From reading the article, it is apparent that this is a civil suit and not a criminal prosecution. While a finding of liability will impose a monetary cost he is not facing jail time. Any holding of responsibility is welcome but with his wealth, a few millions or even billions will not make a major impact. I still believe severe punishment is due anyone found to have perpetrated this atrocity.
A contrarian view would be that democrat loyalist would welcome a bombshell revelation about Camala's private life. They know that she is going to lose and it would be better for them if she was knocked out on a moral issue than being rejected on democrat policy credibility. At this point it is likely "save yourself time" in the democrat party as well as the media.
Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to believe authority figures and they are the ones who have been deceiving us. The COVID debacle illustrated what happens when information is released to a public unwilling to accept it. Solid information about safe and effective treatments was available but the overwhelming majority chose to believe the deceivers and opt for an untested and dangerous vaccine. Those willing to seek out the truth found it then just as many have discovered effective cancer treatments now. The public at large must be shown to believe. Unfortunate but just one of those realities of life.
I recognize that I am probably too old fashioned to fit in with the modern way of thinking but I still subscribe to the idea of "not looking a gift horse in the mouth". Haley has her supporters and if she can influence any of them to vote for Trump, I think it would be foolish to hold on to old grudges. Everyone isn't "perfect" but every vote counts.
Regarding the concern that Kamala could reject tainted voting results from states, or send them back:
In response to the 2020 election, Congress amended the Electoral Count Act to specify that the role of the Vice President is solely ministerial and does not include the power to reject or return state certified results. It also raised the threshold for objection to electors to a full 20 percent of congress from the previous requirement of one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives. (Democrats forgot the old adage about being careful what you wish for because you may get it.)
The Congresswoman is referring to Article I, Section 6. I will not quote it in total as anyone really interested can look it up. I will point out that it does not grant **immunity **to any member for commission of a crime.
The second sentence does provide that except for Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, they are privileged from Arrest during Attendance at the Session of their respective House, and in going to and returning from the same. The terms Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace cover most crimes that carry substantial prison sentences and for those they can be arrested even during an active session. For any other crime they can be arrested after returning from the session.
The last part of the second sentence does provide that for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. Since the First Amendment prohibits Congress from making any law abridging the freedom of speech, such activity can not be classified as a crime thus the only protection given by this provision is from civil action.
The bottom line is that if any Congress Critter commits a crime, they are liable the same as one of us mere mortals.
Walmart gets a lot of criticism but when we had a severe storm in my rather rural part of East Texas, they responded just as you described. For at least two weeks they were the only lifeline. Remarkably they never raised prices and were always fully stocked. (Lowes was the other company that stepped up during that time.) Despite that being years ago, I still think about it when I hear criticism of them.
It appeared to me that he was asking for reparations from the United Nations, not the United States. Wasn’t there credible reports of gross misconduct by UN troops following the earthquake? Interesting that he poured a glass of water and drank it just before leaving the podium!
Section 1 of Amendment XXV provides for the Vice President to become President in case of the removal of the President or of his death or resignation. The only way other than by death or resignation a president can be removed is by impeachment and conviction.
Section 3 of Amendment XXV which is often discussed as removing the president does not actually do so. When that provision is invoked, either by the President himself or by the Vice President and Cabinet members, the powers and duties of the office shall be assumed by the Vice President as “Acting President” until the President reasserts his authority.
Accordingly, Kamala can only become the 47th President before November 5 if President Biden dies, resigns, or is impeached and convicted before then. For what it is worth I suppose she could proclaim herself as the first “Acting President”.
Lara Trump also mentioned that early voting also helped the RNC “get out the vote effort” as they could mark early voters off their list thus concentrating resources on those who needed to be contacted. Ever vote counts, or at least should.
Voter registration rolls are public information and anyone can obtain a copy of the list. When you vote early, your record in immediately updated to show that a vote has been cast and if someone subsequently tries to vote in your name, whether in person or through the mail, their effort is thwarted. The earlier you vote, the earlier your record is locked down.
John L Lewis of the United Mine Workers was probably the last union leader actually elected by the membership. For the most part national union officials are elected by delegates appointed by the leadership. Most have never worked a day in the occupations they purport to represent. The teamsters have often been an outlier, endorsing Nixon in 1972, and Reagan in 1980. They have also elected dissidents to leadership positions on occasions. Not surprised to see the rank and file supporting Trump.
I agree that trust or lack of trust in Corsi himself is not as important as whether the information is accurate. Every whistleblower has an ax to grind and seldom are perfect angles in a position to acquire evidence of nefarious activity.
I try to keep my fantasies within the confines of the Constitution. I don't think what I offered as a possibility is going to happen but I simply offered the thought as a caution to "be careful what we ask for as we may get it".
I firmly believe that no one in our current government is really calling the shots and those who are really in charge would not hesitate to sacrifice any and all of them if necessary. I am confident that a solution can be found but hope that if military assistance is required it does not devolve into military control. History tells us that once civilian control is lost, it is very difficult to regain.
I don’t know if President Trump has acknowledged he did not win in 2020 or just that he was denied election due to fraud (cheating).
Amendment XXII of the U S Constitution provides that no person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice ….. This provision does not consider the length of time served, just the number of times elected. If it was legally established that he was actually elected in the 2020 election, he would be ineligible to run in the current election.
The Democrat party tried to deny Robert Kennedy a spot on the ballot when he was an active candidate and then tried to deny him the right to withdraw when he endorsed President Trump. If Trump makes a plausible case that he actually won in 2020 they could adopt this model and agree that he won on 2020 and petition Congress to withdraw the certification for Biden and Certify Trump as the winner. That would be his second election victory and he would instantly be constitutionally ineligible for election this year as that would be his third time being elected. Of course, according to Amendment XX he could only serve until noon on January 20, 2025. Keep in mind that the new Congress takes office on January 3, 2025 so conceivable the democrats could be in charge of both houses of Congress.
On the way to make her speech she was detailed on a CWI charge. (Cackling while intoxicated)