Scumbags that thing it is ok to break the spines of the children is not a group of putrid assholes I care about making peace with either.
I’m not calling for violence in any way but I believe eventually it will be required to survive the persecution and mass murder that is currently in progress.
Both of them. We will have to pay Taiwan or China to build them. Dumbass American politicians destroyed our manufacturing a long time ago. That’s why our cities are all shitholes.
There are many videos of Jack explaining what happened. I don’t trust this guy. He got in over his head by not listening. There are some big reasons why all this information has not been made public.
Scumbags that thing it is ok to break the spines of the children is not a group of putrid assholes I care about making peace with either. I’m not calling for violence in any way but I believe eventually it will be required to survive the persecution and mass murder that is currently in progress.