My mom got the first moderna this weekend... fear induced her.
I may lose both my parents and youngest sister.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Lol at all those teethers. Very cute.
Not willingly. Very reluctantly and begrudgingly.
It's depressing. you've been waiting longer than I have been alive.
Babies are awesome.
Toddlers are heckin scary.
Both are cute. Have fun!
Hard to upvote this stuff. Little baby paid the ultimate price for their willfull ignorance.
Maybe they are filling seats with illegal assholes airbusing them on our dime.
Thanks for the sauce. Knew the jist but not the scope of this horror.
Yeah. Nation needs a hard reset in every category.
I've had better nurses than doctors most times. They are the ones who care for you and take time to get to know you.
It's important. Covid woke a lot of us up to the corruption of big pharma.
I was awake to government corruption prior. But my trust in the medical establishment is at an all time low.
Two of my kids are vaccinated. Not for everything though.
Just the tdap and mmr.
Haven't gone in for our newest. She's very healthy and growing. My trust in doctors is very low nowadays.
Awe dang it. My autism read the wrong thing.
I was thinking of the Stoneman shooting in Florida. Their student was Peter Wang.
Sorry OP. Not much sleep last night. I should read more carefully before posting.
It has been used the same as every mass shooting as a push for gun control.
Friends of my family were the music teachers of one young man who propped the door open for younger students to escape.
He was killed. They attended his funeral and memorial. It broke their hearts.
Sandy Hook happened.
Easy. Only buy two labels on their brand. Now to be none.
If that yellowbellied shitnosed faggot dies from vaccine side effects SC will be a lot better off.
Yep. Glad you got a good employer though!
Maybe she could find a nice holistic type practice? Also had a lady at our church in MO that left nursing to become a doula.
Yep. They did the Pedophile parade. Disgusting
Always thought a dingleberry was a turd that refused to fall off/flush.
Scientifically Accurate imo.
Sorry to say I understand how you feel... lost our second.
He looked worse when He paid for our sins. Even the petty ones.
Vandalism included.
If there ever was a place to drop a bomb that would bring about world peace this would be it.
Lindsey is aids.