Juan o larpin
uno reverse
ok... so what do these people have in common. its literally the identifying the thesis. this shit doesnt come out of thin air
ok, what else do these victims have in common
this is the most confused virtue signal ad yet
fact check:
mostly true
the background is of SF city hall ( civic center)
Lula is going to win by 1.3%
what a surprise!
cancelling elections somehow. if not, tank the economy in march
pretty lazy. why didnt they take the rest or at least cut the other ends off
Joe is gonna say it and everyone is gonna lose it
ah, donnalda drumpa, from Bulgaria
they have not given up on ny and Penn. you can tell because all of their sports teams keep winning.. shit teams keep winning, especially in Penn
they have given up on az, lake is either an asset or they dont have control... you can tell because lake is on cnn.. also watch Az's football team lose tonight
he has a van to prove it
this guy fux
right around the time WSB was started
they would just cancel elections/ postpone
try r/politcs
we beat Pharma. why is fighting
the media is there to incite you
the signal was the last few days of " how the election could be stolen" talk
have you bought his book yet