I'm sorry, but the profile looks photo-shopped to me around the face profile. Zooming in on the picture shows a lot color adjustment artifacts around the nose and forehead, for instance.
Nice picture, though.
200Mbps is not a frequency; it is information transmission speed. "Mega bits per second"
200GHz is a frequency.
You are correct, sir. My mistake (corrected in my post above)
My mother grew up in the region during the war and we visited Yugoslavia just as it was falling apart (around 1993), going to Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia, and stopping briefly in Serbia. It was still communist when we were there, but it was becoming less totalitarian and "western"
The various countries/provinces in Yugoslavia were each part of different ethnic groups, which united under Tito to fight against the invading Nazis. Serbia was primarily Orthodox. CroatIa was more Catholic, influenced more from Europe. Bosnia sat between the two regions and was a blend of Christians, Muslims, and Jews (who fled there from the various pogroms in other parts of Europe - at that time the Ottoman empire welcomed Jews because they were well-educated and industrious - my mother's family included Sephardic Jews escaping the Inquisition in Spain).
The region has a long history, with wars between the ethnic groups causing many grudges, which were set aside when uniting against the Nazis, under Tito's communist banner.
Once Tito was out of the picture, these old grudges re-surfaced (I suspect from prodding from the West) and we had the civil war we saw in the late1990s.
Good way to send a warning shot. Next time it will be real. This way they make a point without triggering a bigger international incident.
The point is that once they realize "it's bad" they tell people to "stay away" while "we have meetings to figure out what to do" They should have had met before the event to develop action plans, and then kick them off immediately.
OP Headline says "liquid nitrogen" but the actual headline is "liquid nitrogen fertilizer." Huge difference.
"Liquid nitrogen" would probably have been close to harmless, except near where it was actually released; it would have just frozen sections of the river.
I think the virus is real. I got Covid a couple of times (I have not been vaxxed), the first time early on (March or April 2020) and my doctor said to just stay home and rest. It was more severe than the typical flu; I slept for most of 3 straight days. The thing that I took that seemed to free me of it was tonic water with quinine - I had heard of hydroxchloroquine, which is related, and so I tried it, and I woke up the next day feeling back to normal.
Sooo. I believe that long covid is a thing that people can suffer, but I believe that there are many potential treatments that do not require "big pharma" or vaccinations. One remedy that helps and did not get much press is Vitamin D. Many Americans are deficient in Vit. D, and it has been shown to have a significant impact especially in early treatment.
I have also watched many of these NDE videos, and have a had a similar response.
Today I found a different video, reading from a translation of a letter written by Pilate to Caesar, reporting on his encounters with Jesus. This was translated from the latin and published in 1913.
I found it striking because it was the first hand report of someone who lived at the time of Jesus and met and spoke with him.
Here is some info about it:
Acta Pilate: Pilate's Report to Caesar of the Crucifixion of Jesus Originally documented by the historian Valleus, this report was collected by Mahan in his 1913 publication, Archko Volume. It is Pilate's official report to Tiberius Caesar recounting his actions before and during the arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Here is the youtube video I saw: https://youtu.be/nQUJGceTH9I?si=JKqjjQRKcIru5Gyc
The clouds they show are indeed chemtrails, but the example of a contrail they show with a plane, illustrates the difference between a chemtrail, which is persistent, and a contrail, which dissapates relatively quickly.
Great insight. I wish I could give you more than one up-doot.
I believe you are not allowed to smile for your mugshot
This is worthy of going in the Resources sidebar
I was hoping for the translation to be "Trump WON" -- That would have been "Hillaryous"
Plausible deniability. a photo of someone behind him with a Q shirt is bad. An "accidental" requote of a Q phrase that happens to be in common use, is "twilight language" - that is, "noise" to the uninitiated, "signal" to the awakened.
And i heard the crowd react. There was a gasp
In video, under Illuminatii, the line is "TAUGBOYS"
Three day rule is the one I use, generally; that gives time for some narratives, counter-narratives, and counter-counter-narratives to bounce around and for sauce to render.
The battlefield is people's minds. All those big organizations are established armies. Memes are the weapons of guerilla warriors, engaging in battle in the unprotected fringes. Asymmetric warfare.
They support other operations, like mobilizing local politics, and legal battles through the organizations and courts that are not corrupted.
Why doesn't he wait until the new Republican congress? Then he will get better questions.
I'm sorry, I can't parse the sentence: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines" It's a kind of triple negative ("no" "escapes" "protection"). And what is modifying what? What is being protected? The variant? The variant escapes the protection of the vaccine"
Or does it mean that the vaccine protects against any variant, which cannot escape? What would the variant escape (your body)?
I believe (no sauce) that there have been studies on the placebo effect that have indicated it is quite powerful - and in the study they made the point that it was as powerful as the actual medication they were testing. "Placebo effect" has become a pejorative, like "conspiracy theory," that is designed to manipulate you into thinking that it has no value.
But I have a personal story, regarding homeopathy, that counters the placebo claim. When my eldest daughter was born, she did not sleep well, and constantly cried. We tried several things to soothe her, that all failed, and a friend recommended trying a homeopathic remedy, and mentioned two possible remedies. (small pill in water, administered with a dropper). We tried the first, no effect - A few minutes later we tried the second. Her crying stopped within seconds! She was able to sleep through the night. When this re-occurred (rarely), the treatment had the same effect (as it did with our second daughter) We have also mentioned this to friends who had the same problem, and they had similar results.
Credit to Tradox who proposed it earlier. This is a live version. Here is the slicker music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYJBxlpfgxo
She has a butterfly tatoo. Monarch trained. Just sayin'...