I got that shirt 2 weeks ago and so many people have complimented me on it. I have washed and worn this shirt a lot the past week.
Ok I have sit back and seen this over and over and it is not completely correct. I voted in Virginia and I can assure you that we were all required to have proof of residence and citizenship. I do honestly believe there was some cheating in Northern Virginia and there needs to be an audit of Virginia because the numbers do not make sense. But I do call BS on this post.
So in other words, one of these crazy bitches could work in a restaurant see a happy couple that are expecting and decide to poison the mother to be when no one is paying attention or maybe poison an older couple that has been happily married for 40 years because she will just assume that they are all Trump supporters because they look normal and happy. I think these women are so lost that nothing will bring them back. Every one of these crazy no good pieces of crap should be taken half way to Gitmo and pushed off the plane with no parachute.
There are 3 of these I am thinking we could revamp, there is a need for some oversight for a few things guys. Take OSHA, this one should stay, be revamped, but you all know as well as I do, big companies will screw people over if there is no oversight. ICE, there is a reason to keep them and maybe expand it for a time, again revamp but we got lots of people to round up. I think we need some of these but a good house cleaning is needed and revamp is necessary.
Can always parachute them back in. Would it be extremely wrong to say that the ones that have committed crimes can be dropped without the parachutes though? 🤔
We need to drop the over lords, drop the FR and maybe, just maybe start our own thing backed by gold again. We all know who the supposed over lords are. Time to stop sending them money and let them fall. Isreal for last.......when you know, you know.
I will give you all your pick, 'Planet of the Apes' or '28 Days Later', this could be it.
Do Virginia too, I want to know the real results....
I ask the same about Virginia, Kaine did not win Virginia again. These races should be looked at again and hand counted.
I do not think they will go peacefully. They are going to retain power any way they can. This is their 'hold my beer moment', shit is about to get real.
I support them all getting hysterectomies. They should not be parents anyway. The faster we can repopulate teaching children morals and common sense and breed out the liberal scum the better off we will be. I also support them all getting boosted monthly.
Let's get this done, let's clean house and set some limits on everything. Let's free the political prisoners from last election, gather up the illegals and send them home, build the wall completely, kill the IRS and all other 3 letter agencies, make America Healthy and Great again. Let's roll.....why wait till January, let's start now.
Virginia is red, always has been and I know so many people who feel the same. They have gerrymandered the shit out of Virginia. I also know someone personally that knows about the fraud that has happened in Virginia. I just want it all fixed. I want to know what the real results would have truly been across the US.
The fraud hasn't stopped. They stole Virginia. I can tell you from a personal standpoint that they used gerrymandering and fake votes to win Virginia. I honestly believe they are going for the steal. Once that has happened, it is over, the country is ruined.
I literally cried listening to the anguish in that child's voice. All of these pieces of shit that have hurt children need to be slaughtered, as does any piece of crap that sits back and supports the whole m.a.p. movement. Time is coming for a house cleaning of the US and even the world to insure that crimes against children are made completely illegal and a thing of the past. God help all these children and hold them close to you.
I would love to see the title of this document. With only the totals showing this poll document could literally be asking how many want trash pickup on their streets. Plus you can't be asked if you are male or female anymore, what about all the other genders. 😱
Ok so hold up, I do not believe the race is even close. Now let me drop this for you. Every woman I talk to is voting for Trump. Black, white, old, and young. I still have a facebook account that I never post on but do like to keep up with some old friends and family that still only use fakebook. Out of all the women on there I still have a few crazy liberal friends but for the most part I have seen a change in the attitude towards Trump and a lot more women have openly turned his way. As for the reports of the polls being so close. Let's think for a moment. If you believe that the race is this close, then what are most people who would not normally vote but want to change things do? They will find time in their schedules and go out and vote. Not just sit around and be like, this is a landslide so I don't even need to go vote. I was not going to do early voting but when the boss said please go vote early, I went and voted. I stood in line, I have never stood in line to vote, always a straight in and out regardless of the type of election. I stood there listening to people talk. They want Trump back. I literally spoke to 3 different people who all said they never voted before but had to come out to make their voices heard, and yes all were voting Trump. So I think the reason the main stream is pushing how close the election is with early voting is to get more people out there to vote. Kind of genius honestly, regardless of the side actually running everything right now.
There has to be some churches and maybe patriots in the areas that can accommodate these families. I live about 6 hours from the closest area hit and I will be glad to take in a family in order to keep the kids safe from the system that will ultimately do more harm than good.
Surprise bitches, Trump 2024
American Retards
If this could be a truely fair election and we were allowed to see the actual numbers, I guarantee, every state would be red.
When you tell the truth, they don't want you and the truth is that Australia has become a tyrannical country. God Bless all those that keep telling the truth. Let's pray for their liberation along with the liberation of the world. The current ruling class must go.
I am a Christian and I work with a woman who is a self proclaimed solo practitioner of Wicca and knows others that are solo and some that are in covens. It is surprising how many there are. I have spoken to her a few times and listened to her as she has listened to me speak about God and Jesus. Hey I try, you know. Well I had heard this and I asked her straight up about how she felt about these 'witches'. I have heard her talk in support of Trump.
Her response was this, almost word for word as I remember, "Most of us believe solely in do no harm and what you put out, you get back by 3, good or bad. There are those who will put out the negative but a large amount of us have cast protection over our president and along with your prayers and the millions like us all, regardless of our faith, it will keep him safe."
I looked at her and told her that I would still pray for her along with my prayers for our country, our president and our world. She then told me that she appreciates it and would do the same. I don't know if she is bending towards God but regardless I know she is a good person. I believe an angel protects Trump, she believes it is a veil of protection. I guess what I am saying is that we should not forget that we all have freedom of religion and not all are good but not all are bad regardless of what you believe.
I remember this happening, I was in the closet hiding because the laugh I heard scared me!!! How can I reach out to this man? I know this is truth. I also know there were 3 others hiding with me, time to come forward peeps.....
This is bad, how??????