FknRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have Mercy on 15th Dimension. Amen.

Blessed is our Lord, both now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

FknRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

The confluence of Capone and Comintern in Chicago continues to corrode our communities.

FknRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same might well be said for the American Revolution. Except the Americans had installed the constitutional “guardrails” of “checks and balances” limiting government. Not so in Paris.

France (Louis XVI) had suffered massive financial losses by supporting the Americans against England without making the gains in the Caribbean they’d hoped for. They claimed no new territory. They’d gambled and lost. Debt crushed them. It brought on a huge political crisis trying to avoid default. The system was unsuitable to address the reversal. Louis was indecisive, his younger brothers had undermined him at Versailles for years, spreading all sorts of fake news about him and his very unpopular (because she was Austrian) wife. Then the weather finished the job. Storms, droughts, bad harvests, starvation and the inability to sufficiently address these crises (because they were broke) combined to precipitate the storming of the Bastille. What subsequently took place in an attempt to create a new utopia from scratch based on Rousseau’s back to nature balderdash descended into “the terror”. Heads rolled.

A lot of those revolutionary ideas sounded really good. Who would oppose “virtue”? Who would oppose “liberty” or “equality” or “fraternity? They’re mutually exclusive, but they make great slogans. Bonaparte found them very useful.

FknRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

The French Revolution is a fascinating study. Maybe not overtly satanic, but they were definitely anti clergy, and indeed anti Christian, worshipping instead “Virtue”. They were dead set against the number 12, and decimalized the clock and calendar. If that’s not diabolical, what is? Lobster Thermidor? Lobsters are out of season in August!

FknRight 1 point ago +2 / -1

What exactly constitutes a wiener sauce attack, Johnny? Does it come with any Kraut? Is it served with relish? Will there be mayo in Virginia? Asking for a friend.

Please note: Utterly tongue in cheek response milked for ridiculous humor, in no way intended to incite anything more than a chuckle, because I’m a chucklehead and that’s truly FknRight afaik. MAGA on.

FknRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

“I Think We’re All Bozos on This Bus”

— Firesign Theatre

Prescient absurdism, layered like baklava.

There are clowns and clones and AI at the “Future Fair”. Well worth a listen.

FknRight 0 points ago +2 / -2

God made tiny molecular high speed reversible electric motors just to propel bacteria, and other cells. That’s an entirely incomprehensible attention to detail, and the motors are in three independent parts that work together, but any one part wouldn’t have any “evolutionary purpose” without the other two interlocking elements of the assembly. It looks exactly like an electric motor on our scale, but it’s made of molecules. Not an accident. And that’s just for a bacterium. What a marvelous creation we’re inhabiting. Truly humbling.

FknRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read “Winter Kills”. The movie is okay, but print is primo.

FknRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read a story about it being sent to King Abgar of Edessa. Here’s a link.


I read somewhere it was secreted within one of the city walls of Edessa until an earthquake ca. 8th century opened the wall. There’s a long-standing connection between Edessa and the Mandylion. (AKA shroud). There are 10th century Icons showing it. It’s the shroud folded in 4ths. The top layer has the face.

Another interesting and related article is the Suderium (face cloth) of Oviedo. The stains match those of the shroud. It’s also mentioned in the Gospel.

One assumes that during the centuries of dispute over that city and area in general Rome (Constantinople) would have seized it to keep it from the Sassanids. There are supposed mentions of it in records from 10th century in Hagia Sophia the Imperial Church at Constantinople. The Franks took it with them (along with much much else) when they left Constantinople in 1250.

And please don’t get too worked up about schisms. If ever there was a time to accent what we believe in common, this is it.

I saw the coolest YouTube video on it, from “spacereinstitute” whatever that is. It’s Italian, but dubbed to English, and has the most astounding image analysis I’ve seen in the 10 years I’ve been investigating this stuff. Sorry, but I’m unable to figure out how to give a link, but search for spacereinstitute, it’s an hour well spent.

FknRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

Encountered this exact thing in a “trading post” for Native American handcrafts. Identical items marked with massively different price tags.

The proprietor told me “Some people like to pay more”. Maybe they thought the expensive ones were “real” .

FknRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

She was critical in preventing exposure, so kinda poetic justice? Loretta Fuddy was also a member of Subud. There’s an interesting trail to follow. It’s an Indonesian Muslim spinoff cult, allegedly a cutout for a 3 letter intel agency, with a charismatic leader who looks exactly like Barry O. Their protocol is to name change and sheep dip new members.

Curiously ‘Roger’ (was Jim) Mcguinn of The Byrds was a member. More Laurel Canyon curious connections?

Everything is fake including, or especially the whole ‘60s psychedelic music counter culture. Some catchy tunes, but we’d have been better off without it. There was already folk music, and R&B, and Swing music, even Rockabilly. Kammy is pretty fake, not even American, but she’s not Barry, or Big Mike level fake.

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