FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean..... technically it's not wrong


FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, Trump settled the law suit. I do remember that, Trump uses the excuse that the settlement had no admission of guilt. It also seems that Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally but released without charges, which still doesn't look good.

There isn't any real defense against the accusations you mentioned. I'll be completely honest, i'm so far down the rabbit hole I believe Trump has been a whitehat since birth (he went to Kew Forest school) and he deliberately did edgy and slightly racist stuff like the Central Park 5 ads so the media would take the bait in the future, it's the perfect trap to make them call him racist for wanting strong borders, then the establishment looks far worse when the real reason for wanting open borders is revealed (trafficking). We're not supposed to be able to defend his past, It's a Psyop we're supposed to let run it's course that ends up perfectly baiting the media and aiding The Great Awakening.

For example Trump's associations with Epstein, We know Trump was part of the Q team for ages and knew about Epstein, why did he associate with him? Rather than the left ignoring Epstein, Trump's link helps bait the left into digging into Epstein's list and trying to accuse Trump of stuff, and they become more open to the idea of pizzagate. Sewing the seeds and mentally preparing them for future Declas.

And why did Trump kind of call Mexican illegal immigrants rapists? He was partially right, that many illegal immigrants where from criminal gangs etc. What he said can be equally interpreted both ways and divided people into defending him and accusing him, Trump could've easily said something else like "Some of them are criminals and rapists" which is factually correct and the Media wouldn't be able to criticize him for it, but he chose to be deliberately vague and bait people into calling him racist (partially justified). For the intended PsyOp affect of exposing the cabal long into the future.

FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

The only one i think i can combat is the renting. The media twist it as though he was discriminating against black folks, but in reality he was just discriminating against people on welfare which is legal and literally the majority of landlords still do that to this day, I'm in the UK and when you look at places to rent, like 70% of them will say "No people on benefits allowed to apply". It just happens that welfare recipients are disproportionately black people.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy Moly, another shooting connection to add to the mega graphic, we shouldn't be surprised that a Whitehat event for the Greatest MOVIE, has this many sophisticated proofs, 4 of which are from the same Q drop. Man it feels like Christmas every week.

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Forcing John McCain to end his life was one of the best Q proofs of all time, do you think that was legal or by the book? No way the military telling someone to commit suicide on a specific date or we'll release ur blackmail files and expose your treason is legal. As Q summarized "He did not depart on his own terms", Thus Q probably made a deal with him, he was likely involved in trafficking, which meant all of his assets could be seized and his family would lose everything. But Q offered him a deal to save face, Commit suicide on a certain date, and make the family put the correct minute on his death announcement to fulfill the Q proof.

Because Q said they must offer deals otherwise 70% of politicians would go to prison, and the public cannot handle that level of corruption being exposed. Q predicted Senator Feinstein's "death" too.

Scavino also predicted Trump's Mara-lago raid, therefore the entire legal which hunt against Trump is orchestrated by Q. We know 80% of this War is real, but perhaps 20%+ is events that must be Orchestrated PERFECTLY to wake up the masses, therefore Q needs to run it.

An Anon on 4chan asked a very good question, in regards to if the Assassination attempt was staged, as I agree, it does feel quite deceptive knowing the deepstate was not responsible for this, and i'm supposed to lie to my friends and family and use the redpills provided by Q of the secret service failing to protect Trump etc. - Anon asked if there will ever be full disclosure of which events are faked by Q and which are real, to that i say the Q drops ARE the disclosure. When 95% of Normies wake up, they will be open to Q and see behind the scenes as we are today, and understand why it was a necessary part of the Movie. Q is being fully transparent with us, They predicted the EXACT minute of this shooting (scroll down), they told us they control Biden. They have been FULLY transparent this whole time, they had no obligation to let us see behind the curtain this far, it may even hurt their optics if we act stupid and tell people "Hey look Q faked this shit" but they trust us to handle it which demonstrates their sheer commitment to truth and disclosure.

All the world's a stage.


The MOVIE wakes up the World.

FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember the Fight, Fight, Fight Q prediction, Not sure if you've seen it yet, but take a wild guess at the EXACT minute Trump got shot............ 6:11 pm. I'm working on some huge Q graphics and will post soon.

6:11 pm on 7/13/24

6 + 11 = 17

7+1+3+2+4 = 17

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only 20 upvotes for Q predicting the EXACT freaking minute Trump got shot as well as Q saying Fight, Fight, Fight under Trump raising his fist. I was at work and made the 6:11 connection too a few days ago and have been digging ever since. Good find, i'm gonna make some mega Q proof graphics and a thread about it soon. That single Q drop contained about 4 Proofs, this has been a hell of a week to remember, exactly as the Q drop says.

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very well written OP, you've given the situation the respect and caution it deserves, while encouraging us to never rule out anything.

Not only did Q predict Fight, Fight, Fight with Trump raising his fist, and July 14 linked to Shot heard round the world, but they predicted the EXACT minute Trump got shot.

That Q proof was hidden in the Hunter Biden Gun Q proof we all saw last month, AND THEN it contains 2 more Q proofs, the Blackout Necessary = Crowdstrike Cyber outages, and predicts Biden being replaced by Kamala. (Upside down gun says Dark to Light, turn the post the right way up as Q intends, it becomes Light to Dark....... Biden to Kamala, Friggin' Top Kek lmao)

Trump shot @ 6:11 on 7/13/24

6 + 11 = 17

7+1+3+2+4 = 17

Tell me you're a whitehat actor without telling me you're a whitehat actor.

So if Q faked this, then of course that means no one was hurt, and there were no bullets. We're talking about HUNDREDS of people minimum needing to be in on it, all the cops and SS too of course. If the death and injuries in the crowds were faked, then you'd need 20 or 30 people surrounding each of them to be in on it blocking the view as fake blood is put on them. Notice there is NOT a single piece of footage showing Trump's ear as he got shot, That would be hard to fake and people could catch the CGI, there's crappy phone footage behind Trump as he gets shot, but too low quality to see his ear. There is Crystal Clear footage that would've showed his ear being shot, but the video mysteriously cuts. No footage of Crooks being shot despite people filming him before & after. Notice there is NO footage showing any serious injury for both the shooter and the victim, only blood. You can't even see a bullet hole on the dead shooter: Graphic NSFW And here is the victim in the crowd. But this close up of Trump's ear does show a convincing injury/deformation. My opinion is that, before the SS put the fake blood on him, they used some kind of glue maybe, that dried in seconds pressing some folds of his ear together to make it look deformed.

However, the famous picture of the bullet passing behind Trump is hard to fake because again, there are too many VFX experts that potentially could debunk the photo if it was manipulated and the bullet added in. The lighting angle on the bullet streak has to be PERFECT, So my theory is there was 1 real bullet that got fired, that one. Perhaps fired out the window from the building next to crook's position, passing by 3 feet away from Trump's head, up and to the side, giving the illusion it was right next to his head, then passes safely over the crowd and into the grass. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to intentionally photograph the bullet as it went past, you'd have to snap the pic at the exact millisecond, so i believe, an expert marksman fired that bullet, with an electronic sensor on the gun that remotely controlled the camera to take the pic at the right time, the Photographer just had to aim at Trump.


FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, i think we should be very cautious since "Oversight Project" is the source for the cellphone data, and they are run by the Heritage Foundation responsible for Project 2025 which is being used to make Trump & Republicans look bad.

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very good find Anon, however Q usually uses DC local time for proofs, which is currently EDT, that proof is using EST, but still good find and no doubt Q is behind her meeting justice anyway.

FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Went to that place on google street view, took 5 seconds to find a pedo swirl, not surprising in Washington DC

FlyingScotzman 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Crisis" coming soon, Whoops the Ohio train crash poisoned all the farms, we gotta shut them down, Food shortages, RIP the world economy, Sorry fellow citizens, Now is not the time for an election we need to delay it and deal with this crisis.

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