Excellent stuff. This is exactly what the Lefties are doing right now.
Black eyes, badly done hair color, strange forehead...
This looks like a mask.
Lead balloon. Going nowhere.
Strikes me as ironic, that a president that made everything too expensive to afford is asking for donors to step up more bigly.
Fuck these idiots.
This is not going to play well with The People.
Lefties are scared, and they should be.
Possibly. The open border has also served as the biggest fucking red pill ever.
Lefties are pushing all their chips into the middle of the table. I think they know they can't win now without cheating. They have performed so badly, and The People are disgusted by what they stand for.
They hate this country, they hate accountability, they hate PDJT, and they hate anything that sets us apart from the globohomo order of things.
Do some research on the Jesuit oath.
Where do they get these damned admirals with like, 6 ribbons and an unsat haircut???
Why does her neck look so thick?
If anyone saw the deep-cringe-ad she did recently, where she talked about "talking to folks in these shtreets", how fucking stupid...
The supposed VPUSA talking like a fucking hood rat... Embarrassing.
This is good, OP
Sick of that.
So what....
"POTUS is safe" - Q
Shitpost, indeed! 😄😄😄
What about air conditioning in a tesla....
Oooooh 👀👀
This movie is getting good!
Oh man, absolute top kek on this one fren!
do you know better? 👀
This one is the gift that keeps on giving. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Moar liberal tears, please...
Where are his service ribbons? Even a junior Marine like this Lance Corporal will have one or two...
That photo of him is clearly edited.