GhostOfSinwar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't it Jews who created the modern CCP?

GhostOfSinwar -1 points ago +2 / -3

Honestly, who cares at this point? Get all of the IDF people in one room and all the Hamas people in another, bomb them both, rebrand Israel and Jesusland and kick the Jews and Muslims out.

GhostOfSinwar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Khameni has been dying of the same heart attack for 20 years. It'll be fun to watch him die knowing his regime is about to crumble.

GhostOfSinwar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lost me immediately when the poster credited Abner Doubleday with the invention of baseball. It's Alex Cartwright. Honestly, for every valid conspiracy, there's always some "her der birds are not real earth is flat" complete retard who has to say the stupidest shit for clicks.

GhostOfSinwar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sure, if by "Victory" Zelenskyy means "I basically wiped out most of the male population of the Ukraine on a pointless proxy war, failed to get into NATO, suspended democratic elections, lost the support of my pay pig because I was a petulant little man child, and, oh yeah, failed to get any security assurances or a mineral deal in a 30 day ceasefire agreement." Great win there, chief.

GhostOfSinwar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well duh, Ukraine is their gravy train. The more death and destruction they can inflict, the more money they can get under the ugly guise of "PUTIN BAD"

GhostOfSinwar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Imagine using that impulsive "do it NOW" strategy during the Battle of Bunker Hill. If Prescott had permitted his troops to start shooting willfully instead of holding what limited gunpowder they had until they could inflict more damage, then the Colonies would not have gained significant credibility and momentum in their fight for independence. Sure, it was a strategic victory for the British army, but they lost more men and basically had to revamp their battle strategy, something that they never fully recovered from.

Point is, OP, that for as shitty as it is that it's taking this long, short term satisfaction will not result in long term safety and justice. If they act on this too early, what's to stop the Deep State from committing another 9/11 style attack to disrupt everything and basically plunge the world into a full scale kinetic war? What's to stop a bad actor from deploying Antifa to counter this in a bloody revolution that makes the Summer of Love look like a sit-in?

It's like that Rick and Morty episode where Rick is trying to convince all the NPCs in the Roy game that they are all Morty and they have to leave the video game world. He pulls the trigger too quickly, and instead of getting a fully willing population to leave, a full scale holy war erupts which results in violence and destruction

You may say "Fuck waiting, fuck the nations that fall as a result of this", but if that happens, would you live with yourself if revealing the list too early resulted in the deaths of innocent people by corrupt powers that triggered a nuclear option?

Think before you talk shit.

GhostOfSinwar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since when is Aaron Rupar viewed as a legitimate source?

GhostOfSinwar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reagan wasn't tapped because the Deep State nearly assassinated him. You think John Hinckley Jr. did what he did because he had a crush on Jodie Foster? Bullshit, Bush Sr. put Hinckley up to it. It was a threat, and Reagan fell in line. Guarantee you that had Reagan not been shot, the Q plan would have gone forward earlier.

GhostOfSinwar 52 points ago +52 / -0

The only people who have sympathy for that dipshit are the people who profit from the money laundering through Ukraine, the nevertrumpers, and the NPCs with the ukrainian flags in their social media profiles. Everyone else saw him for what he was, a spoiled little child who had been enabled by the previous administration, run by a man who didn't know where or who he was half the time. As far as I'm concerned, that reaction by the ambassador of Ukraine summed it up perfectly. He fucked it up royally, and, like that scene in Love Actually, got his ass handed to him by his hosts who had had enough of his bullshit. Oh and could someone tell that prick to wear a fucking suit? If his bitch wife can buy fancy dresses on our dime then he should be forced to wear a fucking suit.

GhostOfSinwar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Is it Chris Kluwe? Yes, yes it is. No shock there. Dude was a raging fag loving lib during his playing days,

GhostOfSinwar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kevin Alfred Strom? As in the guy who was arrested for holding kiddie porn?

GhostOfSinwar 8 points ago +8 / -0

Brown, Newsom, Getty, Pelosi.

As in Jerry Brown, the two time governor of California

As in Gavin Newsom, the governor of California

As in the Getty Oil Getty family, the only one of those dirty skunks who didn't get into politics. Also Aileen Getty happens to be a benefactor of the "Just Stop Oil" protests.

As in Pelosi, San Fran Nan, who we all know and despise.

GhostOfSinwar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't the Talmudic Jews essentially make Rabbi Schneerson the mosaich in order to circumvent this?

GhostOfSinwar 10 points ago +10 / -0

And I thought George Bush was king of the false flags. As far as I'm concerned, let Netanyahu fight his own damn war, Leave us out of it. You can't play nice in the sandbox, we don't feel obligated to be your pay pig.

GhostOfSinwar 2 points ago +2 / -0

As long as the Left has their strongholds in NYC, Albany, Buffalo, and Long Island, the state will remain deep blue. And as long as those strongholds stay blue, rampant electoral fraud will be swept under the rug. Nothing short of a coup would save New York, and we all know Hochul would cream her panties to arrest Republican dissidents.

GhostOfSinwar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatcha gonna do, Raskin, have your brownshirts storm the Capitol? Precedent's a real bitch, isn't it?

GhostOfSinwar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something something puppet strings? Certainly didn't feel that way when he was indicted for taking bribes from Turkey. Hopefully he gets primaried and a Republican with a spine exposes how corrupt NYC politics is.

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