Elons_WEF_Jackboots 3 points ago +3 / -0

Personal opinion: I don’t think it’s intelligently designed as some suspect.

This entire situation goes back to a series of botched malaria vaccines from 2014 to 2017 in Cambodia that did nothing but give them intractable and incurable malaria.

And then a series of “hiv” vaccines from 2017-2019 that didn’t cure hiv, but now we all have whatever this horrible catastrophe is.

They’d rather we think they had some sophisticated “bioweapon” from an enemy but all indications are that this is a massive incompetent screwup. And that we funded it and ran the entire program and it’s trials. I might post about it sometime or provide links/sources if anyone wants them. But I won’t get into a lengthy spam today.

To your concern about a coronavirus dodging ivermectin: ivermectin blocks “coronaviruses” from entering the nucleus of a cell to replicate. This would leave them using “round dna” that can assemble in cytoplasm. Which our bodies generally refuse to uptake UNLESS they’re PRIMED to forcibly bypass our defense mechanisms- two things that we know do that, are 1) the sv40 they put in polio vaccines and 2) probably the jab.

Without that tampering we are far more likely to uptake and incorporate intact chains of rna/dna. Than we are the type of dna that could circumvent ivermectin or a protease inhibitor.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t even know how many times.. early on.. I said “I’m not going to feel good about being ‘right’ and I’m not going to say I ‘told you so’ if I am right.” Because it was starting to look so horrible I’d rather be wrong. I wish it was a big paranoid conspiracy and I just “needed meds” and we were all going to be fine,

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost forgot all about being taught that Joe McCarthy was the “bad guy” who “persecuted” all those innocent communists who are doing everything I was ever warned they would!

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some people found Roseanne and married with children to be insulting to marriage and families, or they didn’t enjoy the “negative “ biting mean humor of Roseanne and Dan, or Al and Peggy or say, the golden girls, which did the negative/sarcastic humor and also crammed in a lot of social justice stuff in the last few seasons. (married with children went the opposite direction and mocked it relentlessly.)

This stuff was eyebrow raising in the 1990s and some people didn’t want to sit there watching families trying to be as mean as possible to one another. It wasn’t in the “sarcastic 2000s” and beyond.

Ps: anything that was preaching political correctness or SJW issues was looked at by some as communist horsecrap. Maybe it was! Jackie was a lesbian and there were numerous other “social issues” they played out on Roseanne just like the golden girls did if you think about it for a minute. We’ve all moved on to what we see as the new social issues of our day since then.

Editing to add; the same team that did golden girls was also behind “soap” (Susan Harris) which you might recall introduced Billy Crystal as “Jodie” (trans character). Soap was ridiculously funny, but people were getting wary of this stuff being “forced on them” on TV. I loved all these shows but if someone had said “this a bad sign of what’s to come” they would have been right

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe we are alike. You know, I’ve thought about putting them in a woodchipper but I’ve never acted on it before.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they should have thought this through before they vindictively banned me for life, on totally false pretenses, from their safe 😂 propaganda free 😂 trustworthy 😂 communication platforms where only facts 😂😂 prevail 😂😂👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wishful thinking but I hope it’s saline , that this crap burns through the population and goes away, and everyone involved hangs

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not watching him.

He has freedom of speech, he doesn’t have freedom of reach into my tv or news feed, fuck that guy

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

Likely to recommend.. lol.. inb4 “mandatory or else.” 🤡

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never really thought of that.

Even just between GA/TD, people are like “ooohhh you’re a Qultist.” Which is exactly what the rest of Reddit did to TD’ers, I’ve seen this movie before.

That part, I don’t care about anymore. I’m here. I like the board. I wish I had had the presence of mind to respond with that , re: t_d back in the day

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something to remember here:

A lot of what these people did is outside of the statute of limitations due to WILLFUL inaction on the part of the DOJ/US Attorneys offices involved.

However, each new alleged “crime” related to the alleged “conspiracy,” if there is probable cause for one, resets the statute of limitations for the whole damn thing and SOME of this goes back at least as far back as Nixon and Clinton admins.

An important detail about federal prosecutions and the statute of limitations: you’re only home free when they have information that you’re a suspect and then — intentionally— fail to act on it. Whether it’s because they don’t feel like they have evidence, whether it’s favoritism and corruption- whatever the reason, you’re clear in 5-7 years from the offense once they have decided to not bring charges. (not true of sedition and capital offenses, but if you’re really going for everything, and can, this is the way.)

If you re offend, in the case of a conspiracy, all SOLs are reset to zero if the conspiracy is ongoing.

And sometimes ……. maybe they’re just being compassionate or using their discretion to not purse something ………. but if you reoffend in that 5-7 years and it’s bad enough, they can, and sometimes DO throw the book at you if you need to be put away.

t. Sometimes I answer to “The Defendant.”

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heh yeah. Drumph was supposed to be FiNisHeD this week, not 10 points up.

Time to use a pandemic to steal an election again just like they did in 1918 and 2020

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah she’s one of the oldest accounts I remember. Hope she’s just looking to clear the brush and start over like I do. :)

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have probably had 6 or 7 or 8 accounts since TD forked off of Reddit.

I think one reason I burn everything down and start over again is that I don’t mind real talk or disclosing something in a moment, but I despise identity politics types who exhume some two year old comment and say something nasty and irrelevant about my life or story to win whatever point they’re trying to prove today. That’s why I don’t like them. I don’t have any secrets but it’s a lot like Reddit right, you’re talking about your favorite 5-speed transmission , and someone goes “oh , I see you’re from the Donald, your opinion about cars is irrelevant.” That sort of crap.

I don’t see it as much on scored. I dont mind disclosing certain things but I also don’t feel a need to drag my personal proclivities into absolutely EVERYTHING like those people do. For that matter, I prefer it to be at my own discretion, when I think it’s helpful, and not weaponized against me by some bigoted partisan clown

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

To answer OP,

Think about this:

Obama conned everyone by preying on their “hope.”

Trump invoked a lot of people’s “hope” around the time they were pulling the rug on our hope.

The chants at rallies make their blood go cold, it’s when the people all agree and scream and chant for something that they know they’re losing their grip. It does remind them of “hitler” in a sense, but Trump is not hitler. I won’t be persecuted for voting against him or disagreeing with a policy. Hell, look how far people went with name calling and defamation and threats- they didn’t go to a camp or take a ride in a van. Worst “fascist” / “dictator” ever.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was well aware that Hillary was a pathological liar however, and evil as fuck. So I voted for Trump in 2016 primarily because he wasn't Hillary.

I wasn’t quite there. I had donated to a few people with d’s behind their name that year and I was horrified when Hillary got on TV and I just sensed that every thing that came out of her mouth was a calculated and cold lie. In a way I’d never clocked or thought before. I now know about Benghazi and her foundation and a lot of all the other things they’d lied about all the way back to the 1970s and 1990s, I don’t need a grown up to explain to me anymore but in 2016 I clearly needed somebody to. Trump not being Hillary was “maga” enough for me.

I did not vote for him in 2016. I’m out of the country. (And thanks to “covid” I couldn’t get a drivers license for 2020, which Arizona said i needed to vote, but they clearly didn’t request from lots of people who showed up to vote with plates from Washington State. So I went as far as driving 20 hours and voting from my last state of residence, which is legal in that state if you’re “out of the country with no plans to return”) I watched him on the trail three times (in 2016 season) and upset a lot of people when I said “he’s going to win.” I had a lot of leftist friends who were enraged by this. I was like well sorry I’m not saying this because it’s what I want, I’m saying this, because this is what is GOING TO happen. It was obvious as day as I watched thousands being turned away and news helicopters covering mile long lines of people they couldn’t get inside a convention center.

I did however come all the way back for 2020. I don’t agree with Donald Trump about everything but I’ve hated Joe Biden since before some of you were born.

Edited to clarify 2016/2020 I jumped around a bit there.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep this is what I’m thinking/hoping.

If not, we are in deeper shit as a nation and a society than I’d already feared.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you happen to have :

  • vpn
  • apple iCloud private* relay
  • browser with vpn built in , like opera?

My bank was rejecting transfers in the mobile app because I had a vpn profile from an app going 24/7 and I wasn’t aware of it.

You’ll probably see really annoying behavior like being asked to solve puzzles for every other google search if that’s what it is.

The fact you get this error on both accounts makes me think that’s what it is. Try a desktop computer or something that has no apps. Or go try it from a friends house or computer. My home ISP is “range banned” from 4channel because of some idiot gore posting on a board I don’t even visit. You never know.

I don’t have a yahoo address but I have an old aol address and they’re the same company. When I get the prompt about secondary verification methods I have the ability to change phone numbers and backup emails as long as ONE of them works. I don’t know if that’s true on the “yahoo” email side , or if you’re screwed if you only have one on file. (Add one if you can get in!)

Worst case scenario, yahoo/aol let you recreate your inbox after a year of inactivity. It USED TO let “just anyone” steal your email handle. Now it only lets you reclaim it. I had to do that one time for the same reason- no access to backup methods. I was locked out for an entire year but did save a 25 year old address by just rescuing it after 12 months

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

They created their little health gestapo in the 1940s, not going to let a little exposure derail their 80 year old plan to implement medical tyranny on us

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 2 points ago +2 / -0

+1: most of what I’m interested in and pursue in detail is off topic for this place but I’m here, I find interesting enough to read and discuss.

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even better, all their reqs on this are open until August 2024.

“Oh , wow, only 9 people have this and you “””just discovered it””” and you already know you’re going to have staff assigned to this for an entire year”

That stinks to high hell

Elons_WEF_Jackboots 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know if black people miss the 1990s.

But I do.

We didn’t live in that world but we still believed in it and thought we could transcend it with art, understanding, and getting to know people.

Today lots of people are just like, “f you, die.”

I don’t think it’s an improvement.

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