waking up.

EliFarquar2 2 points ago +2 / -0

For those of you who are opposed to repaying this, remember these loans helped businesses stay open so they could keep people employed so they could also continue to work and feed their families. Those companies that kept you employed most likely took out a loan to do so. Then those people were able to spend money and support other businesses and kept our economy going so it could recover. Therefore most of us benefited from the EIDL loans. (Ask your employer if they had to take a loan and your tune might change) Now we ask these small businesses to float the bill for keeping our economy going and keeping people employed. This comes full circle whether you like it or not.

EliFarquar2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am in Huntington Beach for vacay. We went to the parade yesterday and I was surprised that there was not any pride stuff. There was even a group of young patriot men in the parade. Also, this awesome display of DJT was lit up in a huge top floor window right at PCH and 9th where thousands of people cross for the fireworks show. https://greatawakening.win/p/17te4yQfdo/seen-in-huntington-beach/c/)

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