A dig at Elon and PDJT at the same time.
PDJT and Elon laugh and laugh....
Mathematically impossible to be coincidence.
We're in it frens. Watch, pray, hold the line.
Deep state endgame playing out right now.
Looks to me like a dig at both Elon and PDJT.
Robinette and Kameltoe nowhere to be found.
Perspective a relative size look wrong.
Sentiment echoed. This place has been my information and sanity rock.
Good place to hide her until the time is right.
Grave(s) you say?
I'm very curious as to whether these numbers are verifiable, just estimates, or what...
Amazing sum-up of the affairs of the field.
For all the ridiculous chaos foisted upon good people everywhere by their power hungry governments, there are several countries poised to retake control and impose normalcy and "consequence back onto the table", including the USA, which I personally love the sound of.
One thing is certain: PDJT and the others like him have no illusions about the urgency needed, and are banging on with haste.
Can someone please put this traitor out to pasture, please????
Yep, shocker that the lefties used a made-up story to smear him. 😱😱😱 Kavanaugh, anyone??
Someone needs to get their ass sued off before they realize that slander and libel are probably not a great business model.
Millions, eh? What then of your nation? Call hid bluff, PDJT.
The logistical Challenges alone of sending 'millions' would break him.
Yep, magically.
It's always the sex with the lefties. They run that play everytime. I think the people have seen through it.
Semper Fi, frens!
Elon Musk & Vivek = FU $ and 0 fucks to give.
She can be cell-mates with AZ's rotten governor at Gitmo.
Well why are you there then??
There are no coincidences, and this is probably the scare event.
Why do they always look like this?? I can't stand the eccentricity.
What a time to be alive!
Believe it or not, this is not remotely as egregious as you think. 'Tis common amongst the folk to use the sobrique "congress" when referring only to the House of Representatives, and to refer to the Senate separately.
Getting our country back = the other two
Airsoft gun... BB's/pellets
Too many sauceless and outlandish claims in this thread, frens.
Sounds like DS anti-DOGE shillery....