Always favors the demons. The only reason Begich hasn't won yet is because of this scam. He's got a 10k vote lead but because he isnt over 50% its going to go to round 2, so we'll see what happens. We have not a dem rep in forever till this scam came, its the only reason murcommieski is still our Senator, Kelly Tshibaka should be there.
I've always seen most of this as intentional, as down the road they were always exposed as some cog in the the deep state wheel and if patriots are in control that wouldn't always be a total risk, exposure is the name of the game. Looking back who has really done Trump any major harm that the Teflon Don has not got around.
I thought of him too, watch him alot, I just know that whomever it is, especially if they are not well known will have to become very visible and vocal over the 4 years to become a personality people can identify with. This next 5 years is going to be epic on all levels.
Same,same. I appealed 3 times,and nothing not even an answer as to what i did wrong. Yes I was meme bombing, but they were tasteful and not offensive. I still think it was because I had Q in my bio and linked alerts.