GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you break this down for me, a bit confused.

So if WW2 was a massacre or Christian’s, which I believe it was through the war on ALL sides, young fighting aged men of their respective country, ripped from their homelands…

doesn’t that put leaders like Adolf Hitler on the controlled opposition/bloodline family side as Q has suggested to us?

As in, he wasn’t killing so many Jews, yet ends up dragging us into the war, and then after it becomes all about the Jews and Israel? Isn’t that what the bloodline families and the Jews want? Even if they did lose some Jews to this plan doesn’t the ends justify the means for them?

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand what you’re saying, but there’s no other word to use. Geo-engineering, cloud seeding, whatever they are doing it’s happening and more public figures are talking about it as the Great awakening marches on, much like any other topic.

They are poisoning us in every direction, one of those being the sky. Blanketed and covered in a veil. Especially here on the East Coast.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

No, not every jet liner is doing it. Not every passenger plane is doing it. Heck they even spray from the ground, from the sea, however it’s being done something is being done. Again I’m not sure what you’re getting at and I don’t wish to continue trying to prove it here, I think the video should speak for itself, as it’s just another topic Tucker covers who happens to be in the midst of covering everything we are about, and is in the center of the media Storm of censorship disinfo misinfo etc.

No way to know for certain if Elon, Tucker, et all, heck I’d even go as far and say Trump or Q from a logical standpoint, we can’t trust anyone.

GQD_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

“Legitimately smart and interesting” except for her views on government controlled weather modification! Not that part! Stop noticing things Danica!

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

There you have it folks, don’t notice things around you and won’t end up falling for silly conspiracy theories!

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dang, Tucker should have YOU on his show!

Case closed! No more questions folks! Look over here ALIENS!

GQD_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

NOTICEABLY down…. Exactly.

The thick clean air on nights after a REAL storm passed with the round blooming natural clouds…. SURREAL….

GQD_ 4 points ago +5 / -1

I’ve just read it all. Maybe I misread.

It seems the majority of the post is you saying “here’s what they say they are doing and here’s why it can’t be happening”

The majority of my post is tldr Tucker Carlson posted the video, he doesn’t make claim either way what the guest is saying, but I suppose the whole point of his show is letting people make this fringe claims and not being told they can’t say these things.

I think it’s really telling at the end how he says


He is essentially saying no you’re not a conspiracy theorist, you’re just looking at your environment and noticing.

GQD_ 7 points ago +8 / -1

Can I just ask a couple questions as I’ve been confronted here on this hot topic a few times…

Why are you asking anons to prove without a shadow of a doubt that chemtrails are real?

This is a thread where an anon posted a video of Tucker Carlson. In fact this site is my only source of news, I wouldn’t have seen it elsewhere. I don’t follow people on YouTube or X etc.

Again, Tucker is posted here all the time, and it’s pretty obvious here he is being slick in his words and almost agreeing with what she says with questions.

For example the way he pauses her and says “wait so what are chemtrails?” In his questioning voice.

She says the whole “well that’s a little deep” and he chuckles “well hey most of these conspiracy’s turn out to be true!”

Then he completely throws away this act as he agrees with her. As she describes seeing the X and the clouds he says “YES!” not “huh? What?” Or “contrails you mean?”

Then the ultimate wink and nod that he knows exactly what she is talking about, and perhaps even knows to be true.

“I don’t think people look at the sky anymore…. I think people are looking at their iPhones so they don’t notice…” then laughs as he says people aren’t stargazing.

So reading in between the lines what is he implying? SHOULD people be looking at the sky? If so looking for WHAT? What does he think they are MISSING?

THEN he says how did you get into that? “Like NOTICING THINGS AROUND YOU AND WONDERING WHAT THEY ARE?”

So my questions are, should we be discussing if Tucker is a shill? Should we be discussing why Tucker shouldn’t entertain this or is wrong because we can’t prove it here? Should we NOT post Tucker who seems to be hitting all types of fringe conspiracy ideas as of late?

When the Govt was going UFO crazy I believe TUCKER made some VERY FRINGE and intriguing episodes that circulated here heavily.

I don’t remember ever seeing a mod post and then arguing over wether or not it could be PROVEN, wether or not alien tech could be proven.

So why can’t we post and discuss Tucker on weather mods but we can talk anything else Tucker, aliens, religion, I believe he even touched on some nephilim stuff with Barr etc…..

GQD_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is just one creepy invasive way. Sure there’s worse like live mics and cams, location tracking, but this could and is used nefariously.

Particularly in issues of race baiting, anti police, politics, policy, just creating general irate angry and irrational emotions.

I mean I see what you’re saying, but there are clearly so many holes in this argument that certainly make it not a nothingburg that I wouldn’t be so quick to go full bold and fire emojis..

GQD_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had a conversation with Meta AI about just this!

Got it to chatting about the time FaceBook manipulated people unknowingly into having a “Happy” and “Sad” feed and see how it effected them.

Sure enough they began to see those with Happy feeds living normal lives, while those with injected Sad feeds began to delve into negativity and depression.

Strangely enough they never followed up on any of these people, disclosed to who they manipulated, or even tracked the numbers on experimented individuals at ALL!

I essentially got it to admit that because it could not tally this number it had no idea how many people were effected or in what way, or even if millions died as a result, making it comparable, or even worse to a holocaust! Kek

GQD_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree F the Rothschild Israel and their puppet Adolf & his NWO Nazis!

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

“but with the election looming in November it’s something I don’t feel I have the luxury to ignore.”

This guy really analyzes and goes over tiny details, like the absence of Q, and him coming back to suspicious anons and vocal Q adherents who filled the void.

Like REALLY analyzes the whole thing.

(Perhaps the author misses the point, Q is not our messiah, and WE are the news now. Maybe Qs absence worked in their favor? Maybe as Q specifically told us do NOT mistake silence for INACTION, and that Silence is Golden)

They’ve spent COUNTLESS man hours (time is money), production, articles, segments, docu series, movies, BIG TIME ENERGY AND MONEY….






GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn could have been a pay out. Apparently Walmart is eager to do huge settlements to get people out of their faces.

The one I know here, someone had an empty pallet about a centimeter off the floor, a lady comes over puts her hand on the jack and leans into it.

Needles to say the pallet and her go tumbling over and they just dropped 2 mil on her to shut her up.

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

While it’s a great find, and the search does bring up a good post with teeth, I’ve noticed this is a new thing qalerts.app is doing with like searchable terms and tags.

It works out great because it lets you search for photos and context in the drop that isn’t worded.

However it’s worth noting the word “TEETH” doesn’t appear to come up in any post itself, but the tag does bring us this meme.

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Crazy these demonic entities and their puppet militaries want to kill everyone of us, want to literally track our service members and slaughter them in their sleep if they could, wreak havoc on the daily and enslave us…

And right now US scientists are in China and Ukraine HELPING them create BIO-WEAPONS!

And WE the tax payers are funding it all! $$$

Who has to be eradicated to end the endless madness?

GQD_ 9 points ago +9 / -0

Only question in my mind… It’s going DOWN? I’m yellin TIMBER??

Edit: Oh wow then the JFK R safe “flight” connection? And is it me or is he purposefully saying “safe… fLIGHT” ?

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anyone realize how self driving driverless cars went from

“Psh yeah! Those will never be on the roads!”

To driverless Uber, electric vehicles, etc overnight?

If I were a cart-boy I’d be shopping around for a new career soon. In fact a few big box stores have already created and tested such a system! Self parking, but more importantly it will drive you right to products on your digital list. Kek.

GQD_ 13 points ago +13 / -0

Never know. Is the theatre building more and more each day leading to the final precipice moment? Is it End Game?

Cmon now, First Russia/Ukraine “Europe” where they tried desperately to make every picture look like it was straight out of Normandy….

To Middle Eastern war…. Israel VS Hamas/Iran & the world

To now the hot China asshoe war?

“Cmon guyz do a World War then… OOPSIE a little social unrest & Civil War…. Sprinkle some Pandemic global WHO treaty lockdowns!”

I’ve seen this before, didn’t they try this already?

GQD_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Used to enjoy that show, but recently those two main characters irk me.

They were in a commercial recently for some cable or internet thing with pedo Mamoa

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what are you saying you would stand with Hitler rather than Q+?

If that’s the case, this is not the board for you.

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