EuropeNeedsFixing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most democrats are not communists. A part of the democrat party (how large we can discuss) is communist. When I discuss right/left in my country, the democrat party is usually considered to the right. This I disagree with, as I consider them similar to our "social democrats" (or England's labour).

You sound like you are genuinely really far right, where everyone to the left of you is not tolerated. Seems to me just as cultist (the either-or attitude), as the far left.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree, or maybe both stop thinking in right vs left. It seems more and more to be nationalists/patriots vs the establishment machine. Parts of both parties favor the establishment (for different reasons), but both parties also have their fair share of nationalists/patriots, if they are allowed the free will to think...

EuropeNeedsFixing 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a very narrow-sighted and counterproductive view, in my opinion.

Normies come from both side of the political spectrum. The traditional democratic and republican voters are certainly not far left. They have succumbed to all the propaganda, they are bombarded with constantly. It is quite a normal human behavior, when all you want is to live a normal life and give your children a future.

That is why we call them normies. Remove the peer pressure from them and give them the opportunity to see the bigger picture, and they will reassess their worldview. We here were also once normies.

This is impossible for the far left, they can not be saved. They are a cult and completely wired to do as they are told by their Great Leaders. IMO, they are evil or crazy or both...

EuropeNeedsFixing 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why are you equating normies with far left? The far left can probably not be turned, but normies can...

EuropeNeedsFixing 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you ask Tommy Robinson, he'd probably say they have been full Stasi for quite some time...

EuropeNeedsFixing 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lefties hate the West.

Lefties hate the US.

Lefties hate black people.

Lefties hate women.

Lefties hate.

EuropeNeedsFixing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, they probably already have pre-printed the ballots to be fed into the computers the days after the election...

EuropeNeedsFixing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought you said men (with the possible exception of Clinton)?

EuropeNeedsFixing 7 points ago +7 / -0

Boy oh boy, the assasinated Kennedy brothers would never have recognized the democratic party today.

EuropeNeedsFixing 25 points ago +25 / -0

Go to a MAGA rally incognito, and nobody cares. Go to a democratic rally in MAGA gear, and you fear for your life.

EuropeNeedsFixing 12 points ago +12 / -0

It is now very apparent, that ((they)) are totally scared, and acting on instincts and self preservation only.

EuropeNeedsFixing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that result was expected.

Just remember, no talk of landslide. Polls on Twitter are never representative.

Go vote, and bring others with you...

EuropeNeedsFixing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amazing, how open in-your-face they are.

I am starting to believe they are going all in, in the hopes of riling up civil discord, so they can hit down hard on people and in essence, start the communist (Maoist) revolution.

EuropeNeedsFixing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, UN's followup for their Agenda 21 from Rio 1992.

Been trying to warn people in vain. When I ask, they just say "huh"...

EuropeNeedsFixing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not so sure this has to come from a president. The exact Q wording is:

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

God bless.

This to me sounds like it is the time of the precipice, where things look the most grim. Deep state is going to try to prevent Trump from winning. They have tried everything up to assassination. Jailing him will probably not work for them.

I think cheating the elections, like in 2020 is no longer possible. They would have to cheat so much, that normies would notice. They can either stop the elections, or if Trump is elected, prevent him from taking over.

This will require some massive event like civil war, world war, or cyberattack. This could at least postpone the elections. Biden has also already kind of indicated, that presidential power would not be peacefully transferred.

If Trump is CiC or not, is probably not that important. I think he has declared a state of emergency (specially regarding elections) and placed the military (perhaps Space Force) in some kind of state of readiness.

We have evidence, that Biden did not receive a normal inauguration:

  • Trump flew away on AF1
  • Biden was inaugurated too early
  • wrong military dress-code
  • military personnel turning their backs to the motorcade
  • unusual wreath-laying ceremony
  • wrong gun salute

If I remember correctly, then there was also an incident, where Biden ordered the military to do something and they refused. All this tells me, that the military (or parts thereof) are waiting behind the scenes. Normally the Posse Comitatus Act would prevent the military to enforce domestic policies, however, if I am not mistaken, then the Space Force was exempt from this.

My theory is, that somehow (through civil war, insurrection, foreign intervention in election etc.), the military will be forced to intervene. The famous words could come from their Twitter/X account .

I have heard theories that they could place Trump (as the obvious winner) as an interim President, who will then utter these words on Twitter/X, but I believe he must remain neutral here.

Well, this is just speculation and none of us really knows...

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