Great Stuff Fren
I second that
willing to share supporting data/link/etc on Nazi Militias fighting in place of the Ukrainian Mil?
Yep, I'm thinking time is UP
That's an "Over the Target" Comment
Amen to the Amen... Throw it down, then more peace pipes!
OK, he does contribute a little. Yet, to my point... Let's go back from his paraphrase of Rev. Chapter 2 v 9 to v 2..."I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience..." God I not just right, he is Charitable as well.
U've used "moron" 2x, "Nobody", "Everyone" and a whole lot of other basic communication 101 fails. Clearly you have shown who has noting of value to add to an otherwise excellent thread.
This is the stuff that makes GAW right up there near Fresh Air and Clean Water. Thanks for another Great post, fren.
Equally plausible is... I just shited The Golden Calf
Article from March 3, 2015... as shown in link below and Article page
In this post, Lin has hit the nail perfectly on its head!
Fan-Fucking-Tastic work here folks!!!
Because we didn't just "stop(ped) checking signatures... We delayed indefinitely checking signatures... But...Everything else that was said was as sure as shit right on the money...
I watched the entire hearing... Waiting... Big Thanks to U in bringing the Brightest Light via basic math.
Putting my funny money on... "Needs a Diaper"
Ego Run amuck, Name Dropper, Self Promoter, Self identified as a hob robber elbow rubber with the likes of Flynn, etc... no Governing Values, Desperate for relevance. An Iceberg he has hit, it is only a matter of time.
Looks complicated because it is complicated. This is great work you've done. I suggest you Just support the contextual relationships in the graphic with explanation Bubbles mid association line and let this gorgeous thing evolve naturally. Your effort has inspired me (and I'm sure others) to dig deeper. That's Exactly the right thing for it to do. Where we go one, We go all.
I get it...Not fear, Excitement, and a whole lot more.
11.11.1 "Occupying Power Must Respect, Unless Absolutely Prevented..."; "...May be repealed or suspended by the Occupying Power where they constitute a threat to its Security or an Obstacle to the application of (GC Art. 64) the present Convention." GC Art. 64... Subject to the latter consideration and to the necessity for ensuring the effective administration of Justice, the tribunal of the occupied territory shall continue to function in respect of all offenses covered by the said laws" Podesta - Abadin = clerks/participants to all lies, crimes, and evil. Current Judicial Broken = "Obstacle" = Mil. Tribunal executing penal laws. CJJR, JB and Dozens more... "They know everything, I'm Sorry"... No way out. "They can't stop what's coming."
AngelCole nailed it. Huma Abedine. This covers many Political Crimes covered up by "Fisagate" as well as pedophilic treachery. Arrest Abedine, Will she save her life by Singing the Clinton's Songs? Amongst others?
Looks like poorly framed and executed Shillery...Not worthy of more than this... Re: "I don't get..." not complicated... Do your homework, "THINK", "Trust in the Plan", or self deport.
For me, A gold nugget with a Working Link, anyone?