Because we have CNN and MSNBC up here.
And when my idiot family turns the news is to the CBC
Communist Broadcasting Corporation
Nuff said.
Brainwashing has been going on world wide.
Wake up to the true enemy
It’s not the Anons and Awake Pedes
“ Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"
Or what Anons know as
Yes this is the only “new” news for us…”Twitter exposure for normies”.
We have known this for months.
All our research is buried in the cacophony of MSM lies.
But one day will all be exposed and then normies gonna be like
“why didn’t you tell me?”
I have told people over and over again..I send links..videos…memes…and the response I get is
“why isn’t this on the news?”
So..we have to reach them anyway we can and the best evidence is VIDEO evidence…of the demons speaking in their own words.
They should demonstrate outside the hospital with signs that expose that the aborted fetal cells are in the vaccine.
Most people outside these boards don’t know.
Shame on our church leaders. They say one thing sanctity of life but hold the door open for the demon sacrifices.
I’m mad.
Then shouldn’t have Trump pushed the vax even more with his base to diffuse their plan?
You have an interesting theory here..but a more likely theory…is that [their] plan was diffused (Corona Offline) by the Good Guys aka White Hats. **See Q posts 2013 to 2017
The COVID 19 plan (once known internationally as Corona Virus) continued on according to their previous timeline, for some reason, related to THE TIMELINE, [they] had to proceed with their original plan…make the vaccine mandate work, even without the virus carrying the lethality that was expected.
Essentially, they decided to go ahead with their poison vaccine as originally planned. The Deep State owned news media, installed political and corrupt medical system would simple walk in lock step to push the vaccine for their faux virus.
The sheep would be too stupid to notice.
And [they] were right…except for one small glitch in the matrix…The Anons…and the world wide awakening to their evil plan.
Trumps tenure put a four year brake on their plan. For some reason they could not change course. Even for [them] …I believe that, nothing can stop what is coming…this battle cry definitely applies to both sides.
I have theories as to why this plan is tied to the space-time continuum, but I am only a Prayer Warrior…not a spirtual-physicist (that will become a future vocation).
Somehow this is tied to the work going on at CERN and Looking Glass Technology.
Dear @Mister_Winston
So glad you could join us.
I found Q the first “coincidence” after coming off an intense 40 days of prayer and fasting.
From the first Q drop on October 28, 2017 (before Q even signed as Q) … I felt that this could be something huge.
So I began to follow the Q drops and looked forward to the posts when I checked each morning…and I had an hour before work to banter on the boards…we might try to solve a post, question what another post meant…asked where was this all going? …is this for real? …it was fun and I made a few Frens too.
What hooked me though…was New Years Eve 2017/18
Anderson Cooper..drunk, shortly after midnight…looked right into the camera and said…something to the effect that …we’re watching you too Q.
I just jumped out of my chair…because Q had mentioned Anderson Cooper and his “family” connections to the deep state in two separate drops in November of 2017.
Pede Frens on the old boards searched for the clip one could find it anywhere. Totallly Scrubbed.
But that comment by Anderson …cemented it for me. No one will ever change my mind about that incredible reveal.
Another big confirmation for me …was Lynn de Rothschild (LDR) on the boards…
what the hell was Lynn de Rothschild doing on 8chan?
Pedes knew it was her...IP address? I dunno but they said to her “we know you aren’t sleeping these nights Lynn” and “we can hear you breathing”…
LDR made some threat about our children “dying from thirst”…anyhow the Chan guys told her to NEVER COME BACK HERE.
I followed her on Twitter back then ….she closed her Twitter account that week too.
Q is real….very very real.
No way is Q a larp, way too much insider information and Q has pissed off all the connected people.
Q also “predicted” many future events, and his accuracy only increases as time passes.
Read the old posts now…JUST WOW. In context to what is happening in our world, he is phenomenal.
Indeed Q has some deep accurate access to insider information..but, as we know, so do the bad guys.
So only question for me that was left …
is Q good?
Time reveals all, and as I come on the fourth anniversary of the first Q drop, I’d have concluded that
yes Q is good
From the evidence, I have seen for myself, the great rising of humanity world wide…all from just a few bread crumbs
Biblical if you ask me.
Angel Gabriel walked back in time..from the end of time …to answer Daniels prayer…but it was 21 days of fasting for Daniel.
The Angel tells Daniel he was wrestling with a demon, and that is what delayed his arrival.
In Gods view of the universe..all time exists at once…it’s like walking across the street from one point in time to another. God or His angels could make that leap in a tachyon of time.
Still it is Interesting to ponder that the Angel takes centuries to walk across to a time that was 21 days.
The Old Testament “reveals” the New Testament
The New Testament “fulfills” the Old Testament
Watch Videos by Scott Hahn on this…lays it out quite brilliantly.
I always thought Q’s posts and The God View (block universe) revealing of information reminded me of the way the Bible was written.
Future proves past indeed.
We shall see.