FakeJesusComesFirst -2 points ago +2 / -4

two floods.

Lucifers flood is the one after the rebellion that destroyed everything worldwide.Animals and cities , and changed our earths landscape.

Noah's flood was local destroying the offspring of the fallen angels and daughters of men. Noah and his family ( all eight ) were the only ones left that were pure bloods.

FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been searching for forty years when God led me to that site. Ten years later , still amazed at all the layers and gems embedded in every book.

God uses everyone, your choice if it is for good or evil, but God uses everyone.

We were all there for the rebellion of Lucifer and 1/3 of us chose Lucifer. Lucifer/Satan was the only one sentenced to death , but God has a plan for our salvation. We were all sent to be born and die.

We are all here in these animal bodies to understand what death is all about.

Some are saved ( by the grace of God ) and will be teachers during the millennium. We have been lied to about everything. It will take 1000 years to teach the truths of God . Then the final exam , when satan is released from his chains to test what we learned.

Sadly many will choose death. But it will be their choice.

Some of the expectations of many ( nesara and gesara ) is what Lucifer/Satan/Fake Jesus will bring to the world after being thrown from heaven.

He will bring peace and abundance for all who bend a knee to him. He will look and act exactly like Jesus would. Satan's only desire is to ruin God's plan anyway he can.

He has tried in the Garden of Eden, the time before Noah's flood, at Calvary and each and everyday in our own lives.

Don't be fooled by the first supernatural being coming down to earth. If you don't understand this before it happens and have the seal of God in your forehead, God will send a strong delusion and you will think Satan is Jesus and will try to convince me .

Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait the five months till real Jesus returns.

Exciting times ahead. After seeing how easily people fell for the covid lie, I now see how truly gullible people are and will jump at worshiping fake Jesus.

FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will try, but God intervenes and destroys the missile attack. Saving the children of "Israel".


FakeJesusComesFirst 6 points ago +7 / -1

can't buy or sell, unless of course you take the mark of the beast.

FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +1 / -0

woo-hoo , love me some downvotes. maybe prove me wrong.

FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +1 / -0

The plan was created eons ago. There are 3 earth ages. The first one was perfect, the way you think it would be. Nations and cities built by us for us. Then Lucifer led a rebellion drawing a third of us into his deception. He wanted to be worshiped as God.

God had a choice, condemn one-third of His children or find a way to pay the price for the rebellion.He destroyed the first earth and called us home for our test.

We are now in the second earth age. We are sent to prove ourselves. God does nothing without a reason. Everything is to bring you to your knees to ask for help.We cannot save ourselves. The penalty for sin is death. Only Satan , as he is now called , is condemned. We are saved by faith. Faith that God paid the price for us by His sacrifice at calvary. Faith comes from God. You have to be seeking Him. Keep seeking and you will find.

God doesn't want any of His children to perish. When Jesus returns , Satan will be bound in prison. Jesus will reign for 1000 years teaching truth. After 6000 years of Satan lying to us about EVERYTHING, we will learn all the truth.

Satan will be loosed after that thousand years as our final test to see who really worships God or Satan. It will be your choice. Sadly many will choose to die with Satan. There is no hell . There is a second death where you will die and no one will ever remember you lived.

The third earth age will be a restoration of the first perfect world that you so desperately seek. We all do.

Americanwisdomseries.com Theseason.org https://www.theseason.org/nt.htm

FakeJesusComesFirst 0 points ago +2 / -2

Two floods. First one to destroy the first earth age. Lucifer's flood , after the rebellion setting up the second ( and current ) earth age. Third earth age comes after the millennium . Noah's flood was local , to remove the tainted blood line of Adam. Only eight were pure bloods.

Remember , we have been lied to since the beginning. The church is no different . That is what the millennium is all about. Teaching and learning.

by robchaw
FakeJesusComesFirst 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ditto. I was 75 , now at 61. Every time it drops below my average I buy more. I think I'm addicted.

FakeJesusComesFirst 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q did say it would be biblical. Might not be a bad idea to see what is coming. Maybe be prepared.

FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0

diabetes cancer obesity liberalism stupidity

FakeJesusComesFirst 3 points ago +3 / -0

When he says (repeatedly) the 144,000 are virgin jews from the twelve tribes of Israel, he shows his ignorance. The jews come from one tribe. The tribe of Judah. The others are in Europe and the US.

They are spiritual virgins who are betrothed to Christ.

FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +5 / -3

so many believe the lie. Good to see that you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Now we celebrate Easter the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox.

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