G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of countries have complained about the US and / or the CIA being involved in causing turmoil and wars. It looks like it won't be long before the real troublemakers are exposed.

G45Colt 12 points ago +12 / -0

We all know the vax is a source of many suddens and turbos. However, the rise in colon cancer could also shed light on the nature of colon cancer. What if the main source / culprit of colon cancer was introduced into the food supply many years ago? I just think there's more to this than we've been led to believe.

G45Colt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought about modifying the meme to say Uniparty, but figured most of us know that.

G45Colt 3 points ago +3 / -0

This article just proves they are still trying to shape the narrative and distract people from what the demon party is doing. People care about things like jobs, crime, border security, taxes, corruption (there are quite a few Dem voters who have some personal integrity), etc.

Instead, the numbers suggest that the fury is at least partly fueled by the Democratic base’s dissatisfaction with congressional leadership’s relatively conciliatory approach to Trump this time around, and their inability to stop him.

G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

She would probably be a fun girl if she wasn't evil and corrupt.

And being reminded of horses wasn't a turn off.

G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

The leaders of many European countries come from the same royal families. I don't know all the historical lineages, but there's bit's of evidence scattered throughout their history.

G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. But there could also be a handful of planes. Not very many, but as many as could be built in secret without drawing attention to the funding.

Wouldn't it be a riot if they funded it through USAID?

G45Colt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't buy it. The battle pics I've seen where it was a head shot don't confirm it.

G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting and not surprising.

I admit it wasn't until the Q drops and anons digging into the history of certain family lines that it clicked with me how Switzerland was able to avoid being destroyed by war. Before that it was always a historical oddity that they managed to stay neutral in spite of all the activities going on around them, along with the popular excuse about being well armed and too mountainous to conquer.

G45Colt 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as it comes out of her own pocket, okay. I still feel she got off pretty easy.

G45Colt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good stuff Fester.

I don't normally care for anything pro wrestling, but that meme works.

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