First, realize that a lot of good men (and women0 have told companies to go to hell, lost thier jobs, strained thier relations (or lost them completely), went broke, and some even died for what they believe in. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!!! So Put on your big boy panties and man up!!! The only way I would go about it is:"a letter to them" Dear Sirs: Our correspondence should be enough evidence that if I were to take the jab, I would get the job. Since according to your current federal contract, there are no written guidance stating I have to be jabbed (havent even been written yet). If you do not hire me you will be the defendant in a multi-million discrimination suit.
Good or bad, i carry a .45 hollow point around with me. When a nurse or a dr. want to do ANYTHING to me, I pull out the bullitt and tell them "right after you put this in the back of my head...makes them think...which they probably haven't done in years!
Just get a laywer to write them a letter telling them, since there is no legal basis for this action, and the science is of an opposition to it, that after you get fired you are heading straight to the laywers office to sign a multi-million dollar lawsuit against them....worked for me! (well, the third company)
Understand, and I am sorry for you and all in this situation. A question: Why do you need a lawyer? Havent you seen that a lot of successful cases are pro se (on ones own). Attorneys came up with the saying "a fool represents himself!"
My 2 cents worth: The DS and all black hats, with all they have done to patriots and the Lord himself, they have poked the warriors and shook thier finger in God' face, they better pray and repent. when the Lord decides, they will face ultimate judgement, one way or another.
I have a different take on this than everyone else. I work in construction, and have lost 2 jobs out of the last dozen (they usually last 2 or 3 weeks), this stategy has helped me on 2 of them. Whether your situation is because of a "mandate" or a ceo, let the company know that you request a religious exemption, and tell them if they do not grant one, because this is against the law (many court rulings) your attorney plans on filing a 5 mil. dollar lawsuit for wrongful termination, which by the previous court rulings has a very good chance of succeeding.
JFK Jr. is alive... I have seen to many photos to believe otherwise. There has been some videos on it, and dis-information too, at the same time: All the conversations about the Jr. not being used after his fathers death is just preference. I choose to always use Jr. even though my father passed about 10 years ago. There is no rule "that i know of" that sais the Jr. should be dropped. Many guys i know still use it in thier name for rememberance.
NO! The point of the post, is I am just turning my focus from 100% sheep, to those who have started the red-pill journey. I am getting tired of the normies fighting me. I have not left my battle station, I have just smartened up, and realized there are some I cannot help, though i will try.
No, havn't got that reply. The friends that still talk to me, go out of thier way to point out something that I am wrong about. Even such a little thing as I pointed out the "secret service detail guarding Biden" looked like it was a "volunteer detail", I had people bringing pictures from the 70's showing that was not unusual.
My 2 cents. I was a member of a millwright union for 7 years, and I continue working in that field for 9+years, so ive seen both sides. I hate union politics, and the leadership vampiring off of thier members.To be objective though: Pros: The ONLY things that unions started out doing correct is collective barganing, It must be done by those elected by the workers, and the strike laws are screwed as hell. Every other reason, IMHO, is either not needed in a voluntary labor system, or has been shifted against the worker by the union leadership and the government. The fore-runner of the United Mine Workers (the redknecks), was such a good idea that Roosevelt had to send U.S. troops to shoot them!
I started to do a little reseach along the lines you take...but what got me was the amount of electric a 5G tower consumes.