FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh but writing a mandate and making the companies look like they are conducting themselves illegally is out of the question for this crisis.

FrogFog 10 points ago +10 / -0

It could be a trans-plant but I'm not a horticulturalist.

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to hodl and bounce my way to the bank like randy marsh

FrogFog 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd like to agree with the majority of this. Ive also come to believe Jesus was white and white people are descendents and the chosen people of God. From biblical accounts Noah at birth was a concern for his father lamech because he thought it couldn't be his son (my guess is that his skin color wasn't right, but timing also didn't make sense and suggested his wife cheated) however his grandfather Enoch said he was to raise him as his own son.

There isn't any solid description of Jesus and I think this was intentional. There is how ever a description of David, 1 Samuel 16:12 | And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he

FrogFog 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm thinking they will wait to the very end to announce it so they can get other stuff done before stuff goes crazy over the decision. I think it's before July 4th but probably at the end of June on the 29th

FrogFog 2 points ago +2 / -0

This what I'm saying, don't use the internet, don't go to gyms. Just freaking go out and start a conversation! Malls we're my first stomping grounds but I moved it to targets once they went out of fashion. Tons of women shop there and I would often just ask them for some silly help finding something and asking about their day. Been with my lady for 13+ years but we met because she was friends with another chick I knew who could get a lot of weed and I needed a pound to supply myself and some buddies and my lady ended up in the back seat of my car this particular night and has been in my bed since. We are finally getting married and starting a family soon.

FrogFog 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was very enjoyable with intriguing comms. You can skip the batman with Pattinson unless you enjoy being told conspiracy theorists are evil villains like the "riddler" which I feel was a stab at how Q uses questions in many of his posts.

by FrogFog
FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry I deleted the post because I'm a dumb dumb and can't figure out how to unreffer a link as people seem to expect. But this family life is not what I expected.

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most definitely. This could also be a means for ultimately removing these toxins from our diets so people can think more objectively

FrogFog 7 points ago +7 / -0

Step 1: baby formula shortage Step 2: school lunches Step 3: adults going to grocery stores realize nothing is left and what is available is expensive Step 4: everyone patience has run out. It's hot. Race riots will be instigated to pit us against each other. Step 5: gun violence occurs Step 6: government claims to have a solution for the problems they created. They will begin civilian disarmament for our protection. Step 7: ship food rations to people's doors, it's all poisonous but it will taste good at first and then quality will rapidly decline so people can see what socialism represents.

Other possibilities include using insect vectors to infect heirloom crops crushing any homesteading resistance and force all to rely on the system. Possibly their crops are already gmo to resist insect vectors to guarantee they are the only ones to provide for the vulgar and profane.

FrogFog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aka socialism

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this could happen to the president, it could happen to ANYONE!

FrogFog 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why do the same people who believe in climate change think a good solution is to colonize space? If driving your cars is bad, how many rockets will it take to send a substantial amount of humans to space and the fuel required? Furthermore if other planets have no inhabitable atmosphere and terraforming is required why wouldnt you fix the problems on earth. this stuff makes my head hurt.

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always wanted to put Obama on a penny because it's essentially worthless hope.

FrogFog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Light and fluffy, specifically I use MCT oil because it's more refined and liquid at room temperature.

Didn't know avocado oil was a thing and may give that a try but I have little reason to use anything else. I try using MCT oil in everything due to it's ketone benefits and from what I discovered the movie theater popcorn uses coconut oil (probably MCT) with coloring and butter flavor.

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven't tested any heirloom popcorn yet but I'm excited to eventually try them as I hear they are significantly tastier than the Orville redenbachers

FrogFog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I prefer the good ol "whirlypop" or if you want a higher end stainless steel version the "stovepop". This is hands down the best method I've tried from all my popcorn tests. The only negative is having to crank for 4 min but it's well worth it. I have a few recepies I do but..

Movie night popcorn : 1Tbs coconut oil + 3Tbs kernels, once popped I quickly pour in a large bowl and add flavacol

Healthy pop: same as above but top with fresh crushed Himalayan and sometimes some fresh crushed black pepper

Dessert popcorn (kettle corn): 1tbs coconut oil + 1tbs real butter (any that comes in aluminum foil, not wax) +2tba sugar + 3tbs kernels (once I pour in a bowl I light salt with crushed Himalayan salt. I like the juxtaposition and think it's accurate but mys significant other dislikes it and I sometimes omit it)

As a added bonus stovepops are good for roasting a LB of green coffee beans for the best tasting coffee you have ever had.

FrogFog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh cool so would you verify every Linux line of code to make sure that an entity with unlimited amounts of cash and evil at hand didn't include any nefarious code? Yeah didn't think so. If you don't want to be tracked on a computer, don't use computers. With that in mind know that everything you do most definitely can be tracked if a target is on you and trying to obfuscate yourself just prompts a red flag. Just fit in with the sheep and your better off.

FrogFog 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't find it

FrogFog 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep I've suspected that most of the shows are in fact funded by the government. I think they offer incentives for including various propaganda that they themselves don't fully understand but hey if I got tons of money for making a joke including climate change then I will do it. Ratings don't matter because I have a safety cushion. People will laugh with the laugh track anyway.

FrogFog 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems to me we are at the door of the airplane and haven't jumped yet but once we do it will be incredibly fast decent (for the cabal) and a ripcord will guide us (the people) down to safety.

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