Eric_Fartswell 9 points ago +9 / -0


That link should start you right at the 13:41 mark where they start talking about it.

Eric_Fartswell 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wouldn't play for me until I clicked the three vertical dots in the lower right corner of the video and click download when you hover over it. It played in my default video player just fine.

Eric_Fartswell 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just stumbled across Brandon Biggs Prophecy on Tik-Tok then found the video on YouTube. I proceeded to search for Brandon Biggs here and only found this post.

I can't believe this hasn't gotten more traction.

Eric_Fartswell 8 points ago +8 / -0

This RSBN clip shows the time on the screen as 6:11 when the shooting starts.


This is the whole RSBN feed. At roughly the 10:10 mark is when Trump stands up and says fight, fight, fight! This is at 6:12PM based on the clock on the screen.


Eric_Fartswell 8 points ago +10 / -2

This is a stretch, but hear me out.

From what I can tell, the assasin shot Trump and 6:12.

Post 572 ties to 612 by looking at 572 as hours and minutes.

5 is five o'clock, 72 minutes equates to an hour and twelve minutes. Add then together and you get 6:12.

I have never seen a decode done like this but it blew my mind when I noticed it.

Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

In this video you can see that they see him prior to the shooting, and may even take the first shot.


Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

I uploaded it to catbox.


You can see Trumps security on the building to the left of him. The guy notices something, looks into his scope then fires the first shot it seems. Then trump gets hit.

Eric_Fartswell 15 points ago +15 / -0

I questioned everything growing up but 9/11 really got the gears turning.

Obama solidified all previous thoughts and made me think that nothing was ever going to change but only get worse. I felt isolated in my thoughts.

It wasn't until Trump ran for presidency and won that hope was restored.

I thank God everyday for his plan (God's plan) and the like minded frens that I have found.


Eric_Fartswell 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mine said the same thing, except before it answered number four it said "This content may violate our content policy."


Eric_Fartswell 4 points ago +4 / -0

When the stock price was just at $55, Fidelity would not let me set a limit at anything above $300. Now that would be a nice profit but I still would not want to sell it at that.

Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in a county near St. Louis MO which puts us right in the middle of about six of those types of people and I can say that this is 100% correct. Very accurate!

Eric_Fartswell 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for the post friend. I went through a very similar timeline myself, even during the same time frame. I am comfy-cozy because, in the end, God wins. My wife and I are raising two sons to think for themselves and question everything. Take in all possible sides and use reasoning and common sense to make decisions but always be open to changing them when it makes sense.

Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone know the reason why some of Trump's posts are in all caps and others are structured correctly? I haven't been able to tie it to anything yet.

Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

A battery does not produce anything. It does store and deliver electrical energy though.

The electrical energy it stores was produced by many things including, fossil fuels, coal, solar and wind. All being wildly different from each other when it comes to efficiency and cost.

What Henry is saying is that you don't generally call a cordless or battery powered drill an "electric" drill. Anything that gets its power from a battery will always be limited to the batteries storage and transfer limitations.

A corded drill would generally be called an "electric" drill and will be considerably more powerfully because it doesn't have to work within the batteries limitations.

TLDR If someone told me to grab them the electric drill, I would bring them back the one with the cord on it.

Eric_Fartswell 23 points ago +23 / -0

I read "Next-level" as "We have completed level one, on to the next level." Which of course is the boss battle!

Eric_Fartswell 9 points ago +9 / -0

I straight up get Bruce Wayne, Batman, and Gotham City vibes from this.

Eric_Fartswell 3 points ago +3 / -0

A couple of weeks back I asked ChatGPT a question pertaining to something that isn't general public knowledge and that is specific to a very niche field that I work in. I was curious about where it may try to get its info from.

It replied with an answer that was at least twenty years out of date. It gave me this info as a fact. When I corrected it, it said that I was correct and that it made a mistake.

I preceded to question where it got its info from and why didn't it attempt to validate that info from newer sources. I was given an excuse about how some newer info may not be in its system if it is newer than September 2021.

This was a poor excuse as the correct info has been available for at least 10 years. It continued to apologize for its errors in handling the questions and said that it assumed the first info it came across was correct.

It said it attempts to use the data in its database before going to the internet for sources and that in answering my question, it didn't access the web, even when checking whether my correction was correct.

My experience with it leaves me to believe it is 100% a propaganda tool. It is in no way going to replace any of us from a work/job point of view as the media tries to scare us into believing. It has provided me with the wrong answers more than it has done right.

It is great at giving you the feeling that you are talking to a real person and its ability to read into what you are saying.

I would never take what it tells me as factual but the problem is that the sheep in this world will.

Eric_Fartswell 4 points ago +6 / -2

What is the definition of flat?

1.smooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations.

Even if we live on a "flat" plane, it isn't perfectly flat. It definitely has lumps and indentations.

Q's answer is technically correct even if we live on a somewhat flat plane.

Eric_Fartswell 1 point ago +1 / -0

Intructions for how to download videos from Bitchute:

  1. First go to the Bitchute video you want to download.
  2. Then right click somewhere on an empty space and select "View page source".
  3. Then press control F and search for .mp4.
  4. Once you find a link to an .mp4 file, right click it and select "Save link as".
  5. Then save the file to your harddrive.

I just tested this method and it worked.

This is a copy paste from the following video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ErRj43g0jPc/

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